(in-package "MAXIMA") (set-pathnames) ;(load (pathname "../src/nusum")) ;(load (pathname "../src/ode2")) ;(load (pathname "../src/elim")) ;(load (pathname "../src/trgsmp")) (setf (get 'maxima::%cosh 'maxima::translated) t);;so that kill won't remprop. ;(dolist (v '(|nusum| |ode2| |elim| |trgsmp|)) (aload v)) ;; bang on sgc if we have it. #+sgc (si::sgc-on t) ;(si::set-gmp-allocate-relocatable t) ;;we won't bother collecting the errors (setq *collect-errors* nil) (time (sloop with errs = '((mlist)) for v in '( "rtest1" "rtest1a" "rtest2" "rtest3" "rtest4" "rtest5" "rtest6" "rtest6a" "rtest6b" "rtest7" "rtest8" "rtest9" "rtest9a" "rtest10" "rtest11" "rtest12" "rtest13" "rtest13s" "rtest14" ) do (format t "~%Testing ~a.mac" v) (or (errset (setq errs ($append errs (test-batch (format nil "~a~a.mac" (if (boundp 'doc-path) doc-path "") v))))) (progn (setq errs ($append errs `((mlist), '$Broke ',v))) (format t "~%Caused a error break: ~a.mac" v))) finally (cond ((null (cdr errs)) (format t "~%No Errors Found")) (t ($print "Error Summary:" errs))) )) ;;check the run command ;(macsyma-top-level)