
PLT MzLib: Libraries Manual Classes and Objects

A class specifies

  • a collection of fields;

  • a collection of methods;

  • initial value expressions for the fields; and

  • initialization variables that are bound to initialization arguments.

An object is a collection of bindings for fields that are instantiated according to a class description.

The primary role of the object system is ability to define a new class (a derived class) in terms of an existing class (the superclass) using inheritance and overriding:

  • inheritance: An object of a derived class supports methods and instantiates fields declared by the derived class's superclass, as well as methods and fields declared in the derived class expression.

  • overriding: A method declared in a superclass can be redeclared in the derived class. References to the overridden method in the superclass use the implementation in the derived class.

An interface is a collection of method names to be implemented by a class, combined with a derivation requirement. A class implements an interface when it

  • declares (or inherits) a public method for each variable in the interface;

  • is derived from the class required by the interface, if any; and

  • specifically declares its intention to implement the interface.

A class can implement any number of interfaces. A derived class automatically implements any interface that its superclass implements. Each class also implements an implicitly-defined interface that is associated with the class. The implicitly-defined interface contains all of the class's public method names, and it requires that all other implementations of the interface are derived from the class.

A new interface can extend one or more interfaces with additional method names; each class that implements the extended interface also implements the original interfaces. The derivation requirements of the original interface must be consistent, and the extended interface inherits the most specific derivation requirement from the original interfaces.

Classes, objects, and interfaces are all first-class Scheme values. However, a MzScheme class or interface is not a MzScheme object (i.e., there are no ``meta-classes'' or ``meta-interfaces'').

3.1  Object Example

The following example conveys the object system's basic style.

(define stack<%> (interface () push! pop! none?)) 
(define stack%  
  (class* object% (stack<%>; Declare public methods: 
    (public push! pop! none? print-name) 
    (define stack null)        ; A private field      
    (init-field (name 'stack)) ; A public field 
    ; Method implementations: 
    (define (push! v) (set! stack (cons v stack))) 
    (define (pop!) 
      (let ([v (car stack)])  
         (set! stack (cdr stack))  
    (define (none?) (null? stack)) 
    (define (print-name) (display name) (newline)) 
    ; Call superclass initializer: 
    (super-instantiate ()))) 
(define fancy-stack%  
  (class stack% 
    ; Declare override 
    (override print-name) 
    ; Add inherited field to local environment 
    (inherit-field name) 
    (define (print-name) 
      (display name) 
      (display ", Esq.") 
    (super-instantiate ()))) 
(define double-stack%  
  (class stack% 
    (inherit push!) 
    (public double-push!) 
    (define (double-push! v) (push! v) (push! v)) 
    ; Always supply name 
    (super-instantiate () (name 'double-stack)))) 
(define-values (make-safe-stack-class is-safe-stack?) 
  (let ([safe-stack<%> (interface (stack<%>))]) 
     (lambda (super%) 
       (class* super% (safe-stack<%>) 
         (inherit none?) 
         (rename [std-pop! pop!]) 
         (override pop!) 
         (define (pop!) (if (none?) #f (std-pop!))) 
         (super-instantiate ()))) 
     (lambda (obj) 
       (is-a? obj safe-stack<%>))))) 
(define safe-stack% (make-safe-stack-class stack%)) 

The interface stack<%>1 defines the ever-popular stack interface with the methods push!, pop!, and none?. Since it has no superinterfaces, the only derivation requirement of stack<%> is that its classes are derived from the built-in empty class, object%. The class stack%2 is derived from object% and implements the stack<%> interface. Three additional classes are derived from the basic stack% implementation:

  • The class fancy-stack% defines a stack that overrides print-name to add an ``Esq.'' suffix.

  • The class double-stack% extends the functionality stack% with a new method, double-push!. It also supplies a specific name to stack%.

  • The class safe-stack% overrides the pop! method of stack%, ensuring that #f is returned whenever the stack is empty.

In each derived class, the call (super-instantiate ...) causes the superclass portion of the object to be initialized, including the initialization of its fields.

The creation of safe-stack% illustrates the use of classes as first-class values. Applying make-safe-stack-class to named-stack% or double-stack% -- indeed, any class with push, pop!, and none? methods -- creates a ``safe'' version of the class. A stack object can be recognized as a safe stack by testing it with is-safe-stack?; this predicate returns #t only for instances of a class created with make-safe-stack-class (because only those classes implement the safe-stack<%> interface).

