
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<when> (when) indicates a point in time either relative to other elements in the same <timeline> tag, or absolutely.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
absolute supplies an absolute value for the time.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Times may be given in standard form, as specified in the Encoding Declarations section of the header.
Default: #IMPLIED

Required for the element designated as the value of the origin attribute in the <timeline> tag.

unit specifies the unit of time corresponding to the interval value.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: a semi-closed list of recognized time units such as ‘millisecond', ‘second', ‘minute'
Default: %INHERITED;
interval specifies the numeric portion of a time interval
Datatype: CDATA
Values: -1 or any positive number
Default: %INHERITED;

The value -1 indicates uncertainty about the interval.

since identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current <when> element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Should point to another <when> element in the same <timeline>.
Default: #IMPLIED

If this attribute is omitted, and the absolute attribute is not specified, then the reference point is understood to be the origin of the enclosing <timeline> tag.

<when id="w3" interval="20" since="w2"/>

On this element, the global id attribute must be supplied to specify an identifier for this point in time. The value used may be chosen freely provided that it is unique within the document and is a syntactically valid name. There is no requirement for values containing numbers to be in sequence.

Module Declared in file teilink2.dtd; Additional tag set for Linking and Segmentation: enabled by TEI.linking
Data Description empty
May occur within timeline
<!ELEMENT when %om.RO; EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST when;
      absolute CDATA #IMPLIED
      unit CDATA %INHERITED;
      interval CDATA %INHERITED;
      since IDREF #IMPLIED>
See further 14.5.2 Placing Synchronous Events in Time

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