
  1. Introduction


   Any time ago i have downloaded from Oasis hintp - .ppo interpreter. It

   works but not as good as i expected. So i wrote my own interpreter -

   BL. BL is scripting language for Clipper programs. Source code of BL

   is pure Clipper and can be compiled with any Clipper 5.x compiler or

   FlagShip. BL is simple and rather fast because uses Clipper for

   expression evaluation. BL is not a ppo interpreter, it's a different



    1.1 Where to get BL


   You can download sources here (about 12Kb)


    1.2 How to contact author


   My name is Sergey Aleshin, i am programmer from Russia




  2. Expressions


   Expressions in BL same as Clipper expressions except for ++,--,+= etc.

   You can't write code blocks like in Clipper but can use 'block'

   function: {|x,y,..| f(x,y,...)} must be replaced with



   In short, you can use any expression that allowed in code block.


  3. Program structure


   BL program consists from main part - sequence of operators, and

   procedure definitions:




proc p1




proc pN



   For BL program sample see *.bl files.


   Operators delimited by CR+LF (LF on UNIX) so you can write only one

   operator per line.


  4. Operators


    4.1 If



if <expr>


[elif <expr>



[elif <expr>





    4.2 For


   Syntax (similar to C):

for [<init_expr>];[<exit_expr>];[<iteration_expr>]




for i:=1;i<=10;i:=i+1



   Endless loop:

for ;;


if k==27




    4.3 While



while <expr>



    4.4 Exit


   Exits closest For or While.


    4.5 Loop


   Go to next loop iteration.


    4.6 Call



call <BL procedure name>

    4.7 Return


   Return from any place of BL procedure  Syntax:

return [<expr>]

   If <expr> is specified, it will evaluated and pushed to stack


    4.8 Private


   Declare private variables. Syntax:

private var1,...,varN

    4.9 Public


   Declare public variables. Syntax same as for private.


    4.10 Release


   Destroy any private or public variables. Syntax:

release var1,...,varN

  5. Procedures



proc <procedure name>

[param p1,...,pN]



   Keyword 'param' can be used to declare procedure parameters.

   Parameters for procedure must be placed in stack with push operator,

   then procedure can be called with call operator:

push x

push y

call mul

pop result

proc mul

param a,b

return a*b


   param p1,...,pN is short representation of

private p1,..,pN

pop pN


pop p1

   You can use recursion in BL.


  6. Using external scripts


   You can use loadlib operator to include code from other file to your

   script. Syntax:

loadlib <filename.ext>

  7. Using BL from Clipper


   There are 2 functions, 'progparse' and 'progrun'. PROGPARSE takes the

   text of program and produces array with precompiled code. Then code

   can be executed with PROGRUN function. See main.prg for example.


  8. Licence


   Public Domain


  9. Known problems


   BL stores procedures entry points in static array. So you can't

   execute more than one precompiled script if it uses procedures:

   progparse clears that array. You'll need to call both progparse and

   progrun for such scripts.


  10. Future plans


   I think that simple visual debugger like cld may be useful.