In each of the example classes, the field name contains the name of the class. The name instance variable is introduced as a new instance variable in stack%, and it is declared there with the init-field keyword, which means that an instantiation of the class can specify the initial value, but it defaults to 'stack. The double-stack% class provides name when initializing the stack% part of the object, so a name cannot be supplied when instantiating double-stack%. When the print-name method of an object from double-stack% is invoked, the name printed to the screen is always ``double-stack''.

While all of named-stack%, double-stack%, and safe-stack% inherit the push! method of stack%, it is declared with inherit only in double-stack%; new declarations in named-stack% and safe-stack% do not need to refer to push!, so the inheritance does not need to be declared. Similarly, only safe-stack% needs to declare (inherit none?).

The safe-stack% class overrides pop! to extend the implementation of pop!. The new definition of pop! must access the original pop! method that is defined in stack%. The rename declaration binds a new name, std-pop! to the original pop!. Then, std-pop! is used in the overriding pop!. Variables declared with rename cannot be overridden, so std-pop! will always refer to the superclass's pop!.

The instantiate form and make-object procedure both create an object from a class. The instantiate form supports initialization arguments by both position and name, while make-object supports initialization arguments by position only. The following examples create objects using the classes above:

(define stack (make-object stack%)) 
(define fred (make-object stack% 'Fred)) 
(define joe (instantiate stack% () (name 'Joe))) 
(define double-stack (make-object double-stack%)) 
(define safe-stack (instantiate safe-stack% () (name 'safe))) 

The send form calls a method on an object, finding the method by name. The following example uses the objects created above:

(send stack push! fred) 
(send stack push! double-stack) 
(let loop () 
  (if (not (send stack none?)) 
      (send (send stack pop!) print-name) 

This loop displays 'double-stack and 'Fred to the standard output port.

3.2  Creating Interfaces

The interface form creates a new interface:

(interface (super-interface-expr ···) variable ···

All of the variables must be distinct.

Each super-interface-expr is evaluated (in order) when the interface expression is evaluated. The result of each super-interface-expr must be an interface value, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised. The interfaces returned by the super-interface-exprs are the new interface's superinterfaces, which are all extended by the new interface. Any class that implements the new interface also implements all of the superinterfaces.

The result of an interface expression is an interface that includes all of the specified variables, plus all variables from the superinterfaces. Duplicate variable names among the superinterfaces are ignored, but if a superinterfaces contains one of the variables in the interface expression, the exn:object exception is raised.

If no super-interface-exprs are provided, then the derivation requirement of the resulting interface is trivial: any class that implements the interface must be derived from object%. Otherwise, the implementation requirement of the resulting interface is the most specific requirement from its superinterfaces. If the superinterfaces specify inconsistent derivation requirements, the exn:object exception is raised.

3.3  Creating Classes

The built-in class object% has no methods fields, implements only its own interface, (class->interface object%). All other classes are derived from object%.

The class*/names form creates a new class:

(class*/names local-names superclass-expr (interface-expr ···class-clause 
local-names is one of 
  (this-variable super-instantiate-variable) 
  (this-variable super-instantiate-variable super-make-object-variable) 
class-clause is one of 
  (init init-declaration ···) 
  (init-field init-declaration ···) 
  (field field-declaration ···) 
  (inherit-field optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (init-rest variable) 
  (public optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (override optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (public-final optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (override-final optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (private variable ···) 
  (inherit optionally-renamed-variable ···) 
  (rename renamed-variable ···method-definition 
  (begin class-clause ···) 
init-declaration is one of 
  (optionally-renamed-variable default-value-expr) 
field-declaration is 
  (optionally-renamed-variable default-value-expr) 
optionally-renamed-variable is one of 
renamed-variable is 
  (internal-variable external-variable) 
method-definition is 
  (define-values (variable) method-procedure) 
method-procedure is 
  (lambda formals expr ···1) 
  (case-lambda (formals expr ···1) ···) 
  (let-values (((variable) method-procedure) ···) method-procedure) 
  (letrec-values (((variable) method-procedure) ···) method-procedure) 
  (let-values (((variable) method-procedure) ···1) variable) 
  (letrec-values (((variable) method-procedure) ···1) variable

The this-variable, super-instantiate-variable, and super-make-object-variable variables (usually this, super-instantiate, and super-make-object) are bound in the rest of the class*/names expression, excluding superclass-expr and the interface-exprs. In instances of the new class, this-variable (i.e., this) is bound to the object itself; super-instantiate-variable (i.e., super-instantiate) is bound to a form that must be used (once) to initialize fields in the superclass (see section 3.4); super-make-object-variable (i.e., super-make-object) can be used instead of super-instantiate-variable to initialize superclass fields. See section 3.4 for more information about super-instantiate-variable and super-make-object-variable.

