package examples; import org.apache.log4j.Category; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.NDC; /** View the source code of this a trivial usage example. Running java examples.Trivial should output something similar to:
      0    INFO  [main] examples.Trivial (Client #45890) - Awake awake. Put on thy strength.
      15   DEBUG [main] examples.Trivial (Client #45890 DB) - Now king David was old.
      278  INFO  [main] examples.Trivial$InnerTrivial (Client #45890) - Entered foo.
      293  INFO  [main] examples.Trivial (Client #45890) - Exiting Trivial.   

The increasing numbers at the beginning of each line are the times elapsed since the start of the program. The string between the parentheses is the nested diagnostic context.

See {@link Sort} and {@link SortAlgo} for sligtly more elaborate examples.

Note thent class files for the example code is not included in any of the distributed log4j jar files. You will have to add the directory /dir-where-you-unpacked-log4j/classes to your classpath before trying out the examples. */ public class Trivial { static Category cat = Category.getInstance(Trivial.class.getName()); public static void main(String[] args) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); NDC.push("Client #45890");"Awake awake. Put on thy strength.");;;"Exiting Trivial."); } static void foo() { NDC.push("DB"); cat.debug("Now king David was old."); NDC.pop(); } static class InnerTrivial { static Category cat = Category.getInstance(InnerTrivial.class.getName()); static void foo() {"Entered foo."); } } }