>The lang package: language support

Chapter 4. The lang package: language support

Table of Contents
4.1. Bits
4.2. CError
4.3. CForeign
4.4. CTypes
4.5. CTypesISO
4.6. CString
4.7. DiffArray
4.8. DirectoryExts
4.9. Dynamic
4.10. Exception
4.11. Foreign
4.12. ForeignPtr
4.13. GlaExts
4.14. IArray
4.15. Int
4.16. IOExts
4.17. LazyST
4.18. MArray
4.19. MarshalAlloc
4.20. MarshalArray
4.21. MarshalError
4.22. MarshalUtils
4.23. NumExts
4.24. PackedString
4.25. Ptr
4.26. ShowFunctions
4.27. ST
4.28. StableName
4.29. StablePtr
4.30. Storable
4.31. StorableArray
4.32. SystemExts
4.33. Weak
4.34. Word

4.1. Bits

This module has moved to Data.Bits in the hierarchical libraries.