The superclass-expr expression is evaluated when the class*/names expression is evaluated. The result must be a class value (possibly object%), otherwise the exn:object exception is raised. The result of the superclass-expr expression is the new class's superclass.

The interface-expr expressions are also evaluated when the class*/names expression is evaluated, after superclass-expr is evaluated. The result of each interface-expr must be an interface value, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised. The interfaces returned by the interface-exprs are all implemented by the class. For each variable in each interface, the class (or one of its ancestors) must declare a public instance variable with the same name, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised. The class's superclass must satisfy the implementation requirement of each interface, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised.

The class-clauses define initialization arguments, public and private fields, and public and private methods. For each variable or optionally-renamed-variable in a public, override, public-final, override-final, or private clause, there must be one method-definition. All other definition class-clauses create private fields. All remaining exprs are initialization expressions to be evaluated when the class is instantiated (see section 3.4).

The result of a class*/names expression is a new class, derived from the specified superclass and implementing the specified interfaces. Instances of the class are created with the instantiate form or make-object procedure, as described in section 3.4.

Each class-clause is (partially) macro-expanded to reveal its shapes. If a class-clause is a begin expression, its sub-expressions are lifted out of the begin and treated as class-clauses, in the same way that begin is flattened for top-level and embedded definitions.

The class* form is like class*/names, but omits local-names and always uses the name this, super-instantiate, and super-make-object:

(class* superclass-expr (interface-expr ···class-clause 

The class form further omits the interface-exprs, for the case that none are needed:

(class superclass-expr 

The public*, public-final*, override*, override-final*, and private* forms abbreviate a public, public-final, override, override-final, or private declaration and a sequence of definitions:

 (public* (name expr) ···=expands=> 
  (public name ···) 
  (define name expr) ···) 

The define/public, define/public-final, define/override, define/override-final, and define/private forms similarly abbreviate a public, override, or private declaration with a definition:

 (define/public name expr=expands=> 
  (public name) 
  (define name expr)) 
 (define/public (name . formals) expr=expands=> 
  (public name) 
  (define (name . formals) expr)) 

3.3.1  Initialization Variables

A class's initialization variables, declared with init, init-field, and init-rest, are instantiated for each object of a class. Initialization variables can be used in the initial value expressions of fields, default value expressions for initialization arguments, and in initialization expressions. Only initialization variables declared with init-field can be accessed from methods; accessing any other initialization variable from a method is a syntax error.

The values bound to initialization variables are

  • the arguments provided with instantiate or passed to make-object, if the object is created as a direct instance of the class; or,

  • the arguments passed to the superclass initialization form or procedure, if the object is created as an instance of a derived class.

If an initialization argument is not provided for a initialization variable that has an associated default-value-expr, then the default-value-expr expression is evaluated to obtain a value for the variable. A default-value-expr is only evaluated when an argument is not provided for its variable. The environment of default-value-expr includes all of the initialization variables, all of the fields, and all of the methods of the class. If multiple default-value-exprs are evaluated, they are evaluated from left to right. Object creation and field initialization are described in detail in section 3.4.

If an initialization variable has no default-value-expr, then the object creation or superclass initialization call must supply an argument for the variable, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised.

Initialization arguments can be provided by name or by position. The external name of an initialization variable can be used with instantiate or with the superclass initialization form. Those forms also accept by-position arguments. The make-object procedure and the superclass initialization procedure accept only by-position arguments.

Arguments provided by position are converted into by-name arguments using the order of init and init-field clauses and the order of variables within each clause. When a instantiate form provides both by-position and by-name arguments, the converted arguments are placed before by-name arguments. (The order can be significant; see also section 3.4.)

Unless a class contains an init-rest clause, when the number of by-position arguments exceeds the number of declared initialization variables, the order of variables in the superclass (and so on, up the superclass chain) determines the by-name conversion.

