$! The procedure $!---> pdbset $!---> sfall $!---> cad $!---> tffc $! Test of translation function procedure $! NB: a translation solution here will be $! either 0.0 0.0 0.0 $! or 0.5 0.0 0.0 $! or 0.5 0.5 0.0 $! or 0.5 0.0 0.5 $! or 0.5 0.5 0.5 $! or 0.0 0.5 0.0 $! or 0.0 0.5 0.5 $! or 0.0 0.0 0.5 $! since we are "searching" with the actual coordinates $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.unix.runnable]toxd_mod_p1.pdb xyzin $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_model_afterrotation.pdb xyzout $pdbset CELL 73.58 38.73 23.19 90.00 90.00 90.00 NCODE 1 ROTATE EULER 0 0 0 $! $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_p1.mtz hklout $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_model_afterrotation.pdb xyzin $sfall TITL SFS P1 toxd_model_afterrotation.pdb MODE SFCALC XYZIN GRID 144 80 48 resolution 0.001 0.25661 vdwr 2.5 SYMMETRY 1 ! P1 SFSGRP 1 badd 0 FORM ngauss 2 LABOUT FC=FCp1 PHIC=PHICp1 end $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.mtz hklin1 $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_p1.mtz hklin2 $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_cad.mtz hklout $cad # New Cell Over write the MTZ input RESOLUTION OVERALL 1000000 2.8 TITLE COMBINING toxd and rotated domain 1 LABIN FILE 1 E1=FTOXD3 E2=SIGFTOXD3 CTYPIN FILE 1 E1=F E2=Q LABIN FILE 2 E1=FCp1 E2=PHICp1 CTYPIN FILE 2 E1=U E2=V LABOUT FILE 2 E1=FC E2=PHIC END $! tffc HKLIN CCP4_SCR:toxd_cad.mtz HKLOUT CCP4_SCR:toxd_tffc.mtz TITLE tffc on toxd RESOLUTION 20 2.8 LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FC1=FC1 PC1=PHIC1 FC2=FC2 PC2=PHIC2 - FC3=FC3 PC3=PHIC3 FC4=FC4 PC4=PHIC4 $! $! ******************************************************************** $! * 16/5/91 * $! * Run FFT in Space group 1 $! * This is NOT using your real h k l $! * Resolution limits are artificial; needs to be twice data $! * resolution usually. $! * RESMAX = CELL(1)/"hmax" ( = CELL(2)/"kmax" = CELL(3)/"lmax") $! * Grid has to be at least 2*"hmax" +1 , etc $! * TFFC tells you the values of "hmax" etc $! * Output map should have a single peak giving translation vector. $! * Asymmetric unit is from one crystal origin to the next (same as RSEARCH) $! * But do 0-1 , 0-1 0-1 if you feel safer.... and check you have $! * duplicate solutions. $! ******************************************************************** $! $fft HKLIN CCP4_SCR:toxd_tffc.mtz MAPOUT CCP4_SCR:tffc.map RESOLUTION 20 1.4 ! symmetry and fftspg are both redundant SYMMETRY 1 FFTSPACEGROUP 1 TITLE FFT of tffc map XYZLIM 0 143 0 79 0 47 GRID 144 80 48 LABIN A=A B=B ! this is necessary now. $! $! stats on the map: $mapsig mapin CCP4_SCR:tffc mapin2 CCP4_SCR:tffc peak_list CCP4_SCR:tf.peaks $!