/* ===================================================================== */ /* file: cf.dem */ /* the line cf(frac1+frac2) loops !!!! */ /* the 2 last lines gives erroneous results */ /* CONTINUED FRACTIONS. THIS IS GOOD STUFF. */ FRAC1:CF([1,2,3,4]); FRAC2:CF([2,3,4,5]); CFDISREP(FRAC1); CF(FRAC1+FRAC2); CFDISREP(%); cf(467288576/469097433); cfdisrep(%); ratsimp(%); /* CF can make the continued fraction expansion of SQRT(N) to CFLENGTH terms. */ BLOCK([CFLENGTH:4],CFDISREP(CF(SQRT(3)))); RATSIMP(%); %^2-3; RATSQRT(N,CFLENGTH):=RATSIMP(CFDISREP(CF(SQRT(N))))$ RATSQRT(1776,25); %^2-1776; /* With the primitives of SQRT and rational operations continued fraction expansions of many trancendental expressions may be made in the classical way. */ /* ======================== END ==== END ====================== */