;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: USER; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ;;This file contains logical directory information for the LISPM. ;; TO MAKE MAXIMA FOR LISPM ;;1) Adjust the pathnames in this file ;;2) Load this file. ;;3) (make::make :maxima :recompile t :batch t) ;;3a) Copy the documentation and test files (see command in bin/copy-doc.lisp) ;; Try some of the test files. You can try a number of them using the ;; macsyma form at the end of copy-doc.lisp ;;4) After rebooting load this file, (make:make :maxima), gc, ;; and save the band. (defvar *logical-source* "cl-maxima-source:maxima;foo.lisp") (defvar *logical-object* (format nil "cl-maxima-object:maxima;foo.~a" #+ti "xld" #+symbolics "bin")) ;;;******Start Editing here For Other Sites ********* You want to ;;;replace the :physical-host keyword args, and the second part of each ;;;translation pair (ie. the physical pathname). We have used different ;;;logical host names, to allow keeping logically different sections of ;;;the code on different hosts. Also since we wanted "logically ;;;different" directories sometimes to be kept on the same physical ;;;machine in the same physical directory, we required separate logical ;;;hosts since distinct logical directories on the same logical host ;;;can't map to the same physical directory (wrecks back translating). #+ti (progn (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "maxima-documentation" ':physical-host "MAX" ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA.DOCUMENTATION;" ) ;;ABOUT 500 blocks ("test" "MAXIMA.TEST;") )) (cond ((eql (si:get-system-version) 3) (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-source" ':physical-host "rascal" ':translations '(("maxima" "/usr2/maxima/src/"))) (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-object" ':physical-host "clug" ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA.OBJECT;")))) (t (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-source" ':physical-host "MAX" ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA.source;"))) (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-object" ':physical-host "MAX" ;;about 2500 blocks ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA.OBJECT;")))))) #+symbolics (progn (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-source" ':physical-host "rascal" ':translations '(("maxima" "/usr2/maxima/src/"))) (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "Cl-maxima-object" ':physical-host "haskell" ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA>rel7-object>"))) ;;about 2500 blocks (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "maxima-documentation" ':physical-host "haskell" ':translations '(("maxima" "MAXIMA>DOCUMENTATION>" ) ;;ABOUT 500 blocks ("test" "MAXIMA>TEST>") )) ) (load "cl-maxima-source:maxima;sysdef.lisp")