v:0:7a:loaded # ================================================ # STRING SECTION (1477 strings) # ================================================ s:$80:1f:../../libjdl/src/jdlbuffilerd.h s:$81:11:jdlbuffilerd.h-PP s:$82:12:#include s:$83:16:#include "jdlstring.h" s:$84:1f:Defines a buffered file reader. s:$85:243:Objects of this form read data from files using fopen(), fread() and fclose(). It is efficient because it reads data in large chunks and then manipulates the internal memory buffer. One nice feature is that you can put up to 256 characters back into the buffer to handle lookahead. A simple usage is shown below:
    CJdlBufferedFileReader rd("my.cpp");
    if(rd.Open()) {
      int ch;
      while((ch = rd.GetChar())) {
        if('*' == ch) {
          rd.PutChar('$'); // The next GetChar() will return '$'.
s:$86:12:@author Joe Linoff s:$87:40:@version $Id: jdlbuffilerd.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$88:1b:@see CJdlBufferedFileWriter s:$89:5:class s:$8a:7:JDL_DLL s:$8b:16:CJdlBufferedFileReader s:$8c:4e:Default Constructor. This allows the class to be used in a has-a relationsip. s:$8d:22:Use Open(fn) to set the file name. s:$8e:c:Constructor. s:$8f:55:If the file does not exist, Ok() will return false. The default buffer size is 64K. s:$90:23:@param fn Name of the file to read. s:$91:5:const s:$92:4:char s:$93:2:fn s:$94:34:If the file does not exist, Ok() will return false. s:$95:7e:@param bufsize The size of the read buffer. If the buffer size specified is less than 64, then 64 is assumed as the minimum. s:$96:4:uint s:$97:7:bufsize s:$98:b:Destructor. s:$99:e:Open the file. s:$9a:68:The member function was provided so that the same input file could be opened and closed multiple times. s:$9b:2f:@returns The status of the open (same as Ok()). s:$9c:4:bool s:$9d:4:Open s:$9e:5c:@param fn The file name. This replaces the file name that was specified in the constructor. s:$9f:26:@param bufsz The internal buffer size. s:$a0:5:bufsz s:$a1:6:65535) s:$a2:b:Ok to read? s:$a3:6f:@returns true if the file was opened successfully and the end of file has not been reached or false otherwise. s:$a4:2:Ok s:$a5:c:End of file? s:$a6:58:@returns true if the file was opened successfully and the end of file has been reached. s:$a7:3:Eof s:$a8:27:Returns the next character in the file. s:$a9:116:If the file has been closed, GetChar() will return 0.
If Eof() is true, GetChar() will return 0.
If Ok() is false, GetChar() will return 0. If pending characters were put using PutChar(), this routine will return those characters until the put buffer is exhausted. s:$aa:37:@returns The next character or 0 if the EOF is reached. s:$ab:7:GetChar s:$ac:28:Put a character in the lookahead buffer. s:$ad:62:A maximum of 256 characters are allowed. If more than 256 characters are added, they are ignored. s:$ae:21:@param ch The character to queue. s:$af:4b:@returns true if the character was added or false if an overflow occurred. s:$b0:7:PutChar s:$b1:2:ch s:$b2:f:Close the file. s:$b3:4c:After the file is closed, Ok() will return true and Eof() will return true. s:$b4:4:void s:$b5:5:Close s:$b6:17:@returns The file name. s:$b7:b:GetFileName s:$b8:21:@returns The current line number. s:$b9:4:long s:$ba:d:GetLineNumber s:$bb:4d:Returns the offset from the beginning of the line for the current character. s:$bc:102:The value returned is as follows:
    "This is a sample line.\n"
     ^    ^                ^
     |    |                +--- CharOffset() == 0
     |    +-------------------- CharOffset() == 6
     +------------------------- CharOffset() == 1
s:$bd:45:@returns The current character offset from the beginning of the line. s:$be:d:GetCharOffset s:$bf:24:The total number of characters read. s:$c0:30:This number persists after the file is Closed(). s:$c1:2f:@returns The total number of characters parsed. s:$c2:b:GetNumChars s:$c3:19:Turn debugging on or off. s:$c4:3f:This generates a lot of output to stderr so use it sparingly. s:$c5:27:@param flag If true, turn on debugging. s:$c6:5:Debug s:$c7:4:flag s:$c8:4:true s:$c9:8:m_PutBuf s:$ca:4:256] s:$cb:b:m_PutBufIdx s:$cc:7:m_RdBuf s:$cd:9:m_RdBufSz s:$ce:a:m_RdBufPtr s:$cf:8:m_Lineno s:$d0:c:m_CharOffset s:$d1:a:m_NumChars s:$d2:5:m_Eof s:$d3:4:m_Ok s:$d4:4:FILE s:$d5:4:m_Fp s:$d6:a:CJdlString s:$d7:4:m_Fn s:$d8:7:m_Debug s:$d9:6:libjdl s:$da:1f:../../libjdl/src/jdlbuffilewr.h s:$db:11:jdlbuffilewr.h-PP s:$dc:1f:Defines a buffered file writer. s:$dd:27f:Objects of this form write data to files using fopen(), fwrite() and fclose(). It is efficient because it reads data in large chunks and then manipulates the internal memory buffer. A simple usage is shown below:
    CJdlBufferedFileReader rd("in.txt");
    if(rd.Open()) {
      CJdlBufferedFileWriter wr("out.txt");
      if(wr.Open()) {
        char ch;
        while((ch = rd.GetChar())) {
          if('*' == ch) {
            wr.PutChar('$'); // The next GetChar() will return '$'.
          else {
s:$de:40:@version $Id: jdlbuffilewr.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$df:1b:@see CJdlBufferedFileReader s:$e0:16:CJdlBufferedFileWriter s:$e1:24:@param fn Name of the file to write. s:$e2:7f:@param bufsize The size of the write buffer. If the buffer size specified is less than 64, then 64 is assumed as the minimum. s:$e3:69:The member function was provided so that the same output file could be opened and closed multiple times. s:$e4:c:Ok to write? s:$e5:32:@returns true if the file was opened successfully. s:$e6:4e:@returns true if the file was opened successfully, written to and then closed. s:$e7:1c:Put a character to the file. s:$e8:a3:The characters are cached in the internal buffer and when the buffer is full, they are written to the file in one big chunk resulting in faster I/O performance. s:$e9:21:Put a C style string to the file. s:$ea:25:@param string The character to queue. s:$eb:9:PutString s:$ec:6:string s:$ed:21:Flush the contents of the buffer. s:$ee:5:Flush s:$ef:6d:Flush is automatically called. After the file is closed, Ok() will return true and Eof() will return true. s:$f0:27:The total number of characters written. s:$f1:30:@returns The total number of characters written. s:$f2:7:m_WrBuf s:$f3:9:m_WrBufSz s:$f4:a:m_WrBufCnt s:$f5:1f:../../libjdl/src/jdlhashtable.h s:$f6:11:jdlhashtable.h-PP s:$f7:21:#include "libjdl/src/jdlvector.h" s:$f8:21:#include "libjdl/src/jdlrbtree.h" s:$f9:2d:This class provides a simple hash dictionary. s:$fa:1e6:It can be used to store data that is keyed by a string value. The following example shows how this class is used:
     #include "jdlhashtable.h"
     int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
       CJdlHashTable tbl;
       // Populate the list
       // Contains?