If a class expression contains an init-rest clause, there must be only one, and it must be last. If it declares a variable, then the variable receives extra by-position initialization arguments as a list (similar to a dotted ``rest argument'' in a procedure). An init-rest variable can receive by-position initialization arguments that are left over from a by-name conversion for a derived class. When a derived class's superclass initialization provides even more by-position arguments, they are prefixed onto the by-position arguments accumulated so far.

If too few or too many by-position initialization arguments are provided to an object creation or superclass initialization, then the exn:object exception is raised. Similarly, if extra by-position arguments are provided to a class with an init-rest clause, the exn:object exception is raised.

Unused (by-name) arguments are be propagated to the superclass, as described in section 3.4. Multiple initialization arguments can use the same name if the class derivation contains multiple declarations (in different classes) of initialization variables with the name. See section 3.4 for further details.

See also section for information about internal and external names.

3.3.2  Fields

Each field, init-field, and non-method define-values clause in a class declares one or more new fields for the class. Fields declared with field or init-field are public. Public fields can be accessed and mutated by subclasses using inherit-field. Public fields are also accessible outside the class via class-field-accessor and mutable via class-field-mutator (see section 3.5). Fields declared with define-values are accessible only within the class.

A field declared with init-field is both a public field an an initialization variable. See section 3.3.1 for information about initialization variables.

An inherit-field declaration makes a public field defined by a superclass directly accessible in the class expression. If the indicated field is not defined in the superclass, the exn:object exception is raised when the class expression is evaluated. Every field in a superclass is present in a derived class, even if it is not declared with inherit-field in the derived class. The inherit-field clause does not control inheritance, but merely controls lexical scope within a class expression.

When an object is first created, all of its fields have the undefined value (see section 3.1 in PLT MzScheme: Language Manual). The fields of a class are initialized at the same time that the class's initialization expressions are evaluated; see section 3.4 for more information.

See also section for information about internal and external names.

3.3.3  Methods  Method Definitions

Each public, override, public-final, override-final, and private clause in a class declares one or more method names. Each method name must have a corresponding method-definition. The order of public, override, public-final, override-final, private clauses and their corresponding definitions (among themselves, and with respect to other clauses in the class) does not matter.

As shown in section 3.3, a method definition is syntactically restricted to certain procedure forms, as defined by the grammar for method-procedure; in the last two forms of method-procedure, the body variable must be one of the variables bound by let-values or letrec-values. A method-procedure expression is not evaluated directly. Instead, for each method, a class-specific method procedure is created; it takes an initial object argument, in addition to the arguments the procedure would accept if the method-procedure expression were evaluated directly. The body of the procedure is transformed to access methods and fields through the object argument.

A method declared with public or public-final introduces a new method into a class. The method must not be present already in the superclass, otherwise the exn:object exception is raised when the class expression is evaluated. A method declared with public-final cannot be overridden in a subclass.

A method declared with override or override-final overrides a definition already present in the superclass. If the method is not already present, the exn:object exception is raised when the class expression is evaluated. A method declared with override-final cannot be overridden in a subclass.

A method declared with private is not accessible outside the class expression, cannot be overridden, and never overrides a method in the superclass.  Inherited and Superclass Methods

Each inherit and rename clause declares one or more methods that are not defined in the class, but must be present in the superclass. Methods declared with inherit are subject to overriding, while methods declared with rename are not. Methods that are present in the superclass but not declared with inherit or rename are not directly accessible in the class (through they can be called with send).

Every public method in a superclass is present in a derived class, even if it is not declared with inherit in the derived class. The inherit clause does not control inheritance, but merely controls lexical scope within a class expression.

If a method declared with inherit is not present in the superclass, the exn:object exception is raised when the class expression is evaluated.  Internal and External Names

Each method declared with public, override, public-final, override-final, inherit, and rename can have separate internal and external names when (internal-variable external-variable) is used for declaring the method. The internal name is used to access the method directly within the class expression, while the external name is used with send and generic (see section 3.5). If a single variable is provided for a method declaration, the variable is used for both the internal and external names.

Method inheritance and overriding are based external names, only. Separate internal and external names are required for rename, because its purpose is to provide access to the superclass's version of an overridden method.

Each init, init-field, field, or inherit-field variable similarly has an internal and an external name. The internal name is used within the class to access the variable, while the external name is used outside the class when providing initialization arguments (e.g., to instantiate), inheriting a field, or accessing a field externally (e.g., with class-field-accessor). As for methods, when inheriting a field with inherit-field, the external name is matched to an external field name in the superclass, while the internal name is bound in the class expression.

