/* A demonstration of the qualitative analysis functions described in file SHARE;QUAL USAGE. Consider the following expression: */ TEMP: TANH(COS(X/3)**2-COS(X/3-%PI/2)**2) + SIN(X/5)*ERF(TAN(X)) + ATAN(Y); /* To do a qualitative analysis of this expression, we write: */ QUAL(TEMP); /* We may use the ASSUME function to establish non-default bounds on indeterminates. For example: */ ASSUME(P>0, Q>=-1/4, Q<=1/4, B<=BMAX)$ /* We may also individually invoke the various property analysis functions invoked by QUAL. For example: */ TEMP: -ASIN(Q+1/2) - Q**2 + P*Q - 4*Q + LOG(P) - P**2 + 3*P + SQRT(P) - B**2 + B - 18; CURVATURE(TEMP); TEMP: EXPAND((X-1)**4 + (X-1)**2 + (Y-2)**2 + 5); STATIONARYPOINTS(TEMP); TEMP: EXPAND((LOG(X-3)-5)*(X-Y+8)/TAN(X-Y+2)); ZEROSANDSINGULARITIES(TEMP); /* QUAL also automatically reveals successive levels of the struecture of lengthier expressions. For example, the second derivative of TEMP with respect to X is about 2 pages long, but: */ QUAL(DIFF(TEMP,X,2))$