       if(tbl.Contains("FOO")) {
         int i = int(tbl.Get("FOO"));
       return 0;
s:$fb:40:@version $Id: jdlhashtable.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$fc:f:@see CJdlString s:$fd:15:@see CJdlRedBlackTree s:$fe:d:CJdlHashTable s:$ff:14:Default constructor. s:$100:d0:This sets the hash table list size to 10357. If you expect to have more than about 5000 items, you should increase the table size to the nearest prime that is larger than twice the number of expected items. s:$101:4c:@param size The size of the hash table. This number should be a large prime. s:$102:4:size s:$103:8a:Resize the hash table. This is a very costly operation because each entry has to be rehashed. Don't do it if you can possibly avoid it. s:$104:26:@param size Size of the new hashtable. s:$105:6:Resize s:$106:2c:Insert a key/value pair into the hash table. s:$107:44:Duplicate keys are allowed but the retrieval order is not defined. s:$108:1d:@param key The retrieval key. s:$109:1b:@param value The user data. s:$10a:6:Insert s:$10b:3:key s:$10c:5:value s:$10d:4b:Insert a record into the hash table. This method is identical to Insert(). s:$10e:3:Put s:$10f:25:Retrieve a value from the hash table. s:$110:d3:If the key does not exist, 0 is returned. This method should be used in conjunction with Contains() as follows:
     if(hash.Contains("MYKEY")) {
       int val = (int) hash.Get("MYKEY");
s:$111:2b:@returns The value associated with the key. s:$112:3:Get s:$113:2d:Retrieve the key address from the hash table. s:$114:d8:If the key does not exist, 0 is returned. This method should be used in conjunction with Contains() as follows:
     if(hash.Contains("MYKEY")) {
       const char* key = hash.GetKey("MYKEY");
s:$115:20:@returns The pointer to the key. s:$116:6:GetKey s:$117:61:Remove an entry from the hash table. If the specified entry does not exist, nothing is changed. s:$118:6:Remove s:$119:21:Is this record in the hash table? s:$11a:56:@returns Returns non-zero if this record exists in the hash table or 0 if it does not. s:$11b:8:Contains s:$11c:15:Clear the hash table. s:$11d:5:Clear s:$11e:57:Hash function based on hashpjw on page 436 of the Aho, Sethi and Ullman Compiler book. s:$11f:18:@returns The hash index. s:$120:7:virtual s:$121:4:Hash s:$122:1f:Copy one hash table to another. s:$123:1e:@param tbl Hash table to copy. s:$124:4:Copy s:$125:3:tbl s:$126:43:@returns the number of records currently stored in the hash table. s:$127:4:Size s:$128:52:@returns the number of items currently stored in the hash table (same as Size()). s:$129:b:GetNumItems s:$12a:e:Copy operator. s:$12b:28:@returns A reference to this hash table. s:$12c:8:operator s:$12d:72:The hash table is a list of Red-black trees. This guarantees that worst case performance is k + O(n (log (n) ) ). s:$12e:a:CJdlVector s:$12f:10:CJdlRedBlackTree s:$130:f:m_ListOfRbTrees s:$131:22:Number of items in the hash table. s:$132:a:m_NumItems s:$133:a:operator = s:$134:1a:../../libjdl/src/jdlmime.h s:$135:c:jdlmime.h-PP s:$136:14:#include "jdlutil.h" s:$137:4d:Apply MIME-64 encoding to a string based on the RFC 1521 standards document. s:$138:4da:This class can be used encode a string of characters in MIME format. It handles binary as well as ASCII strings.


The basic idea behind encoding is that the user hands the object a pointer to an input string that is composed of plaintext characters and a pointer to an output string that is at least 33% larger than the input string. The object then encodes the input string to the output string. An example is shown below.

@@ CJdlMime mime;
@@ uchar *plain = "1234567890 ABCDEFG";
@@ uchar enc[64];
@@ mime.Encode(enc,plain);
@@ cout << enc << endl;


The basic idea behind decoding is that the user hands the object a pointer to an input string that is composed of encoded characters and a pointer to an output string that is at least 25% smaller than the input string. The object then decodes the input string to the output string. An example is shown below.

@@ CJdlMime mime;
@@ uchar* plain = "1234567890 ABCDEFG";
@@ uchar enc[64]; // These are both much larger than the text to encode.