A single identifier can be used as an internal variable and an external variable, and it is possible to use the same identifier as internal and external variables for different bindings. Furthermore, within a single class, a single name can be used as an external method name, an external field name, and an external initialization argument name. Overall, the set of all internal variables must be distinct, and set of of external variables must be distinct for each of the method, field, and initialization-argument categories.

By default, external names have no lexical scope, which means, for example, that an external method name matches the same syntactic symbol in all uses of send. The define-local-member-name form introduces a set of scoped external names:

(define-local-member-name variable ···

This form binds each variable so that, within the scope of the definition, each use of each variable as an external name is resolved to a hidden name generated by the define-local-member-name declaration. Thus, methods, fields, and initialization arguments declared with such external-name variables are accessible only in the scope of the define-local-member-name declaration.

The binding introduced by define-local-member-name is a syntax binding that can be exported and imported with modules (see section 5 in PLT MzScheme: Language Manual). Each execution of a define-local-member-name declaration generates a distinct hidden name. The interface->method-names procedure (see section 3.6) does not expose hidden names.


(define o (let () 
            (define-local-member-name m) 
            (define c% (class object% 
                         (define/public (m) 10) 
            (define o (make-object c%)) 
            (send o m) ; => 10 
(send o m) ; => error: no method m 

3.4  Creating Objects

The make-object procedure creates a new object with by-position initialization arguments:

  (make-object class init-v ···)

An instance of class is created, and the init-vs are passed as initialization arguments, bound to the initialization variables of class for the newly created object as described in section 3.3.1. If class is not a class, the exn:application:type exception is raised.

The instantiate form creates a new object with both by-position and by-name initialization arguments:

(instantiate class-expr (by-pos-expr ···) (variable by-name-expr) ···

An instance of the value of class-expr is created, and the values of the by-pos-exprs are provided as by-position initialization arguments. In addition, the value of each by-name-expr is provided as a by-name argument for the corresponding variable.

All fields in the newly created object are initially bound to the special undefined value (see section 3.1 in PLT MzScheme: Language Manual). Initialization variables with default value expressions (and no provided value) are also initialized to undefined. After argument values are assigned to initialization variables, expressions in field clauses, init-field clauses with no provided argument, init clauses with no provided argument, private field definitions, and other expressions are evaluated. Those expressions are evaluated as they appear in the class expression, from left to right.

Sometime during the evaluation of the expressions, superclass-declared initializations must be executed once by invoking the form bound to super-instantiate-variable (usually super-instantiate):

(super-instantiate-variable (by-position-super-init-expr ···) (variable by-name-super-init-expr ···) ···

or by calling the procedure bound to super-make-object-variable (usually super-make-object):

(super-make-object-variable super-init-v ···

The by-position-super-init-exprs, by-name-super-init-exps, and super-init-vs are mapped to initialization variables in the same way as for instantiate and make-object.

By-name initialization arguments to a class that have no matching initialization variable are implicitly added as by-name arguments to a super-instantiate-variable or super-make-object-variable invocation, after the explicit arguments. If multiple initialization arguments are provided for the same name, the first (if any) is used, and the unused arguments are propagated to the superclass. (Note that converted by-position arguments are always placed before explicit by-name arguments.) The initialization procedure for the object% class accepts zero initialization arguments; if it receives any by-name initialization arguments, then exn:object exception is raised.

Fields inherited from a superclass will not be initialized until the superclass's initialization procedure is invoked. In contrast, all methods are available for an object as soon as the object is created; the overriding of methods is not affect by initialization (unlike objects in C++).

It is an error to reach the end of initialization for any class in the hierarchy without invoking superclasses initialization; the exn:object exception is raised in such a case. Also, if superclass initialization is invoked more than once, the exn:object exception is raised.

3.5  Field and Method Access

In expressions within a class definition, the initialization variables, fields, and methods of the class all part of the environment, as are the names bound to super-instantiate-variable and super-make-object-variable. Within a method body, only the fields and other methods of the class can be referenced; a reference to any other class-introduced identifier is a syntax error. Elsewhere within the class, all class-introduced identifiers are available, and fields and initialization variables can be mutated with set!.

