


yaz-proxy -- The YAZ toolkit's transparent Z39.50 proxy


yaz-proxy [-a filename] [-c num] [-v level] [-t target] [-u auth] [-o level] [-i seconds] {host:port}


The proxy runs stand-alone (not from inetd). The host:port argument specifies host address to listen to, and the port to listen on. Use the host @ to listen for connections coming from any address.


-a filename

Specifies the name of a file to which to write a log of the APDUs (protocol packets) that pass through the proxy. The special filename - may be used to indicate standard output.

-c num

Specifies the maximum number of connections to be cached [default 50].

-v level

Sets the logging level. level is a comma-separated list of members of the set {fatal,debug,warn,log,malloc,all,none}.

-t target

Specifies the default backend target to use when a client connects that does not explicitly specify a target in its initRequest.

-u auth

Specifies authentication info to be sent to the backend target. This is useful if you happen to have an internal target that requires authentication, or if the client software does not allow you to set it.

-o level

Sets level for optimization. Use zero to disable; non-zero to enable. Handling for this is not fully implemented; we will probably use a bit mask to enable/disable specific features. By default optimization is enabled (value 1).

-i seconds

Specifies in seconds the idle time for communication for proxy. If a connection is inactive for this long it willl be closed. Default: 600 seconds (10 minutes).


The following command starts the proxy, listening on port 9000, with its default backend target set to the Library of Congress bibliographic server:

  $ yaz-proxy -t z3950.loc.gov:7090 @:9000

The LOC target is sometimes very slow. You can connect to it using yaz-client as follows:

  $ yaz-client localhost:9000/voyager
  Sent initrequest.
  Connection accepted by target.
  ID     : 34
  Name   : Voyager LMS - Z39.50 Server
  Version: 1.13
  Options: search present
  Elapsed: 7.131197
  Z> f computer
  Sent searchRequest.
  Received SearchResponse.
  Search was a success.
  Number of hits: 10000
  records returned: 0
  Elapsed: 6.695174
  Z> f computer
  Sent searchRequest.
  Received SearchResponse.
  Search was a success.
  Number of hits: 10000
  records returned: 0
  Elapsed: 0.001417

In this test, the second search was more than 4000 times faster than the first, because the proxy cached the result of the first search and noticed that the second was the same.

The YAZ command-line client, yaz-client, allows you to set the proxy target as part of the Initialize Request using option -p. For example, to connect to Index Data's target you could use:

  yaz-client -p indexdata.dk localhost:9000/gils