
BonoboUIEngine — The guts of the UI handler


struct      BonoboUIEngine;
void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_dead_components
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component_by_ref
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown ref);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_register_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown component);
GList*      bonobo_ui_engine_get_component_names
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
Bonobo_Unknown bonobo_ui_engine_get_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_config_set_path
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);
const char* bonobo_ui_engine_config_get_path
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_set_ui_container
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUIContainer *ui_container);
BonoboUIContainer* bonobo_ui_engine_get_ui_container
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_freeze         (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_thaw           (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_update         (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
enum        BonoboUIError;
struct      BonoboUIEnginePrivate;
struct      BonoboUIEngineClass;
BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_ui_engine_construct  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GObject *view);
BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_ui_engine_new        (GObject *view);
GObject*    bonobo_ui_engine_get_view       (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_add_sync       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_remove_sync    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync);
GSList*     bonobo_ui_engine_get_syncs      (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_update_node    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_queue_update   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             BonoboUINode *cmd_node);
GtkWidget*  bonobo_ui_engine_build_control  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_widget_get_node
                                            (GtkWidget *widget);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set_node
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_set_prop (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *property,
                                             const char *value,
                                             const char *component);
CORBA_char* bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get_prop   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *prop,
                                             gboolean *invalid_path);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_prune_widget_info
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             gboolean save_custom);
BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_get_path     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_dirty_tree     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_clean_tree     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_dump           (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             FILE *out,
                                             const char *msg);
CORBA_Object bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_object
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
gboolean    bonobo_ui_engine_node_is_dirty  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
GtkWidget*  bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_widget
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
const char* bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_id    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_get_cmd_node (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *from_node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_node_set_dirty (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             gboolean dirty);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_custom   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_root     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_add_hint       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *str);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_remove_hint    (BonoboUIEngine *engine);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             const char *state);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on_w (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on_w
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             const char *state);
char*       bonobo_ui_engine_get_attr       (BonoboUINode *node,
                                             BonoboUINode *cmd_node,
                                             const char *attr);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_attach_node
                                            (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);
CORBA_char* bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get        (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             gboolean node_only);
gboolean    bonobo_ui_engine_xml_node_exists
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);
BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_merge_tree
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             BonoboUINode *tree,
                                             const char *component);
BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_rm       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *by_component);
BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_object_set   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown object,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);
BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_object_get   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown *object,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_exec_verb      (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const CORBA_char *cname,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);
void        bonobo_ui_engine_ui_event       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const CORBA_char *id,
                                             const Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType type,
                                             const CORBA_char *state,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

Object Hierarchy


Signal Prototypes

"add-hint"  void        user_function      (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gchar *arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);
"destroy"   void        user_function      (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer arg1,
                                            gchar *arg2,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer user_data);


The Bonobo UI code as exposed through the BonoboWindow, BonoboUIComponent and BonoboUIContainer API's use the BonoboUIEngine. The Engine effectively maintains a BonoboUIXml tree internaly, and a list of BonoboUISync synchronizers that, when the tree changes are used to re-sync the associated widgets with the XML model.

The Engine can be tweaked by getting its pointer from an associated BonoboWindow eg. this can be useful for setting the configuration path. To allow a BonoboWindow to be configurable you need to do:

Example 4. How to make your UI user configurable

bonobo_ui_engine_config_set_path (
	bonobo_window_get_ui_engine (win),

where "UIConfig/kvps" is some convenient path into your gnome_config file.

Key value pairs (kvps) are stored in this, mangled into a comma delimited string and these are used to clobber the XML on merges, eg.