3.5.1  Methods

Method names within a class can only be used in the procedure position of an application expression; any other use is a syntax error. To allow methods to be applied to lists of arguments, a method application can have the form

(method-variable arg-expr ··· . arg-list-expr

which calls the method in a way analogous to (apply method-variable arg-expr ··· arg-list-expr). The arg-list-expr must not be a parenthesized expression, otherwise the dot and the parentheses will cancel each other.

Methods are called from outside a class with the send and send/apply forms:

(send obj-expr method-name arg-expr ···) 
(send obj-expr method-name arg-expr ··· . arg-list-expr) 
(send/apply obj-expr method-name arg-expr ··· arg-list-expr

where the last two forms apply the method to a list of argument values; in the second form, arg-list-expr cannot be a parenthesized expression. For any send or send/apply, if obj-expr does not produce an object, the exn:application:type exception is raised. If the object has no public method method-name, the exn:object exception is raised.

The send* form calls multiple methods of an object in the specified order:

(send* obj-expr msg ···) 
msg is one of 
  (method-name arg-expr ···) 
  (method-name arg-expr ··· . arg-list-expr

where arg-list-expr is not a parenthesized expression.


(send* edit (begin-edit-sequence) 
            (insert "Hello") 
            (insert #\newline) 

which is the same as

(let ([o edit]) 
  (send o begin-edit-sequence) 
  (send o insert "Hello") 
  (send o insert #\newline) 
  (send o end-edit-sequence)) 

The with-method form extracts a method from an object and binds a local name that can be applied directly (in the same way as declared methods within a class):

(with-method ((variable (object-expr method-name)) ···expr ···1


(let ([s (make-object stack%)]) 
  (with-method ([push (s push!)] 
                [pop (s pop!)]) 
    (push 10) 
    (push 9) 

which is the same as

(let ([s (make-object stack%)]) 
  (send s push! 10) 
  (send s push! 9) 
  (send s pop!)) 

3.5.2  Fields

Fields are accessed from outside an object through a field accessor or mutator procedure produced by class-field-accessor or class-field-mutator:

  • (class-field-accessor class-expr field-name) returns an accessor procedure that takes an instance of the class produced by class-expr and returns the value of the object's field-name field.

  • (class-field-mutator class-expr field-name) returns an mutator procedure that takes an instance of the class produced by class-expr and a new value for the field, mutates the field in the object named by field-name, then returns void.

3.5.3  Generics

A generic can be used instead of a method name to avoid the cost of relocating a method by name within a class. The make-generic procedure and generic form create generics:

  • (make-generic class-or-interface symbol) returns a generic that works on instances of class-or-interface (or an instance of a class/interface derived from class-or-interface) to call the method named by symbol.

    If class-or-interface does not contain a method with the (external and non-scoped) name symbol, the exn:object exception is raised.

  • (generic class-or-interface-expr name) is analogous to (make-generic class-or-interface-expr 'name), except that name can be a scoped method name declared by define-local-member-name (see section

A generic is applied with send-generic:

(send-generic obj-expr generic-expr arg-expr ···) 
(send-generic obj-expr generic-expr arg-expr ··· . arg-list-expr

where the value of obj-expr is an object and the value of generic-expr is a generic.

3.6  Object Utilities

(object? v) returns #t if v is a object, #f otherwise.

(class? v) returns #t if v is a class, #f otherwise.

(interface? v) returns #t if v is an interface, #f otherwise.

(class->interface class) returns the interface implicitly defined by class.

(object-interface object) returns the interface implicitly defined by the class of object.

(is-a? v interface) returns #t if v is an instance of a class that implements interface, #f otherwise.

(is-a? v class) returns #t if v is an instance of class (or of a class derived from class), #f otherwise.

(subclass? v class) returns #t if v is a class derived from (or equal to) class, #f otherwise.

(implementation? v interface) returns #t if v is a class that implements interface, #f otherwise.

(interface-extension? v interface) returns #t if v is an interface that extends interface, #f otherwise.

(method-in-interface? symbol interface) returns #t if interface (or any of its ancestor interfaces) defines an instance variable with the name symbol, #f otherwise.

(interface->method-names interface) returns a list of symbols for the instance variable names in interface (including instance variables inherited from superinterfaces).

1 A bracketed percent sign (``<%>'') is used by convention in MzScheme to indicate that a variable's value is a interface.

2 A percent sign (``%'') is used by convention in MzScheme to indicate that a variable's value is a class.