;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;; ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; (c) Copyright 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "MAXIMA") (macsyma-module algsys) (load-macsyma-macros ratmac) (eval-when (eval compile) #+PDP10 ;; this file contains macysma variable binding calls which ;; have been observed to need unwind-protect even on the PDP10, ;; since the ERRLIST mechanism can't hack catch and *throw. ;; In general unwind-protect is needed, but the bugs caused by not using ;; it are rare, and it is not deemed worth using UNWIND-PROTECT in ;; general. (setq MBINDING-USAGE 'unwind-protect)) ;This is the algsys package. ;It solves systems of polynomial equations by straight-forward ;resultant hackery. Other possible methods seem worse: ;the Buchberger-Spear canonical ideal basis algorithm is slow, ;and the "resolvent" method (see van der Waerden, section 79) ;blows up in time and space. The "resultant" ;method (see the following sections of van der Waerden and ;Macaulay's book - Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems) looks ;good, but it requires the evaluation of large determinants. ;Unless some hack (such as prs's for evaluating resultants of ;two polynomials) is developed for multi-polynomial resultants, ;this method will remain impractical. ;Some other possible ideas: Keeping the total number of equations constant, ;in an effort to reduce extraneous solutions, or Reducing to a linear ;equation before taking resultants. (declare-top(special $algdelta $ratepsilon $algepsilon $keepfloat varlist genvar *roots *failures $ratprint $numer $ratfac $rnum $solvefactors $dispflag $breakup $rootsquad *tvarxlist* errorsw $programmode *ivar* errset $polyfactor bindlist loclist $float $infeval) (*lexpr $ratsimp) (genprefix alg)) ;;note if $algepsilon is too large you may lose some roots. #+cl (defmvar $algdelta 1.0e-4 ) (defmvar $%rnum_list '((mlist)) "Upon exit from ALGSYS this is bound to a list of the %RNUMS which where introduced into the expression. Useful for mapping over and using as an argument to SUBST.") (defmvar $realonly nil "If t only real solutions are returned.") (defmvar realonlyratnum nil "A REALROOTS hack for RWG. Causes ALGSYS to retain rational numbers returned by REALROOTS when REALONLY is TRUE." in-core) (defmvar $algexact nil "If t ALGSYS always calls SOLVE to try to MAXIMA-FIND exact solutions.") (defmvar algnotexact nil "A hack for RWG for univariate polys. Causes SOLVE not to get called so that sqrts and cube roots will not be generated." in-core) (defmacro merrset (l) #-NIL `(let ((errset 'errbreak1) (unbind (cons bindlist loclist)) val) (setq val (errset ,l nil)) (cond ((null val) (errlfun1 unbind))) val) ;I guess be a bit dirty now... #+NIL (let ((name (gentemp))) `(let ((unbind (cons bindlist loclist))) (let ((val (block ,name (catch 'si:errset-catch (let ((si:errset-status t) (si:errset-print-message t)) (return-from ,name (list ,l)))) (errbreak1 nil) nil))) (unless val (errlfun1 unbind)) val)))) ;; Make sure that $SOLVE is in core. Only needed for small address ;; space systems. #+PDP10 (find-function '$solve) (defmfun $algsys (lhslist varxlist &aux varlist genvar) ; (declare (special varxlist)) ;;?? (setq $%rnum_list (list '(mlist))) (cond ((not ($listp lhslist)) (merror "Wrong type arg to ALGSYS:~%~M" lhslist)) ((not ($listp varxlist)) (merror "Wrong type arg to ALGSYS:~%~M" varxlist))) ((lambda (tlhslist *tvarxlist* solnlist $ratprint $ratepsilon $keepfloat varlist genvar $ratfac $breakup $solvefactors *roots *failures *ivar* $polyfactor varxl $infeval $numer $float numerflg) (dolist (var (cdr ($listofvars (list '(mlist simp) lhslist varxlist)))) (if (and (symbolp var) (not (constant var))) (setq varxl (cons var varxl)))) (orderpointer varlist) (setq tlhslist (mapcar (function (lambda (q) (cadr (ratf (meqhk q))))) (cdr lhslist))) (setq *ivar* (caadr (ratf '$%I))) (setq *tvarxlist* (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (cond ((mnump q) (merror "Unacceptable variable to ALGSYS:~%~M" q)) (t (caadr (ratf q))))) (cdr varxlist))) (putorder *tvarxlist*) (mbinding (varxl varxl) (setq solnlist (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (addmlist (bbsorteqns (addparam (roundroots1 q) varxlist)))) (algsys tlhslist)))) (remorder *tvarxlist*) (setq solnlist (addmlist solnlist)) (if numerflg (let (($numer t) ($float t)) (ssimplifya solnlist)) solnlist)) nil nil nil nil 1.0e-7 nil (reverse (cdr varxlist)) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil $numer)) (defun condensesolnl (tempsolnl) (let (solnl) (MAPL #'(lambda (q) (or (subsetl (cdr q) (car q)) (setq solnl (cons (car q) solnl)))) (sort tempsolnl (function (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b)))))) solnl)) (defun subsetl (l1 s2) (or (equal s2 (list nil)) (do ((l l1 (cdr l))) ((null l) nil) (cond ((m-subset (car l) s2) (return t)))))) (defun m-subset (s1 s2) (do ((s s1 (cdr s))) ((null s) t) (cond ((not (memalike (car s) s2)) (return nil))))) (defun algsys (tlhslist &aux answ) (setq answ (condensesolnl (apply (function append) (mapcar (function algsys0) (distrep (mapcar (function lofactors) tlhslist)))))) ; (displa (cons '(mlist) (sloop for v in answ collecting ; (cons '(mlist) v)))) answ) (defun algsys0 (tlhslist) (cond ((null tlhslist) (list nil)) ((equal tlhslist (list nil)) nil) (t (algsys1 tlhslist)))) (defun algsys1 (tlhslist &aux answ) ((lambda (resulteq vartorid nlhslist) (setq vartorid (cdr resulteq) resulteq (car resulteq) nlhslist (mapcar (function (lambda (q) (cond ((among vartorid q) (presultant q resulteq vartorid)) (t q)))) (delet resulteq tlhslist))) (setq answ (bakalevel (algsys nlhslist) tlhslist vartorid)) answ) (findleastvar tlhslist) nil nil)) (defun addmlist (l) (cons '(MLIST) l)) (defmacro what-the-$ev (&rest l) ;; macro for calling $EV when you are not really ;; sure why you are calling it, but you want the ;; features of multiple evaluations and unpredictabiltiy ;; anyway. `(meval (list '($ev) ,@l))) (defun rootsp (asolnset eqn) ;eqn is ((MLIST) eq deriv) (let (rr ($keepfloat t) ($numer t) ($float t)) (setq rr (what-the-$EV eqn asolnset)) ; ratsimp? (cond ((and (complexnump (cadr rr)) (complexnump (caddr rr))) (lessp (cabs (cadr rr)) (times $algdelta (max 1 (cabs (caddr rr)))))) (t nil)))) (defun round1 (a) (cond ((floatp a) (setq a (MAXIMA-RATIONALIZE a)) (fpcofrat1 (car a) (cdr a))) (t a))) (defun roundrhs (eqn) (list (car eqn) (cadr eqn) (round1 (caddr eqn)))) (defun roundroots1 (lsoln) (mapcar (function roundrhs) lsoln)) (defun bbsorteqns (l) (sort (copy-top-level l) 'ORDERLESSP)) (defun putorder (tempvarl) (do ((n 1 (f1+ n)) (tempvarl tempvarl (cdr tempvarl))) ((null tempvarl) nil) (putprop (car tempvarl) n 'VARORDER))) (defun remorder (gvarl) (mapc (function (lambda (x) (remprop x 'VARORDER))) gvarl)) (defun orderlessp (eqn1 eqn2) (< (get (caadr (ratf (cadr eqn1))) 'VARORDER) (get (caadr (ratf (cadr eqn2))) 'VARORDER))) (defun addparam (asolnsetl varxlist) (cond ((= (length asolnsetl) (length *tvarxlist*)) asolnsetl) (t (do ((tvarxl (cdr varxlist) (cdr tvarxl)) (defvar (mapcar #'cadr asolnsetl)) (var) (param)) ((null tvarxl) asolnsetl) (setq var (car tvarxl)) (cond ((memalike var defvar) nil) (t (setq param (make-param) asolnsetl (cons (list '(MEQUAL) var param) (cdr (MAXIMA-SUBSTITUTE param var (addmlist asolnsetl))))))))))) (declare-top(special *vardegs*)) (defun findleastvar (lhsl) (do ((tlhsl lhsl (cdr