Example 5. User configuration format


inside your ~/.gnome/my-application-name file, will ensure that whenever the item with path '/Toolbar' is modified the 'look="both"' attribute will be stamped onto it, effecively forcing a certain look.


struct BonoboUIEngine

struct BonoboUIEngine;

bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_dead_components ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_dead_components
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

Detect any components that have died and deregister them - unmerging their UI elements.

engine : the engine

bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component_by_ref ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component_by_ref
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown ref);

Deregisters component with reference ref from engine.

engine : the engine
ref : the ref.

bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_deregister_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name);

Deregisters component of name from engine.

engine : the engine
name : the component name

bonobo_ui_engine_register_component ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_register_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown component);

Registers component with engine by name.

engine : the engine
name : a name to associate a component with
component : the component

bonobo_ui_engine_get_component_names ()

GList*      bonobo_ui_engine_get_component_names
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

engine : the engine
Returns : the names of all registered components

bonobo_ui_engine_get_component ()

Bonobo_Unknown bonobo_ui_engine_get_component
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *name);

engine : the engine
name : the name of the component to fetch
Returns : the component with name name

bonobo_ui_engine_config_set_path ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_config_set_path
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);

engine :
path :

bonobo_ui_engine_config_get_path ()

const char* bonobo_ui_engine_config_get_path
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

engine :
Returns :

bonobo_ui_engine_set_ui_container ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_set_ui_container
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUIContainer *ui_container);

Associates a given UI Container with this BonoboUIEngine.

engine : the engine
ui_container : a UI Container bonobo object.

bonobo_ui_engine_get_ui_container ()

BonoboUIContainer* bonobo_ui_engine_get_ui_container
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

Fetches the associated UI Container

engine : the engine
Returns : the associated UI container.

bonobo_ui_engine_freeze ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_freeze         (BonoboUIEngine *engine);


bonobo_ui_engine_freeze is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This increments the freeze count on the tree, while this count > 0 no syncronization between the internal XML model and the widget views occurs. This means that many simple merges can be glupped together with little performance impact and overhead.

engine : the engine

bonobo_ui_engine_thaw ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_thaw           (BonoboUIEngine *engine);


bonobo_ui_engine_thaw is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This decrements the freeze count and if it is 0 causes the UI widgets to be re-synched with the XML model, see also bonobo_ui_engine_freeze

engine : the engine

bonobo_ui_engine_update ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_update         (BonoboUIEngine *engine);


bonobo_ui_engine_update is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function is called to update the entire UI model synchronizing any changes in it with the widget tree where neccessary

engine : the engine.

enum BonoboUIError

typedef enum {
} BonoboUIError;

struct BonoboUIEnginePrivate

struct BonoboUIEnginePrivate;

struct BonoboUIEngineClass

struct BonoboUIEngineClass {

	GObjectClass parent_class;

	/* Signals */
	void (*add_hint)      (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
			       const char     *str);
	void (*remove_hint)   (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

	void (*emit_verb_on)  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
			       BonoboUINode   *node);

	void (*emit_event_on) (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
			       BonoboUINode   *node,
			       const char     *state);

	void (*destroy)       (BonoboUIEngine *engine);


bonobo_ui_engine_construct ()

BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_ui_engine_construct  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GObject *view);

Construct a new bonobo_ui_engine

engine : the engine.
view : the view [ often a BonoboWindow ]
Returns : the constructed engine.

bonobo_ui_engine_new ()

BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_ui_engine_new        (GObject *view);

Create a new BonoboUIEngine structure

view :
Returns : the new UI Engine.

bonobo_ui_engine_get_view ()

GObject*    bonobo_ui_engine_get_view       (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

This returns the associated view, often a BonoboWindow

engine : the engine
Returns : the view widget.

bonobo_ui_engine_add_sync ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_add_sync       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync);

Add a BonoboUISync synchronizer to the engine

engine : the enginer
sync : the synchronizer

bonobo_ui_engine_remove_sync ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_remove_sync    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync);

Remove a specified BonoboUISync synchronizer from the engine

engine : the engine
sync : the sync

bonobo_ui_engine_get_syncs ()

GSList*     bonobo_ui_engine_get_syncs      (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

Retrieve a list of available synchronizers.

engine : the engine
Returns : a GSList of BonoboUISync s

bonobo_ui_engine_update_node ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_update_node    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUISync *sync,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

This function is used to write recursive synchronizers and is intended only for internal / privilaged use.

