Writing GUI Wizards in Python

Rich Salz

Zolera Systems, http://www.zolera.com

Release 1.4
November 9, 2001



Copyright © 2001, Zolera Systems, Inc.
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Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.

1 Introduction

The wizard module makes it easy to write typical desktop GUI-style "wizards," where a user is guided through a series of forms and enters configuration data. By design, the wizard module tries to shield the developer from all aspects of GUI development. This extends to keeping the Tkinter names out of the global namespace.

A wizard encapsulates a set of interactions with a user. It contains one or more sheets. A sheet can either have text for the user to read, or it can have one or more data entry fields. These fields can be text entry, file or directory selection, check-boxes or multiple-choice lists. When the user indicates that they are finished, the wizard returns a dictionary containing the data the user entered. Entries can also be validated (see section 3) by calling out to application-specific code. Validation can be done when the user tries to move to the next sheet, or at the end after all the data has been entered. The wizard module includes several validators.

2 Input

The wizard module defines a number of classes. Only the Wizard class has methods beyond the constructor.

class Wizard(sheets, title[, root=None[, defaults=None]][, **keywords])
The main class of this module. Users create an instance of this class, and then run it, which creates the display and solicits input from the user.

The root parameter is the root of the display into which the wizard should be created, and is usually None. (Advanced applications may wish to create their own popup or frame, for example, but must be aware that the wizard module uses Tkinter's grid layout manager.) The sheets parameter is a list of LicenseSheet, DynamicSheet, and Sheet objects, each of which represents one ``page'' of display. The title parameter is a text string that is displayed at the top of the wizard. The defaults parameter is a dictionary that contains the default (initial) values of all the entries.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
entrywidth 40 The desired width of text entry fields, in characters.
whenvalidate atend When to validate user input. Choose from atend or perpage.
center 0 If non-zero, then the wizard is centered in the screen.
geometry None A geometry string used to specify the on-screen placement. The default is for the window system to control the location.
help None A Help object for context-sensitive help, see section 4.
helpkey '<F1>' If a Help object is given, then this parameter specifies the help key. For details, see the Tkinter documentation.
titlefont 16-point bold italic A font modifier to display the title font.
sheetfont underlined The font modifier for the sub-titles on each sheet.
sheetchange None A SheetChange object, see below.
The center and geometry parameters are ignored if root is not None.

Sets the default initial values from the dictionary defaults.

run(self[, start = 0])
Start the display and collect the user's input. The optional start parameter specifies the starting sheet. This method returns None if the user clicked on the Cancel button, or a dictionary containing the data the user provided. Note that all values in the dictionary are text strings.

This method can be called multiple times. Unless set_defalts is called, subsequent invocations will start with the values from the previous run.

class LicenseSheet(title, text[, **keywords])
A LicenseSheet object contains text to be displayed to the user. The text can be specified inline, or come from an external file.

The title is the text to appear at the top of the sheet. The text is the text to display. If the file parameter is specified (see the following table), then text is used only if the file cannot be read.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
file None Name of the file containing text to display. It is not an error if the file cannot be open - the value of the text will be used instead.
height 10 Height of display area, in lines.
width 40 Width of display area, in characters.
wrap Tkinter.WORD Whether or not to do word-wrapping on lines. If set to Tkinter.CHAR then lines are broken without regard to word boundaries. To avoid wrapping, use hscrollbar.
font None Font modifier; see below.
mustread 0 If non-zero, then the Next/Done button is disabled until the end of the text appears on the screen.
hscrollbar 0 If non-zero, then a horizontal scrollbar is attached to the bottom of the text box.

class DynamicSheet(title, builder[, **keywords])
A DynamicSheet object is like a LicenseSheet except that the content is generated dynamically each time the sheet is displayed. This class can be used to generate ``confirmation'' pages that offer a last chance to view the actions that the program is about to perform.

The title is the text to appear at the top of the sheet. The builder is an object that must implement the following three methods:

The dict parameter is a dictionary with all the current field values. The return value is ignored.
This method returns text to be displayed. It will be called repeatedly until it returns None.
This method will be called when readline is finished. The return value is ignored.

The following height, width, wrap, font, and hscrollbar keyword parameters defined in the LicenseSheet class can also be used.

class Sheet(title, fields[, **keywords])
A Sheet object contains entry fields for the user to fill-in. The title parameter is a text string to be displayed at the top of the sheet. The fields parameter is a list of ``xxxField'' objects.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
longvalidate 0 If non-zero, then validating the fields on this sheet could take a noticeable amount of time, so the wizard module will temporarily change the cursor to an hourglass or its equivalent.

