SHOWTIME:TRUE$ LOADPRINT:FALSE$ EQN1:A*COS(P2)=S+B*COS(P3); EQN2:A*SIN(P2)=E+B*SIN(P3); /* Declare p2, p3 and s to be time-dependent. */ DEPENDS([P2,P3,S],T); /* [1] From equations 1 and 2, eliminate P3: */ EQN3:EXPAND((EQN1-S)^2+(EQN2-E)^2); EQN3:TRIGSIMP(EQN3); /* [2] Using the results of step 1, solve for S in terms of a,b,e,p2: */ S_SOLUTION:SOLVE(EQN3,S); /* Note that this differs from the result given. [3] Take the derivative of eqn2 wrt t: */ EQN3:DIFF(EQN2,T); /* [4] Solve for p3-dot in terms of a, b, p2, p2-dot,p3. */ P3_DOT:SOLVE(%,DIFF(P3,T)); /* [5] Take the derivative of eqn2 wrt t: */ EQN5:DIFF(EQN1,T); /* [6] Solve for s-dot in terms of a, b, p2, p2-dot,p3. */ SOLVE(EQN5,DIFF(s,T)); %,P3_DOT,FACTOR; TRIGREDUCE(%); /* [7] */ Z:I*(A*COS(P2)/(B*COS(P3)))^2; DIFF(Z,P2);