By the time this returns, due to re-enterancy, node points at undefined memory.

engine : the engine
sync :
node : the node to start updating.

bonobo_ui_engine_queue_update ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_queue_update   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             BonoboUINode *cmd_node);

This function is used to queue a state update on widget, essentialy transfering any state from the XML model into the widget view. This is queued to avoid re-enterancy problems.

engine : the engine
widget : the widget to update later
node : the node
cmd_node : the associated command's node

bonobo_ui_engine_build_control ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_ui_engine_build_control  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

A helper function for synchronizers, this creates a control if possible from the node's associated object, stamps the node as containing a control and sets its widget.

engine : the engine
node : the control node.
Returns : a Control's GtkWidget.

bonobo_ui_engine_widget_get_node ()

BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_widget_get_node
                                            (GtkWidget *widget);

widget : the widget
Returns : the BonoboUINode associated with this widget

bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set_node ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set_node
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Used internaly to associate a widget with a node, some synchronisers need to be able to execute code on widget creation.

engine : the engine
widget : the widget
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_set_prop ()

BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_set_prop (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *property,
                                             const char *value,
                                             const char *component);

This function sets the property of a node in the internal tree representation at path in engine.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
property : The property to set
value : The new value of the property
component : the component ID associated with the nodes.
Returns : flag on error

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get_prop ()

CORBA_char* bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get_prop   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *prop,
                                             gboolean *invalid_path);

This function fetches the property prop at node at path in the internal structure.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
prop : The property
invalid_path :
Returns : a CORBA allocated string

bonobo_ui_engine_prune_widget_info ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_prune_widget_info
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             gboolean save_custom);

This function destroys any widgets associated with node and all its children, if save_custom, any widget that is a custom widget ( such as a control ) will be preserved. All widgets flagged ROOT are preserved always.

engine : the engine
node : the node
save_custom : whether to save custom widgets

bonobo_ui_engine_get_path ()

BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_get_path     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);

This routine gets a node from the internal XML tree pointed at by path

engine : the engine.
path : the path into the tree
Returns : the node.

bonobo_ui_engine_dirty_tree ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_dirty_tree     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Mark all the node's children as being dirty and needing a re-synch with their widget views.

engine : the engine
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_clean_tree ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_clean_tree     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

This cleans the tree, marking the node and its children as not needing a re-synch with their widget views.

engine : the engine
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_dump ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_dump           (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             FILE *out,
                                             const char *msg);

This is a debugging function mostly for internal and testing use, it dumps the XML tree, including the assoicated, and overridden nodes in a wierd hackish format to the out stream with the helpful msg prepended.

engine : the engine
out : the FILE stream to dump to
msg : user visible message

bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_object ()

CORBA_Object bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_object
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

engine : the engine
node : the node
Returns : the CORBA_Object associated with a node

bonobo_ui_engine_node_is_dirty ()

gboolean    bonobo_ui_engine_node_is_dirty  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

engine : the engine
node : the node
Returns : whether the node is marked dirty

bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_widget ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_widget
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Gets the widget associated with node

engine : the engine
node : the node
Returns : the widget

bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_id ()

const char* bonobo_ui_engine_node_get_id    (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Each component has an associated textual id or name - see bonobo_ui_engine_register_component

engine : the engine
node : the node
Returns : the component id associated with the node

bonobo_ui_engine_get_cmd_node ()

BonoboUINode* bonobo_ui_engine_get_cmd_node (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *from_node);

This function seeks the command node associated with from_node in engine 's internal tree.

engine : the engine
from_node : the node
Returns : the command node or NULL

bonobo_ui_engine_node_set_dirty ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_node_set_dirty (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             gboolean dirty);

Set node s dirty bit to dirty.

engine : the engine
node : the node
dirty : whether the node should be dirty.

bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_custom ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_custom   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Marks a node as containing a custom widget.

engine : the engine
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_set     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);

engine :
path :
widget :

bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_root ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_stamp_root     (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);

This stamps node with widget which is marked as being a ROOT node, so the engine will never destroy it.

engine : the engine
node : the node
widget : the root widget

bonobo_ui_engine_add_hint ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_add_hint       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *str);

This fires the 'add_hint' signal.