tlhsl)) (teq) (*vardegs*) (tdeg) ;; Largest possible fixnum. The actual degree of any polynomial ;; is supposed to be less than this number. (leastdeg most-positive-fixnum) (leasteq) (leastvar)) ((null tlhsl) (cons leasteq leastvar)) (declare (special *vardegs*)) (setq teq (car tlhsl)) (setq *vardegs* (getvardegs teq)) (setq tdeg (killvardegsc teq)) (mapc (function (lambda (q) (cond ((not (> (cdr q) leastdeg)) (setq leastdeg (cdr q) leasteq teq leastvar (car q)))))) *vardegs*) (cond ((< tdeg leastdeg) (setq leastdeg tdeg leasteq teq leastvar (car teq)))))) (defun killvardegsc (poly) (cond ((pconstp poly) 0) (t (do ((poly (cdr poly) (cddr poly)) (tdeg 0 (max tdeg (f+ (car poly) (cond ((= (car poly) 0) (killvardegsc (cadr poly))) (t (killvardegsn (cadr poly)))))))) ((null poly) tdeg))))) (defun killvardegsn (poly) (declare (special *vardegs*)) (cond ((pconstp poly) 0) (t ((lambda (x) (and x (not (> (cdr x) (cadr poly))) (setq *vardegs* (zl-DELETE x *vardegs*)))) (assq (car poly) *vardegs*)) (do ((poly (cdr poly) (cddr poly)) (tdeg 0 (max tdeg (f+ (car poly) (killvardegsn (cadr poly)))))) ((null poly) tdeg))))) (defun getvardegs (poly) (cond ((pconstp poly) nil) ((pconstp (caddr poly)) (cons (cons (car poly) (cadr poly)) (getvardegs (pterm (cdr poly) 0)))) (t (getvardegs (pterm (cdr poly) 0))))) (declare-top(unspecial *vardegs*)) (defun pconstp (poly) (or (atom poly) (not (memq (car poly) *tvarxlist*)))) (defun pfreeofmainvarsp (poly) (cond ((atom poly) poly) ((null (memq (car poly) *tvarxlist*)) ($radcan (pdis poly))) (t poly))) (defun lofactors (poly) (setq poly (pfreeofmainvarsp poly)) (cond ((pzerop poly) ;(signp e poly) (list 0)) ((or (atom poly) (not (atom (car poly)))) nil) (t (do ((tfactors (pfactor poly) (cddr tfactors)) (lfactors)) ((null tfactors) lfactors) (setq poly (pfreeofmainvarsp (car tfactors))) (cond ((pzerop poly);(signp e poly) (return (list 0))) ((and (not (atom poly)) (atom (car poly))) (setq lfactors (cons (pabs poly) lfactors)))))))) (defun combiney (listofl) (cond ((memq nil listofl) nil) (t (combiney1 (zl-DELETE '(0) listofl))))) (defun combiney1 (listofl) (cond ((null listofl) (list nil)) (t (mapcan #'(lambda (r) (cond ((intersect (car listofl) r) (list r)) (t (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (cons q r)) (car listofl))))) (combiney1 (cdr listofl)))))) (defun midpnt (l) (rhalf (rplus* (car l) (cadr l)))) (defun rflot (l) (let ((rr (midpnt l))) (if realonlyratnum (list '(rat) (car rr) (cdr rr)) (quotient (plus 0.0 (car rr)) (cdr rr))))) (defun memberroot (a x eps) (cond ((null x) nil) ((lessp (abs (difference a (car x))) (quotient (plus 0.0 (car eps)) (cdr eps))) t) (t (memberroot a (cdr x) eps)))) (defun commonroots (eps solnl1 solnl2) (cond ((null solnl1) nil) ((memberroot (car solnl1) solnl2 eps) (cons (car solnl1) (commonroots eps (cdr solnl1) solnl2))) (t (commonroots eps (cdr solnl1) solnl2)))) (defun deletmult (l) (and l (cons (car l) (deletmult (cddr l))))) (defun punivarp (poly) (do ((l (cdr poly) (cddr l))) ((null l) t) (or (numberp (cadr l)) (and (eq (caadr l) *ivar*) (punivarp (cadr l))) (return nil)))) (defun realonly (rootsl) (cond ((null rootsl) nil) ((freeof '$%I (car rootsl)) (nconc (list (car rootsl)) (realonly (cdr rootsl)))) (t (realonly (cdr rootsl))))) (defun presultant (p1 p2 var) (cadr (ratf ($resultant (pdis p1) (pdis p2) (pdis (list var 1. 