$! $! Example of running Vecref - NB scaling should be done with $! Fhscal first and vf000 term output by Fhscal should be used $! in Patterson calculation. $! $! Use Fhscal to scale native and derivative data $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.mtz hklin $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_fhsc.mtz hklout $fhscal TITLE scale Au derivative by Kraut method ! SHELLS 20 ! default LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 FPH=FAU20 SIGFPH=SIGFAU20 END $! $! Calculate Patterson $! fft HKLIN CCP4_SCR:toxd_fhsc.mtz MAPOUT CCP4_SCR:toxd_aupatt.map PATT resol 100 2.5 ! LIST 100 ! uncomment this to get input FFT terms (fftkw.abcoeffs) EXCLUD SIG1 4 SIG2 4 DIFF 3700 fftspacegroup 47 ! Orignal space group + no trans + center of sym titl 2.5A AU - NAT patterson - excluding 4 sig , and Diso > 3700 grid 128 64 40 xyzlim 0 64 0 32 0 20 vf000 38165 0 ! set to value given in Fhscal bias 1 ! binmapout LABI F1=FAU20 SIG1=SIGFAU20 F2=FTOXD3 SIG2=SIGFTOXD3 end $! $! Use vecref to refine sites determined using RSPS (see rsps.sh) $! vecref MAPIN CCP4_SCR:toxd_aupatt.map ATOUT CCP4_SCR:toxd_vecref.data TITL TEST VECREF 2.5A RESO 2.5 20 SPAC P212121 CYCL 3 3 5 ATOM AU 1 1 .1758 0.1016 -.1000 20