@@ uchar dec[64];
@@ mime.Encode(enc,sizeof(enc),plain,::strlen(plain));
@@ mime.Decode(dec,sizeof(dec),enc,::strlen(enc));
@@ cout << dec << endl;
s:$139:3b:@version $Id: jdlmime.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$13a:8:CJdlMime s:$13b:98:Encode a sequence of characters. This routine will termine the output string with NULL. Make sure that you account for this during binary conversions. s:$13c:45:It is safe to cast char* arguments as unsigned char* in this method. s:$13d:5e:@param out The encoded output string. It must be 33% larger than the input string. s:$13e:2e:@param outlen The length of the output buffer. s:$13f:1b:@param in The input buffer. s:$140:2c:@param inlen The length of the input buffer. s:$141:5a:@returns The number of bytes encoded or zero if the output buffer was too small. s:$142:6:Encode s:$143:5:uchar s:$144:3:out s:$145:6:outlen s:$146:2:in s:$147:3:len s:$148:15:Encode an ASCII file. s:$149:20:@param out The output file name. s:$14a:1e:@param in The input file name. s:$14b:a:EncodeFile s:$14c:99:Decode a sequence of characters. This routine will termine the output string with a NULL. Make sure that you account for this during binary conversions. s:$14d:25:@param out The decoded output string. s:$14e:50:@returns The number of bytes decoded or zero if the output buffer was too small. s:$14f:6:Decode s:$150:15:Decode an ASCII file. s:$151:a:DecodeFile s:$152:2a:Reset the internal encode and decode maps. s:$153:3a:@param enc The new encode map. Must be at least 128 chars. s:$154:3a:@param dec The new decode map. Must be at least 128 chars. s:$155:5:Reset s:$156:3:enc s:$157:3:dec s:$158:2e:Encode map, set to the MIME 64 default values. s:$159:b:m_EncodeMap s:$15a:4:128] s:$15b:2e:Decode map, set to the MIME 64 default values. s:$15c:b:m_DecodeMap s:$15d:1c:../../libjdl/src/jdlrandom.h s:$15e:e:jdlrandom.h-PP s:$15f:2c:Base class for the random number generators. s:$160:147:
@@ int main(int,char**) {
@@   CJdlRandomLcmCls lcm; // linear congruential method
@@   CJdlRandomAcmCls acm; // additive congruential method
@@   lcm.seed(1017);
@@   acm.seed(1017);
@@   for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
@@      cout << "numbers => " << lcm.random() << "  " << acm.random() << endl;
@@   }
@@   return 0;
s:$161:3d:@version $Id: jdlrandom.h,v 1.3 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$162:15:@see CJdlRandomAcmCls s:$163:15:@see CJdlRandomLcmCls s:$164:11:CJdlRandomBaseCls s:$165:4:Mult s:$166:5:m_mod s:$167:4:m_m1 s:$168:33:Linear Congruential Method random number generator. s:$169:16:@see CJdlRandomBaseCls s:$16a:10:CJdlRandomLcmCls s:$16b:6:public s:$16c:1d:Create a random number class. s:$16d:1b:The seed is set to 1234567. s:$16e:d:Set the seed. s:$16f:27:@param seed Long representing the seed. s:$170:7:SetSeed s:$171:4:seed s:$172:20:@returns A pseudo random number. s:$173:7:GetNext s:$174:6:Random s:$175:6:m_Seed s:$176:35:Additive Congruential Method random number generator. s:$177:10:CJdlRandomAcmCls s:$178:3:55] s:$179:7:m_index s:$17a:1c:../../libjdl/src/jdlrbtree.h s:$17b:e:jdlrbtree.h-PP s:$17c:1a:#include "jdlrbtreenode.h" s:$17d:1a:#include "jdlrbtreeenum.h" s:$17e:2b:This class defines a red-black tree object. s:$17f:563:These objects store key/value pairs in much the same way as a hashtable but have different storage and retrieval characteristics. Red-black trees perform get/put operations in O(log(n)) time whereas the best case performance for hashtables is O(k) where k is a constant and the worst case performance for get/put operations could be as bad as O(n). This means that red-black trees are a good choice for handling an unknown range of key/value pairs where the range may differ by several orders of magnitude. They are also a good choice for handling bucket overflows in hashtables. A simple usage for this class is shown below:
@@    CJdlRedBlackTree tree = new CJdlRedBlackTree();
@@    if(!tree.IsEmpty()) {
@@        cout << "ERROR: #1" << endl;
@@    }
@@    tree.Put("C","This is the value data for C");
@@    tree.Put("A","This is the value data for A");
@@    tree.Put("B","This is the value data for B");
@@    if(tree.Size() != 3) {
@@        cout << "ERROR: #2" << endl;
@@    }
@@    if(tree.Contains("A")) {
@@        String val = (String) tree.get("A");
@@    }
@@    tree.Remove("B");
@@    // Enumerate over the nodes in the tree.
