GimpCMYK —


struct      GimpCMYK;
void        gimp_cmyk_set                   (GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             gdouble cyan,
                                             gdouble magenta,
                                             gdouble yellow,
                                             gdouble black);
void        gimp_cmyk_set_uchar             (GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             guchar cyan,
                                             guchar magenta,
                                             guchar yellow,
                                             guchar black);
void        gimp_cmyk_get_uchar             (const GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             guchar *cyan,
                                             guchar *magenta,
                                             guchar *yellow,
                                             guchar *black);
void        gimp_cmyka_set                  (GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             gdouble cyan,
                                             gdouble magenta,
                                             gdouble yellow,
                                             gdouble black,
                                             gdouble alpha);
void        gimp_cmyka_set_uchar            (GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             guchar cyan,
                                             guchar magenta,
                                             guchar yellow,
                                             guchar black,
                                             guchar alpha);
void        gimp_cmyka_get_uchar            (const GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             guchar *cyan,
                                             guchar *magenta,
                                             guchar *yellow,
                                             guchar *black,
                                             guchar *alpha);



struct GimpCMYK

struct GimpCMYK {

  gdouble c, m, y, k, a;

gimp_cmyk_set ()

void        gimp_cmyk_set                   (GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             gdouble cyan,
                                             gdouble magenta,
                                             gdouble yellow,
                                             gdouble black);

Very basic initialiser for the internal GimpCMYK structure. Channel values are doubles in the range 0 to 1.

cmyk : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYK value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel

gimp_cmyk_set_uchar ()

void        gimp_cmyk_set_uchar             (GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             guchar cyan,
                                             guchar magenta,
                                             guchar yellow,
                                             guchar black);

The same as gimp_cmyk_set(), except that channel values are unsigned chars in the range 0 to 255.

cmyk : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYK value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel

gimp_cmyk_get_uchar ()

void        gimp_cmyk_get_uchar             (const GimpCMYK *cmyk,
                                             guchar *cyan,
                                             guchar *magenta,
                                             guchar *yellow,
                                             guchar *black);

Retrieve individual channel values from a GimpCMYK structure. Channel values are pointers to unsigned chars in the range 0 to 255.

cmyk : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYK value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel

gimp_cmyka_set ()

void        gimp_cmyka_set                  (GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             gdouble cyan,
                                             gdouble magenta,
                                             gdouble yellow,
                                             gdouble black,
                                             gdouble alpha);

Initialiser for the internal GimpCMYK structure. Channel values are doubles in the range 0 to 1.

cmyka : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYKA value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel
alpha : The Alpha channel

gimp_cmyka_set_uchar ()

void        gimp_cmyka_set_uchar            (GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             guchar cyan,
                                             guchar magenta,
                                             guchar yellow,
                                             guchar black,
                                             guchar alpha);

The same as gimp_cmyka_set(), except that channel values are unsigned chars in the range 0 to 255.

cmyka : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYKA value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel
alpha : The Alpha channel

gimp_cmyka_get_uchar ()

void        gimp_cmyka_get_uchar            (const GimpCMYK *cmyka,
                                             guchar *cyan,
                                             guchar *magenta,
                                             guchar *yellow,
                                             guchar *black,
                                             guchar *alpha);

Retrieve individual channel values from a GimpCMYK structure. Channel values are pointers to unsigned chars in the range 0 to 255.

cmyka : A GimpCMYK structure which will hold the specified CMYKA value.
cyan : The Cyan channel of the CMYK value
magenta : The Magenta channel
yellow : The Yellow channel
black : The blacK channel
alpha : The Alpha channel