The field objects also accept the longvalidate parameter.

class SpacerField([**keywords])
This object is used to leave one or more blank lines, usually used to group related entries.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
lines 1 Number of blanks lines desired.

class LabelField(prompt)
This object is used to display a line of text on the sheet. It is usually used to provide a heading for a group of related fields, or to provide a label for subsequent a RBField (radiobutton) object.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
font None Font modifier; see below.
align align_l Specifies the alignment of the text; use align_l, align_c, or align_r for flush-left, center, or flush-right alignment.

class EntryField(key, prompt[, **keywords])
This object is used to collect a line of text from the user. The key parameter specifies the key in the dictionary of returned values to use for this field. The prompt parameter specifies the prompt text that will appear to the left of the text-entry area.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
private 0 If non-zero, the text will not be displayed. This is useful for password fields.
validate None A Validation object to be called when validating the field. See section 3.
startdisabled 0 If non-zero, then the field is initially disabled.
entrywidth 30 The desired input width, in charcters.

class FileField(key, prompt[, **keywords])
This is the same as EntryField, except that a ``browse'' button appears to the right of the entry area, allowing the user to browse the filesystem and select an existing file.

class DirField(key, prompt[, **keywords])
This is the same as FileField, except that the user must pick a directory. New in version 1.4.

class CBField(key, prompt[, **keywords])
This object creates a checkbox on the sheet, with prompt as the text. The key and prompt parameters are as described in the Entryfield class, above. The returned value will be the text string ``0'' or ``1''.

The following keyword parameters can also be given:

Keyword  Default  Description 
enables None A comma separated list of keys that identify the fields controlled by this button. The fields in the list are enabled, or disabled, according to whether this field is checked or not.

class RBField(key, choices[, **keywords])
The key parameter is as described in the Entryfield class, above. The choices parameter is an array of text strings. They will be displayed one per line, with the user allowed to select one. The returned value will be the numeric index of the value chosen, as a string.

class DDField(key, prompt, choices[, **keywords])
This is like a RBField, except that it is presented with the specified prompt on the left and a pull-down list of the choices on the right. The returned value will be the numeric index of the value chosen, as a string. New in version 1.4.

2.1 Font Modifiers

The wizard module uses Python dictionaries to control fonts, using the tkFont module to create the fonts it needs. The following table lists the dictionary entries that can be used to modify the default fonts chosen by the wizard module. Note that the keys are text strings.

Key  Description 
family A text string naming the font family.
size An integer specifying the ont size in points; use a negative number to specify size in pixels.
weight The font thickness; use tkFont.NORMAL (generally the default) or tkFont.BOLD.
slant The font slant; use tkFont.NORMAL (the default) or tkFont.ITALIC.
underline If non-zero, text is underlined; the default is 0 except for the sheet titles.
overwrite If non-zero, text is overstruck; the default is 0.

2.2 Sheet Changes

When a Wizard object is created, a callback object can be given that will be invoked every time the wizard displays a different sheet. This object must implement the following method:

sheetchange(dict, sheetnum)
The dict parameter is a dictionary with all the current field values. The sheetnum parameter is the new current sheet number. The return value is ignored. In particlar, it is impossible to prevent moving to the new sheet -- see the description of validators in section 3.

2.3 Example

The following example constructs a three-sheet wizard. Note that it also uses validators which are described in section 3

license='''This is your license agreement...

MySheets = (
    LicenseSheet('License', license, font={'family':'fixed'}, mustread=1),
    Sheet('Account information', (
        EntryField('adminname', 'Administrator name',
        EntryField('adminpass1', 'Administrator password',
            private=1, validate=PassConfirm('administrator', 'adminpass2')),
        EntryField('adminpass2', 'Repeat password',
    Sheet('Network information', (
        EntryField('hostname', 'Name of the host',
        FileField('path', 'Hosts file'),
        LabelField('Network protocol'),
        RBField('protocol', ('TCP/IP', 'DECnet') ),
        CBField('localserver', 'Start local server', enables='portnum'),
        EntryField('portnum', 'Server port#',

3 Validation

Most fields accept a validate parameter, which takes an object responsible for validating the user's input. A validator must implement the validate function. If the user's input is invalid, it should raise the InvalidEntry exception.

class Validator(foo)
The Validator class may be used as a base class for any validators.

validate(dict, field)
This method validates the user's input. The dict parameter will be a dictionary containing all the current values, and while the field is the key for the field being validated. (Remember that values in the dictionary are text strings.) If the user's input is not valid, this method should raise an InvalidEntry (or subtype) exception. The return value is ignored.

exception InvalidEntry
Exception raised when the input is invalid. The constructor takes a text string (stored as the text attribute) which will be displayed to the user.