engine : the engine
str : the hint string

bonobo_ui_engine_remove_hint ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_remove_hint    (BonoboUIEngine *engine);

This fires the 'remove_hint' signal

engine : the engine

bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

This fires the 'emit_verb' signal

engine : the engine
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on  (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             BonoboUINode *node,
                                             const char *state);

This fires the 'emit_event_on' signal

engine : the engine
node : the node
state : the new state of the node

bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on_w ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_verb_on_w (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget);

This function looks up the node from widget and emits the 'emit_verb_on' signal on that node.

engine : the engine
widget : the widget

bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on_w ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_emit_event_on_w
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             const char *state);

This function looks up the node from widget and emits the 'emit_event_on' signal on that node passint state as the new state.

engine : the engine
widget : the widget
state : the new state

bonobo_ui_engine_get_attr ()

char*       bonobo_ui_engine_get_attr       (BonoboUINode *node,
                                             BonoboUINode *cmd_node,
                                             const char *attr);

This function is used to get node attributes in many UI synchronizers, it first attempts to get the attribute from node, and if this fails falls back to cmd_node.

node : the node
cmd_node : the command's node
attr : the attribute name
Returns : the attr or NULL if it doesn't exist.

bonobo_ui_engine_widget_attach_node ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_widget_attach_node
                                            (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             BonoboUINode *node);

Associate node with widget

widget : the widget
node : the node

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get ()

CORBA_char* bonobo_ui_engine_xml_get        (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             gboolean node_only);

This function fetches the node at path in the internal structure, and if node_only dumps the node to an XML string, otherwise it dumps it and its children.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
node_only : just the node, or children too.
Returns : the XML string - use CORBA_free to free

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_node_exists ()

gboolean    bonobo_ui_engine_xml_node_exists
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path);

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
Returns : true if the node at path exists

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_merge_tree ()

BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_merge_tree
                                            (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             BonoboUINode *tree,
                                             const char *component);

This function merges the XML tree into the internal tree representation as children of the node at path in engine.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
tree : the nodes
component : the component ID associated with these nodes.
Returns : flag on error

bonobo_ui_engine_xml_rm ()

BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_xml_rm       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             const char *by_component);

Remove a chunk of the xml tree pointed at by path in engine, if by_component then only remove items associated with that component - possibly revealing other overridden items.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
by_component : whether to remove elements from only a specific component
Returns : flag on error

bonobo_ui_engine_object_set ()

BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_object_set   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown object,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

This associates a CORBA Object reference with a node in the tree, most often this is done to insert a Control's reference into a 'control' element.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
object : an object reference
ev : CORBA exception environment
Returns : flag if success

bonobo_ui_engine_object_get ()

BonoboUIError bonobo_ui_engine_object_get   (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const char *path,
                                             Bonobo_Unknown *object,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

This extracts a CORBA object reference associated with the node at path in engine, and returns it in the reference pointed to by object.

engine : the engine
path : the path into the tree
object : an pointer to an object reference
ev : CORBA exception environment
Returns : flag if success

bonobo_ui_engine_exec_verb ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_exec_verb      (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const CORBA_char *cname,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

engine :
cname :
ev :

bonobo_ui_engine_ui_event ()

void        bonobo_ui_engine_ui_event       (BonoboUIEngine *engine,
                                             const CORBA_char *id,
                                             const Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType type,
                                             const CORBA_char *state,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

engine :
id :
type :
state :
ev :


The "add-hint" signal

void        user_function                  (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gchar *arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);

bonobouiengine :the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "destroy" signal

void        user_function                  (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer user_data);

bonobouiengine :the object which received the signal.
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "emit-event-on" signal

void        user_function                  (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer arg1,
                                            gchar *arg2,
                                            gpointer user_data);

bonobouiengine :the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
arg2 :
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "emit-verb-on" signal

void        user_function                  (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);

bonobouiengine :the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "remove-hint" signal

void        user_function                  (BonoboUIEngine *bonobouiengine,
                                            gpointer user_data);

bonobouiengine :the object which received the signal.
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.