
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::HighlightMapGenerator

This cube map generator produces a specular highlight map.


Public Methods

[more] HighlightMapGenerator( const osg::Vec3 &light_direction, const osg::Vec4 &light_color, float specular_exponent, int texture_size = 64)
[more] HighlightMapGenerator(const HighlightMapGenerator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more]inline osg::Vec4 compute_color(const osg::Vec3 &R) const

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~HighlightMapGenerator()
[more]HighlightMapGenerator& operator=(const HighlightMapGenerator &)
[more]inline virtual osg::Vec4 compute_color(const osg::Vec3 &R) const

Inherited from CubeMapGenerator:

Public Methods

ovoid generateMap(bool use_osg_system = true)
oinline osg::Image* getImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::Face face)
oinline const osg::Image* getImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::Face face) const
oinline void set_pixel(int index, int c, int r, const osg::Vec4 &color)
oinline osg::Vec4 vector_to_color(const osg::Vec3 &vec)

Protected Methods

oinline static osg::Vec4 vector_to_color(const osg::Vec3 &vec)


This cube map generator produces a specular highlight map. The vector-color association is: C = (R dot (-L)) ^ n, where C is the resulting color, R is the reflection vector, L is the light direction and n is the specular exponent.
o HighlightMapGenerator( const osg::Vec3 &light_direction, const osg::Vec4 &light_color, float specular_exponent, int texture_size = 64)

o HighlightMapGenerator(const HighlightMapGenerator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

ovirtual ~HighlightMapGenerator()

oHighlightMapGenerator& operator=(const HighlightMapGenerator &)

oinline virtual osg::Vec4 compute_color(const osg::Vec3 &R) const

oinline osg::Vec4 compute_color(const osg::Vec3 &R) const

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