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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "gn/gnSequence.h"
00002 #include "gn/gnGBKSource.h"
00003 #include "gn/gnFASSource.h"
00004 #include <algorithm>
00006 static boolean LocationLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b);
00008 static boolean LocationLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b){
00009         return a.GetStart() < b.GetStart();
00010 }
00012 static boolean LocationEndLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b);
00014 static boolean LocationEndLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b){
00015         return a.GetEnd() < b.GetStart();
00016 }
00018 static boolean LocationSizeLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b);
00020 static boolean LocationSizeLessthan(const gnLocation& a, const gnLocation& b){
00021         return a.GetEnd() - a.GetStart() < b.GetEnd() - b.GetStart();
00022 }
00024 // create a location list which contains every intervening region
00025 // in l_list
00026 void ComplementLocation(vector<gnLocation>& l_list){
00027         if(l_list.size() < 2)
00028                 return; //need 2 or more locations to get the in between regions
00030         vector<gnLocation> comp_list;
00032         sort(l_list.begin(), l_list.end(), &LocationLessthan);
00034         for(uint32 locationI = 1; locationI < l_list.size(); locationI++){
00036                 //if they don't intersect there is an intervening region
00037                 if( !l_list[locationI].Intersects( l_list[locationI-1] ) ){
00039                         //create the region between locationI and locationI - 1
00040                         gnLocation between_loc;
00041                         between_loc.SetStart(l_list[locationI-1].GetEnd());
00042                         between_loc.SetEnd(l_list[locationI].GetStart());
00043                         //add it to the complement list
00044                         comp_list.push_back(between_loc);
00045                 }
00047         }
00049         l_list = comp_list;
00050 }
00052 void DeleteRepeats(list<gnLocation>& loc_list){
00054         loc_list.sort(&LocationLessthan);
00056         list<gnLocation>::iterator loc_iter = loc_list.begin();
00057         list<gnLocation>::iterator cur_loc;
00058         for(; loc_iter != loc_list.end(); loc_iter++){
00059                 cur_loc = loc_iter;
00060                 cur_loc++;
00061                 while(cur_loc != loc_list.end() && !LocationEndLessthan(*loc_iter, *cur_loc)){
00062                         if(loc_iter->Intersects(*cur_loc)){
00063                                 *loc_iter = loc_iter->GetUnion(*cur_loc);
00064                                 list<gnLocation>::iterator to_del = cur_loc;
00065                                 cur_loc--;
00066                                 loc_list.erase(to_del);
00067                         }
00068                         cur_loc++;
00069                 }
00070         }
00071 }
00073 void WriteData(gnSequence& file_sequence, list<gnLocation>& loc_list, string& filename){
00074         gnSequence loc_seq;
00075         cout << "Gathering sequence data to write...\n";
00076         list<gnLocation>::iterator loc_iter = loc_list.begin();
00077         uint32 loc_count = loc_list.size();
00078         uint32 notice_interval = loc_count / 10;
00079         uint32 cur_locI = 0;
00080         for(;loc_iter != loc_list.end(); loc_iter++){
00081                 loc_seq += file_sequence.ToString( loc_iter->GetEnd() - loc_iter->GetStart(), loc_iter->GetStart());
00082                 if(cur_locI % notice_interval == 0){
00083                         cout << (cur_locI / loc_count) * 10 << "%..";
00084                 }
00085                 cur_locI++;
00086         }
00087         cout << "\nWriting sequence data...\n";
00088         gnFASSource::Write(loc_seq, filename);
00089 }
00091 void WriteList(list<gnLocation>& loc_list, string& filename){
00092         ofstream list_out(filename.c_str());
00093         list<gnLocation>::iterator loc_iter = loc_list.begin();
00094         for(;loc_iter != loc_list.end(); loc_iter++){
00095                 list_out << loc_iter->GetStart() << '\t' << loc_iter->GetEnd() << '\n';
00096         }
00097         list_out.close();
00098 }
00100 void print_usage(char* pname){
00101         cout << "Usage: " << pname << " <genbank file> <exon_list> <intron_list> <exon_seq> <intron_seq>\n";
00102 }
00104 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
00105 {
00106         boolean run_interactive = false;
00107         string seq_filename;
00108         string exon_list_filename;
00109         string intron_list_filename;
00110         string exon_seq_filename;
00111         string intron_seq_filename;
00112         // define a gnSequence to store the sequence
00113         gnSequence file_sequence;
00115         if(!run_interactive){
00116                 // check for correct calling semantics
00117                 if(argc != 6){
00118                         print_usage(argv[0]);
00119                         return -1;
