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class  AccelLabel
 A label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text. More...

class  Alignment
 A widget which controls the alignment and size of its child. More...

class  Arrow
 Produces an arrow pointing in one of the four cardinal directions. More...

class  AspectFrame
 A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio. More...

class  Bin
 A container with just one child. More...

class  Button
 A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. More...

class  Calendar
 Display a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date. More...

class  CheckButton
 Create widgets with a discrete toggle button. More...

class  CheckMenuItem
 A menu item that maintains the state of a boolean value in addition to a Gtk::MenuItem's usual role in activating application code. More...

class  ColorSelection
 A widget used to select a color. More...

class  Combo
 A text entry field with a dropdown list. More...

class  ComboDropDown
 The dropdown list of a Combo. More...

class  ComboDropDownItem
 An item in a ComboDropDownList. More...

class  Container
 Abstract container class. More...

class  Curve
 Allows direct editing of a curve. More...

class  DrawingArea
 A widget for custom user interface elements. More...

class  Entry
 A single line text entry field. More...

class  EventBox
 Event capturing box. More...

class  Fixed
 A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates. More...

class  FontSelection
 A widget for selecting fonts. More...

class  Frame
 A Gtk::Bin with a decorative frame and optional label. More...

class  GammaCurve
 A subclass of Gtk::Curve for editing gamma curves. More...

class  HandleBox
 A widget for detachable window portions. More...

class  HBox
 Horizontal Box for laying widgets in a horizontal row. More...

class  HButtonBox
 A container for arranging buttons vertically. More...

class  HPaned
 The Gtk::HPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged horizontally. More...

class  HRuler
 Horizontal Ruler. More...

class  HScale
 A horizontal slider for selecting values. More...

class  HScrollbar
 A horizontal scrollbar. More...

class  HSeparator
 Horizontal line widget. More...

class  Image
 A widget displaying an image. More...

class  ImageMenuItem
class  Invisible
 This widget is used internally in GTK+, and is probably not useful for application developers. More...

class  Item
 This class should be considered as a virtual base class. More...

class  Label
 A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text. More...

class  Layout
 Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing. More...

class  Menu
 A drop-down menu consisting of Gtk::MenuItem objects which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions. More...

class  MenuBar
 A standard menu bar which usually holds Gtk::Menu submenu items. More...

class  MenuItem
 Child item for menus. More...

class  MenuShell
 The abstract base class for Gtk::Menu and Gtk::MenuBar. More...

class  Notebook
 Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows. More...

class  OptionMenu
 A widget used to choose from a list of valid choices. More...

class  Paned
 This is the base class for widgets with two panes, arranged either horizontally (Gtk::HPaned) or vertically (Gtk::VPaned). More...

class  ProgressBar
 A widget which indicates progress visually. More...

class  RadioButton
 A single radio button performs the same basic function as a Gtk::CheckButton, as its position in the object hierarchy reflects. More...

class  RadioMenuItem
 A CheckMenuItem that belongs to a group. More...

class  Range
class  Ruler
 Base class for horizontal or vertical rulers. More...

class  Scale
 Abstract base clase for Gtk::HScale and Gtk::VScale. More...

class  Scrollbar
 The Gtk::Scrollbar widget is an abstract base class for Gtk::HScrollbar and Gtk::VScrollbar. More...

class  ScrolledWindow
 Adds scrollbars to its child widget. More...

class  SeparatorMenuItem
 A separator used to group items within a menu. More...

class  Socket
 Container for widgets from other processes. More...

class  SpinButton
 numeric Entry with up/down buttons Slightly misnamed, this should be called a SpinEntry. More...

class  Statusbar
 Text status indicator This widget is used to display status information. More...

class  Table
 Pack widgets in regular patterns. More...

class  TearoffMenuItem
 A special Gtk::MenuItem which is used to tear off and reattach its menu. More...

class  TextView
 Multi-line text editing widget. More...

class  ToggleButton
 A Gtk::ToggleButton will remain 'pressed-in' when clicked. More...

class  Toolbar
 Bars of buttons and other widgets. More...

class  TreeView
class  VBox
 Vertical Box for laying widgets in a vertical row. More...

class  VButtonBox
 A container for arranging button horizontally. More...

class  Viewport
class  VPaned
 The Gtk::VPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged horizontally. More...

class  VRuler
 Vertical Ruler. More...

class  VScale
 A vertical slider for selecting values. More...

class  VScrollbar
 A vertical scrollbar. More...

class  VSeparator
 Vertical line widget. More...

class  Window
 Toplevel Window This represents all widgets which are physical windows controlled by the window manager. More...

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