$if f$search("CCP4_SCR:toxd_aupatt.map") .eqs. "" then goto term $! $! Generate Patterson vectors from coordinates of Au sites. $! MAPIN is used to define extent and symmetry of Patterson. $! XYZOUT contains the vectors. $! $vectors xyzout CCP4_SCR:sites mapin CCP4_SCR:toxd_aupatt symmetry 19 ! space-group symmetry for atoms: NOT Patterson symmetry ! Au atom sites taken from sites.frc ATOM A 0.177 0.104 -0.114! 9.92 ATOM B 0.218 0.138 -0.105! 4.88 END $! $! Now we compare these vectors with the Patterson map. $! $npo mapin CCP4_SCR:toxd_aupatt xyzin CCP4_SCR:sites plot CCP4_SCR:patt.plt TITLE Vectors for sites A & B SYMM X,Y,Z MAP SCALE 4 CONTRS 2000 TO 10000 BY 2000 SECTNS 0 40 4 INPUT BROOK SOLID RADII ATOMS ALL -0.5 COLOUR BLUE PLOT $! $! You can view the plot file with xplot84driver $! $exit $term: $write sys$output "! run fft first (e.g. rsps.com)"