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SearchPath - Return the full pathname for a file which is part of CCP4i.


SearchPath area name1 [name2] filename


In order to simplify making small changes to CCP4i, it is possible for users or developers to have their own customised CCP4i files saved in the directory $HOME/.CCP4/ccp4i. The SearchPath procedure is used when CCP4i needs to invoke another CCP4i file. If there is a copy of the required file in the user's own area then its full path name is returned; otherwise the name of the file in the general $CCP4I_top directory is returned. The input to this procedure is the area which is either HELP, for a CCP4i help file from $CCP4I_HELP, or top, for a source or data file from $CCP4I_top. name1 [name2] are the names of the subdirectories and filename is the name of the file. For example to find the .def file for FFT task, which is found as $CCP4I_top/tasks/fft.def, the procedure call would be:

 set filename [SearchPath top tasks fft.def]