@@    CJdlRedBlackTreeEnumerator* e = tree.Elements();
@@    {for(;e->HasMoreElements();) {
@@      CJdlRedBlackTree* nd = e->NextElement();
@@      cout << nd->GetKey() << endl;
@@    }}
@@    delete e;
s:$180:3d:@version $Id: jdlrbtree.h,v 1.3 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$181:19:@see CJdlRedBlackTreeNode s:$182:1f:@see CJdlRedBlackTreeEnumerator s:$183:12:@see CJdlHashTable s:$184:2f:Check the tree. Messages are printed to stdout. s:$185:30:@param prefix Prefix spacing for error messages. s:$186:30:@returns true if the tree is ok false otherwise. s:$187:5:Check s:$188:6:prefix s:$189:13:Clear out the tree. s:$18a:62:This method walks through every node in the tree and deletes it. The key values are not affected. s:$18b:10:Clone this tree. s:$18c:1e:The key values are not cloned. s:$18d:5:Clone s:$18e:2a:Does this tree contain the following node? s:$18f:1c:@param node The lookup node. s:$190:40:@returns true if the tree contains this node or false otherwise. s:$191:14:CJdlRedBlackTreeNode s:$192:4:node s:$193:29:Does this tree contain the following key? s:$194:1a:@param key The lookup key. s:$195:3f:@returns true if the tree contains this key or false otherwise. s:$196:b:ContainsKey s:$197:46:Return an enumeration of the elements in this tree in ascending order. s:$198:27:@return An enumeration of the elements. s:$199:1a:CJdlRedBlackTreeEnumerator s:$19a:8:Elements s:$19b:43:@param ascending Boolean specifying the order of the returned list. s:$19c:48:@return An enumeration of the elements in ascending or descending order. s:$19d:9:ascending s:$19e:23:Get the data associated with a key. s:$19f:1f:@param key The key to retrieve. s:$1a0:8c:@returns 0 if the key does not exist. If you are storing numbers in the tree, you should used containsKey() to do an existence check first. s:$1a1:14:Get the key address. s:$1a2:25:@returns 0 if the key does not exist. s:$1a3:20:Insert a new node into the tree. s:$1a4:21:@param key The key for this node. s:$1a5:31:@param value The value associated with this node. s:$1a6:1e:Does this tree have any nodes? s:$1a7:3a:@returns true if there are no nodes or false if there are. s:$1a8:7:IsEmpty s:$1a9:1c:Remove a node from the tree. s:$1aa:2a:@param key The key for the node to delete. s:$1ab:20:The number of nodes in the tree. s:$1ac:28:@return The number of NODEs in the tree. s:$1ad:e6:Report tree statistics. This routine prints out the number of nodes, the maximum height and the minimum height for the tree whose root is this node. It also prints out 2*log(N) which is the maximum possible theoretical height. s:$1ae:3b:@param prefix const char* used to prefix the status output. s:$1af:9:DumpStats s:$1b0:1e:Dump the contents of the tree. s:$1b1:4:Dump s:$1b2:26:@param prefix A user specified prefix. s:$1b3:a:m_RootNode s:$1b4:20:../../libjdl/src/jdlrbtreeenum.h s:$1b5:12:jdlrbtreeenum.h-PP s:$1b6:10:Tree enumerator. s:$1b7:b2:The object allows you to enumerate over trees. It is very similar to the Java type Enumerator class. For an example of how an enumerator is used, see the CJdlRedBlackTree page. s:$1b8:41:@version $Id: jdlrbtreeenum.h,v 1.3 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$1b9:31:@param root The root of the tree to iterate over. s:$1ba:4:root s:$1bb:1a:Parameterized constructor. s:$1bc:60:@param ascending If true, enumerate in ascending order, otherwise enumerate in descending order. s:$1bd:22:Does the tree have any more nodes? s:$1be:3b:@return Non-zero if the tree has more nodes or 0 otherwise. s:$1bf:f:HasMoreElements s:$1c0:28:Get the next element or key in the tree. s:$1c1:37:@return The next node in ascending or descending order. s:$1c2:e:GetNextElement s:$1c3:6:m_Node s:$1c4:b:m_Ascending s:$1c5:20:../../libjdl/src/jdlrbtreenode.h s:$1c6:12:jdlrbtreenode.h-PP s:$1c7:3f:This class defines red and black nodes in the CJdlRedBlackTree. s:$1c8:764:When used properly, these nodes enforce the four properties of red-black trees for all operations: The code fragment below shows how to use these objects to construct a tree. Normally you would use the CJdlRedBlackTree object but this is useful for understanding how this object works.