1.)))))) (defun ptimeftrs (l) (prog (ll) (setq ll (cddr l)) (cond ((null ll) (return (car l))) (t (return (ptimes (car l) (ptimeftrs ll))))))) (defun ebaksubst (solnl lhsl) (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (cadr (ratf (what-the-$EV (pdis q) (cons '(MLIST) solnl) '$radcan)))) lhsl)) (defun baksubst (solnl lhsl) (setq lhsl (delq 'T (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (car (merrset (baksubst1 solnl q)))) lhsl))) ;catches arith. ovfl (cond ((memq nil lhsl) (list nil)) (t lhsl))) (defun baksubst1 (solnl poly) (let* (($keepfloat (not $realonly)) ;sturm1 needs poly with (poly1 ;integer coefs (cdr (ratf (what-the-$EV (pdis poly) (cons '(MLIST) solnl) '$NUMER))))) (cond ((and (complexnump (pdis (car poly1))) (numberp (cdr poly1))) (rootsp (cons '(MLIST) solnl) (list '(MLIST) (pdis poly) (tayapprox poly)))) (t (car poly1))))) (defun complexnump (p) ((lambda (p) (or (numberp p) (eq (pdis (pget (car p))) '$%i))) (cadr (ratf ($ratsimp p))))) (defun bakalevel (solnl lhsl var) ;(apply #'append (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (bakalevel1 q lhsl var)) solnl)) (sloop for q in solnl append (bakalevel1 q lhsl var)) ) (defun bakalevel1 (solnl lhsl var) (cond ((exactonly solnl) (cond (solnl (mergesoln solnl (algsys (ebaksubst solnl lhsl)))) ((cdr lhsl) (bakalevel (callsolve (setq solnl (findleastvar lhsl))) (zl-REMOVE (car solnl) lhsl) var)) (t (callsolve (cons (car lhsl) var))))) (t (mergesoln solnl (apprsys (baksubst solnl lhsl)))))) (defun exactonly (solnl) (cond ((atom solnl) (and (not (floatp solnl)) (or (null realonlyratnum) (not (eq solnl 'rat))))) (t (and (exactonly (car solnl)) (exactonly (cdr solnl)))))) (defun mergesoln (asoln solnl) (let ((errorsw t) s (unbind (cons bindlist loclist))) (mapcan #'(lambda (q) (setq s (catch 'errorsw (append (mapcar #'(lambda (r) (what-the-$EV r (cons '(MLIST) q)) ) asoln) q))) (cond ((eq s t) (errlfun1 unbind) nil) (t (list s)))) solnl))) (defun callsolve (pv) ((lambda (poly var varlist genvar *roots *failures $programmode) (cond ((or $algexact (not (punivarp poly)) (biquadraticp poly)) (solve (pdis poly) (pdis (list var 1 1)) 1) (cond ((null (or *roots *failures)) (list nil)) (t (append (mapcan (function (lambda (q) (callapprs (cadr (ratf (meqhk q)))))) (deletmult *failures)) (mapcar (function list) (cond ($realonly (realonly (deletmult *roots))) (t (deletmult *roots)))))))) (t (callapprs poly)))) (car pv) (cdr pv) varlist genvar nil nil t)) (defun biquadraticp (poly) (or (atom poly) (if algnotexact (< (cadr poly) 2) (or (< (cadr poly) 3) (and (= (cadr poly) 4) (biquadp1 (cdddr poly))))))) (defun biquadp1 (l) (or (null l) (and (or (= (car l) 2) (= (car l) 0)) (biquadp1 (cddr l))))) (defun callapprs (poly) (or (punivarp poly) (merror "ALGSYS cannot solve - system too complicated.")) (let ($rootsquad $dispflag) (cond ($realonly (mapcar (function (lambda (q) (list (list '(MEQUAL) (pdis (list (car poly) 1 1)) (rflot q))))) (sturm1 poly (cons 1 $algepsilon)))) (t (mapcar #'list (let (($programmode t) l) (setq l (cdr ($allroots (pdis poly)))) (cond ((not (eq (caaar l) 'mequal)) (cdr l)) (t l)))))))) (defun apprsys (lhsl) (cond ((null lhsl) (list nil)) (t (do ((tlhsl lhsl (cdr tlhsl))) (nil) (cond ((null tlhsl) (merror "ALGSYS cannot solve - system too complicated.")) ((pconstp (car tlhsl)) (return nil)) ((punivarp (car tlhsl)) (return (bakalevel (callapprs (car tlhsl)) lhsl nil)))))))) (defun tayapprox (p) (cons '(MPLUS) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (list '(MYCABS) (pdis (ptimes (list x 1 1) (pderivative p x)))))) (listovars p)))) (defmfun mycabs (x) (and (complexnump x) (cabs x))) (defun distrep (lol) (condensesolnl (condensesublist (combiney lol)))) (defun condensey (l) ((lambda (result) (MAPL #'(lambda (q) (or (memalike (car q) (cdr q)) (setq result (cons (car q) result)))) l) result) nil)) (defun condensesublist (lol) (mapcar #'condensey lol)) (defun exclude (l1 l2) (cond ((null l2) nil) ((zl-MEMBER (car l2) l1) (exclude l1 (cdr l2))) (t ;(append (list (car l2)) (exclude l1 (cdr l2))) (cons (car l2) (exclude l1 (cdr l2))) )))