
section p of routines in pixels.i

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functions in pixels.i - p


             pix_dpi= 75  
          or pix_dpi= 100  
     set the number of dots per inch for the pixels function.  
     X displays are either 75 dpi (default) or 100 dpi in Yorick.  
     The pix_dpi number must match the dpi of the window in which  
     the pixels command is to be issued; the other number will  
     result in blurred images.  

keyword,  defined at i/pixels.i   line 80  
SEE ALSO: pixels,   pix_window,   window  

             pix_origin= [0.12,0.91]  
     set [x,y] for the default upper left hand corner of the pixels  
     image.  The default value is shown.  [0,0] is the lower left of  
     an 8.5-by-11 sheet of paper.  Yorick units are 0.0013/point or  
     0.0013*72.27/inch (11 inches is a little more than 1.0);  Yorick  
     keeps the "middle" of an 8.5-by-11 sheet centered in the visible  
     part of its X windows, so you might want to change the default  
     pix_origin if you resize the Yorick window.  

keyword,  defined at i/pixels.i   line 93  
SEE ALSO: pixels,   window  

             pix_window, dpi  
          or pix_window, dpi, n  
     create a new window for the pixels command with the given DPI  
     (dots per inch).  If N is specified, the new window will be  
     number N (0-7).  Also sets the pix_dpi variable appropriately.  
     pix_window, 75           // makes a small window  
     pix_window, 100          // makes a large window  

interpreted function, defined at i/pixels.i   line 10  
SEE ALSO: pix_dpi,   pixels,   window  

             pixels, z  
          or pixels, z, dx0, dy0  
     plots the image Z as a cell array -- an array of equal rectangular  
     cells colored according to the 2-D array Z.  The first dimension  
     of Z is plotted along x, the second dimension is along y.  
     If Z is of type char, it is used "as is", otherwise it is linearly  
     scaled to fill the current palette, as with the bytscl function.  
     (See the bytscl function for explanation of top, cmin, cmax.)  
     The image is placed in "coordinate system zero"; that is, outside  
     Yorick's ordinary coordinate system, so zooming and coordinate  
     system changes will not effect it.  Unlike pli, Yorick attempts  
     to make each X pixel correspond to one cell of the Z array.  
     In order to do this, the pix_dpi variable must be set to the  
     dots-per-inch (either 75 or 100) of the X window in which the  
     result of pixels will be displayed (see the dpi keyword of the  
     window command).  
     The default position of the upper left hand corner of the picture  
     is specified by the pix_origin variable.  If DX0 and/or DY0 are  
     present, they adjust this origin for this image.  The units of  
     DX0 and DY0 are in pixels; DY0 is positive downwards.  (However,  
     the 2nd index of the image increases upwards.)  Resizing the X  
     window will probably necessitate changing pix_origin.  
     The following keywords are legal (each has a separate help entry):  
   KEYWORDS: top, cmin, cmax  

interpreted function, defined at i/pixels.i   line 29  
SEE ALSO: pix_window,   window,   palette,   bytscl,  
histeq_scale,   pix_dpi,   pix_origin