

User Guide

Chapter 3. CSS Class Reference

This section of the manual describes the Cascading Stylesheets classes that are available for formatting HTML output. For more information on CSS, visit the W3C web site.


Table 3.1. Table of CSS Classes

ClassWhere Used
achievement On the li for a single achievement.
address On the p that contains a postal address.
award On the li for a single award.
awardTitle On the span of an award title.
bookTitle On the cite used to refer to a title of a book in one of your publications.
citation On all HTML cites generated from all XML citations.
copyright On the address for copyright information.
degree On the li for a single degree.
degrees On the ul for the list of degrees you hold.
degreeTitle On the span surrounding a degree level and major, such as “B.S. in Political Science”.
description Around descriptions of items.
emphasis On all HTML strongs generated from all XML emphasiss.
employer Around all employer names.
gpaPreamble On the span around the preamble to a GPA, such as “Overall GPA”.
heading On the h2 of résumé section headings, such as “Professional Objective” or “Employment History”.
headingText On the span that contains heading text. This element is contained directly within the h2 with the heading class, and allows style to be applied to just the heading text, instead of the whole heading line.
jobTitle On the span enclosing the title you held at job.
lastModified On the p for the “last modified” notice.
level On the acronym for the level attained in a degree.
linkA On the a of a hyperlink generated from a link element in a résumé.
membershipTitle On the position title in a membership.
nameHeading Around your name at the top of the résumé.
note On the span of a note.
organization On the name of the organization of which you're a member.
para On all HTML ps generated from all XML paras.
project On the li for a single project.
pub On a single publication.
pubs On the ul for the list of publications.
referee On the div of a referee.
refereeName On the div of a referee name.
refereeContact On the div of a referee contact.
resume On the body of the entire HTML output.
skill On the li for a single skill.
skills If skills.format is bullet, on the ul for a list of skills. If skills.format is comma, on the span for a list of skills.
skillsetTitle On the h3 for a title of a set of skills.
urlA On the a of a hyperlink generated from a url element in a résumé.