A number of utility validators are provided in the wizard module:

class PassConfirm(what, confirm)
Validate that a field and its ``confirmation'' match. The what parameter should be a very short description (usually one word) displayed to the user. The confirm is the dictionary key that has the confirming (``other'') entry.

class Nonblank(what)
Validate that a field is not blank. The what parameter is described in the PassConfirm class, above.

class PositiveNumber(what)
Validate that a field is a positive number. The what parameter is described in the PassConfirm class, above.

class InactivePort(what)
Validate that a field specifies a TCP port that is not used on the local host. This is a subtype of PositiveNumber.

3.1 Example

Here is the source for the PassConfirm class, used in the previous example:

class PassConfirm(Validator):
    def __init__(self, what, confirm):
        self.what = what
        self.confirm = confirm
    def validate(self, dict, field):
        if len(dict[field]) == 0:
            raise InvalidEntry, 'Must provide %s password.' % (self.what,)
        if dict[field] != dict[self.confirm]:
            raise InvalidEntry, 'Mismatched %s passwords.' % (self.what,)

4 Help

A wizard object can provide context-sensitive help. To do this, the object must be provided when the wizard is created, and it must implement the following two methods:

help(root, key)
This method should display the help appropriate for the indicated key. The root parameter is the display root provided when the wizard was created. It can (and often will) be None.

sheethelp(root, sheetnum)
This method is similar, but should display general help for sheet number sheetnum.

The wizard module provides a utility class that implements pop-up help, HelpPopup.

class HelpPopup()
This class provides unformatted help text in a popup dialog text box with a scrollbar and a Dismiss button. It implements sheethelp as a call to help with the key specified as sheetN, where N is the sheet number.

To use this class, create your own class derived from HelpPopup and implement the following methods:

This method should do any preparations necessary to retrieve the help text. The return value is ignored. If it raises an exception, then a message saying no help is available will be displayed.

This method should return zero as long as there is more text to display. This method is called before each call to get.

This method should return (portions of) the help text to display.

4.1 Example

Here is a class that stores each help in its own file.

import os
class MyHelp(HelpPopup):
    def __init__(self, helpdir):
        self.filename = helpdir
    def start(self, key):
        # caller catches exception and prints default.
        self.infile = open(os.path.join(self.helpdir, key), "r")
    def get(key):
        # read all the text at once and return it.
        text = self.infile.read()
        return text
    def eof(key):
        return self.infile.closed

5 More Examples

This example uses the code and data from the previous examples, to make a complete wizard:

from wizard import *

helpobj = MyHelp('/usr/local/share/helpdir')
w = Wizard(MySheets, 'Installation', None,
        whenvalidate=perpage, help=helpobj)
w.set_defaults({'adminname': 'root',
        'path': '/etc/hosts',
        'protocol': '0',
        'localserver': '1'})
answers = w.run()
if answers == None:
    print 'Cancelled.'

This example puts a cycling series of images to the left of the wizard:

from wizard import *
from Tkinter import *

class Cycler:
    def __init__(self, sheets, label):
        self.label = label
        self.images = [ ]
            Idefault = PhotoImage('default.gif')
            Idefault = None
        for i in range(len(sheets)):
                self.images.append(PhotoImage(file="pic%d.gif" % (i,)))
    def goto(self, dict, sheetnum):
        self.label['image'] = self.images[sheetnum]

# Create a display root, the left-side frame holds the images
# and the right-side frame holds the wizard.
title = 'Installation'
root = Tk()
fLeft = Frame(root)
imageholder = Label(fLeft)
fLeft.grid(row=0, column=0)
fRight = Frame(root)
fRight.grid(row=0, column=1)

w = Wizard(MySheets, title, fRight,
    sheetchange=Cycler(MySheets, imageholder))
answers = w.run()
if answers == None:
    print 'Cancelled.'

About this document ...

Writing GUI Wizards in Python, November 9, 2001, Release 1.4

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