@@    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* tree = 0;
@@    tree = new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("X",0);
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("W",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("C",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("A",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("N",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("B",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("P",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("M",0));
@@    tree = tree->Insert(new CJdlRedBlackTreeNode("E",0));
@@    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd;
@@    // ascending order
@@    for(nd=tree.GetMinimum();nd!=0;nd = nd.GetSuccessor()) {
@@      cout << nd.GetKey() << endl;
@@    }
@@    // descending order
@@    for(nd=tree.GetMaximum();nd!=0;nd = nd.predecessor()) {
@@      cout << nd.GetKey() << endl;
@@    }
@@    // search
@@    if(tree.contains("M")) {
@@      nd = tree.Get("M");
@@    }
@@    // statistics
@@    tree.DumpStats();
@@    // debugging
@@    tree.Dump();
A more complete discussion of the algorithms contained herein can be found in:
    Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest.
        Introduction to Algorithms. The MIT Press, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

    Robert Sedgewick. Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, second edition, 1988.
s:$1c9:41:@version $Id: jdlrbtreenode.h,v 1.3 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$1ca:16:The color of the node. s:$1cb:4:enum s:$1cc:5:COLOR s:$1cd:3:RED s:$1ce:5:BLACK s:$1cf:2c:Used to specify the position of child nodes. s:$1d0:8:POSITION s:$1d1:4:LEFT s:$1d2:5:RIGHT s:$1d3:38:Construct a simple node for later insertion into a tree. s:$1d4:23:@param key The retrieval key value. s:$1d5:20:@param value The value to store. s:$1d6:81:Construct a node with linkage information for building debugging records. This constructor should only be used by test programs. s:$1d7:1e:@param parent The parent node. s:$1d8:47:@param position This childs orientation from the parent: LEFT or RIGHT. s:$1d9:6:parent s:$1da:3:pos s:$1db:1c:Private generic constructor. s:$1dc:20:@param left The left child node. s:$1dd:22:@param right The right child node. s:$1de:4b:@param color This nodes color: RED or BLACK. or if the color is not valid. s:$1df:4:left s:$1e0:5:right s:$1e1:5:color s:$1e2:a:Destructor s:$1e3:58:Return the left child node. The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1e4:62:
    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd = tree.getLeftNode();
    if(nd) {
s:$1e5:1c:@return The left child node. s:$1e6:b:GetLeftNode s:$1e7:59:Return the right child node. The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1e8:63:
    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd = tree.GetRightNode();
    if(nd) {
s:$1e9:1d:@return The right child node. s:$1ea:c:GetRightNode s:$1eb:54:Return the parent node. The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1ec:64:
    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd = tree.GetParentNode();
    if(nd) {
s:$1ed:18:@return The parent node. s:$1ee:d:GetParentNode s:$1ef:5a:Return the grand parent node. The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1f0:69:
    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd = tree.GetGrandParentNode();
    if(nd) {
s:$1f1:1e:@return The grand parent node. s:$1f2:12:GetGrandParentNode s:$1f3:55:Return the sibling node. The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1f4:65:
    CJdlRedBlackTreeNode* nd = tree.GetSiblingNode();
    if(nd) {
s:$1f5:19:@return The sibling node. s:$1f6:e:GetSiblingNode s:$1f7:53:Who is the uncle to x? The user must check the return node to see whether it is 0. s:$1f8:a8:
         | g |
        /     \
     +---+   +---+
     | p |   | u | <=== UNCLE
     +---+   +---+
 | x |
s:$1f9:17:@return The uncle node. s:$1fa:c:GetUncleNode s:$1fb:11:Is this node red? s:$1fc:41:@returns true if this node is RED or false if this node is BLACK. s:$1fd:5:IsRed s:$1fe:13:Is this node black? s:$1ff:41:@returns true if this node is BLACK or false if this node is RED. s:$200:7:IsBlack s:$201:2e:Rotate this node to the left. This node is x. s:$202:15d:
 Left rotate

     +---+                     +---+
     | x |                     | y |
     +---+      Left Rot.      +---+
    /     \  -------------->  /     \
   A     +---+             +---+     C
         | y |             | x |
         +---+             +---+
        /     \           /     \
       B       C         A       B
s:$203:a:RotateLeft s:$204:2f:Rotate this node to the right. This node is y. s:$205:192:
 Right rotate

       +---+                     +---+
       | y |                     | x |
       +---+     Right Rot.      +---+
      /     \  -------------->  /     \
   +---+     C                 A     +---+
   | x |                             | y |
   +---+                             +---+
  /     \                           /     \
 A       B                         B       C
s:$206:b:RotateRight s:$207:17:Get the node key value. s:$208:13:Get the node value. s:$209:8:GetValue s:$20a:4a:Find out whether the tree rooted at this node contains the specified key. s:$20b:18:@param key The key name. s:$20c:48:@return Non zero if this key is contained in the subtree or 0 otherwise. s:$20d:27:Get the node corresponding to this key. s:$20e:50:@return The node associated with this key or 0 if no node with this key exists. s:$20f:62:Insert this node into the tree as though it were a simple binary tree. We will clean it up later. s:$210:10:BinaryTreeInsert s:$211:2:nd s:$212:6a:Fixup the red-black tree after a binary tree insertion. This method corrects for the following six cases. s:$213:176:
    Case Uncle Parent This   Comments
    ==== ===== ====== ====== ================
      1  red   ?      ?      Don't care about parent and this.