00120                 }
00122                 seq_filename = argv[1];
00123                 exon_list_filename = argv[2];
00124                 intron_list_filename = argv[3];
00125                 exon_seq_filename = argv[4];
00126                 intron_seq_filename = argv[5];
00127         }else{
00129                 // Get the name of the sequence to load
00130                 cout << "Enter the name of the sequence file to load:\n" ;
00131                 cin >> seq_filename;
00132         }
00134         // Load the sequence and tell the user if it loaded successfully
00135         if(file_sequence.LoadSource(seq_filename))
00136         {
00137                 cout << seq_filename << " loaded successfully.  " << file_sequence.length() << " base pairs.\n";
00138         }else{
00139                 cout << "Error loading file.\n";
00140                 return -1;
00141         }
00143         uint32 feature_count = file_sequence.getFeatureListLength();
00144         uint32 cds_count = 0;
00146         //define a sequence for each type of data
00147         gnSequence exon_seq;
00148         gnSequence intron_seq;
00150         list<gnLocation> exon_list;
00151         list<gnLocation> intron_list;
00153         cout << "There are " << feature_count << " known features.\n";
00154         for(uint32 featureI = 0; featureI < feature_count; featureI++){
00155                 gnBaseFeature* cur_feat = file_sequence.getFeature(featureI);
00156                 if(cur_feat == NULL){
00157                         cout << "cur_feat is NULL, trace me!\n";
00158                         cur_feat = file_sequence.getFeature(featureI);
00159                         continue;
00160                 }
00161                 if(cur_feat->GetName() == "CDS"){
00162                         cds_count++;
00163                         uint32 loc_count = cur_feat->GetLocationListLength();
00164                         vector<gnLocation> cur_exon_list, cur_intron_list;
00166                         for(uint32 locationI = 0; locationI < loc_count; locationI++){
00167                                 cur_exon_list.push_back(cur_feat->GetLocation(locationI));
00168                                 exon_list.push_back(cur_exon_list[locationI]);
00169                         }
00170                         if(loc_count >= 2){
00171                                 cur_intron_list = cur_exon_list;
00172                                 ComplementLocation(cur_intron_list);
00173                                 for(uint32 locationI = 0; locationI < cur_intron_list.size(); locationI++)
00174                                         intron_list.push_back(cur_intron_list[locationI]);
00175                         }
00176 /*  Code for exon size tracking  */
00177 /*                      sort(cur_exon_list.begin(), cur_exon_list.end(), &LocationSizeLessthan);
00178                         gnSeqI cur_size = cur_exon_list[loc_count - 1].GetEnd() - cur_exon_list[loc_count - 1].GetStart();
00179                         size_out << cur_size << '\n';
00180                         if(cur_size > 5000){
00181                                 cout << "psycho bob is at it again\n";
00182                                 cout << "Found " << cur_size << " length exon in feature: " << cur_feat->GetName() << "\n";
00183                                 cout << "Feature Index: " << featureI << "\n";
00184                                 for(uint32 i=0; i < cur_feat->GetQualifierListLength(); i++){
00185                                         cout << cur_feat->GetQualifierName(i) << "\t" << cur_feat->GetQualifierValue(i) << "\n";
00186                                 }
00187                                 cout << "\n";
00188                         }               */
00189                         delete cur_feat;
00190                 }
00191         }
00193         cout << "There are " << cds_count << " cds features.\n";
00195         //now sort the lists and delete repeats and fix overlaps
00196         uint32 exon_count = exon_list.size();
00197         cout << "Deleting exon repeats...  ";
00198         DeleteRepeats(exon_list);
00199         cout << "Eliminated " << exon_count - exon_list.size() << " repeats for a total of ";
00200         cout << exon_list.size() << " repeats\n";
00201         uint32 intron_count = intron_list.size();
00202         cout << "Deleting intron repeats...  ";
00203         DeleteRepeats(intron_list);
00204         cout << "Eliminated " << intron_count - intron_list.size() << " repeats for a total of ";
00205         cout << intron_list.size() << " repeats\n";
00206         WriteList(exon_list, exon_list_filename);
00207         WriteList(intron_list, intron_list_filename);
00208         WriteData(file_sequence, exon_list, exon_seq_filename);
00209         WriteData(file_sequence, intron_list, intron_seq_filename);
00210         if(run_interactive)
00211                 cin >> seq_filename;
00212         return 0;
00213 };

Generated at Fri Nov 30 15:36:52 2001 for libGenome by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001