      2  black left   right  Forces 3 as well.
      3  black left   left
      4  red   ?      ?      Same as 1 but here for completeness.
      5  black right  left   Forces 6 as well.
      6  black right  right
s:$214:21:@param root The root of the tree. s:$215:5f:@return The new root of the tree if a rotation occurred or the old root if no change occurred. s:$216:b:InsertFixup s:$217:29:Insert this node into the specified tree. s:$218:2d:@param node The node to Insert into the tree. s:$219:2d:@return The new root if the tree was rotated. s:$21a:11:Is the uncle RED? s:$21b:83:@returns true if the uncle is red or false otherwise. If the uncle node is 0, zero is returned (e.g., it is assumed to be black). s:$21c:a:UncleIsRed s:$21d:2a:Is this node the left child of the parent? s:$21e:39:@returns true if it is the left child or false otherwise. s:$21f:b:IsLeftChild s:$220:2b:Is this node the right child of the parent? s:$221:3a:@returns true if it is the right child or false otherwise. s:$222:c:IsRightChild s:$223:14:Is this node a leaf? s:$224:56:@returns true if this node is a leaf (no left and right children) or false otherwise. s:$225:6:IsLeaf s:$226:14:Is this node a root? s:$227:45:@returns true if this node is a root (no parent) or false otherwise. s:$228:6:IsRoot s:$229:18:Find the successor node. s:$22a:c:GetSuccessor s:$22b:1a:Find the predecessor node. s:$22c:e:GetPredecessor s:$22d:16:Find the minimum node. s:$22e:25:@return The minimum node in the tree. s:$22f:a:GetMinimum s:$230:16:Find the maximum node. s:$231:25:@return The maximum node in the tree. s:$232:a:GetMaximum s:$233:1f:Remove this node from the tree. s:$234:24:@param The current root of the tree. s:$235:38:@return The root of the tree after the remove operation. s:$236:6:inRoot s:$237:8e:Remove fixup this node. This is the algorithmic step that restores property 1 and 4 violations that were incurred during the remove process. s:$238:29:@param root The current root of the tree. s:$239:b:RemoveFixup s:$23a:36:@param prefix String used to prefix the status output. s:$23b:32:Dump the contents of the tree rooted at this node. s:$23c:49:Check the properties of the subtree. Messages are printed to System.out. s:$23d:33:@returns true if the tree is ok or false otherwise. s:$23e:24:Used by the public DumpStats method. s:$23f:1f:Used by the public Dump method. s:$240:7:m_Color s:$241:5:m_Key s:$242:7:m_Value s:$243:6:m_Left s:$244:7:m_Right s:$245:8:m_Parent s:$246:1c:../../libjdl/src/jdlsorter.h s:$247:e:jdlsorter.h-PP s:$248:13:Heap sort template. s:$249:1cb:@@ Sort template class uses a heap sort algorithm. @@ You need to override the Compare(a,b) member to define the sort order. @@ Cmp returns -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b. Sample usage is shown below:
@@    CJdlVector list;
@@    list.Append("ZZ");
@@    list.Append("Z");
@@    list.Append("Y");
@@    list.Append("A");
@@    list.Append("B");
@@    CJdlSorter,CJdlString>(list,list.Length()).sort();
s:$24a:3d:@version $Id: jdlsorter.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$24b:8:template s:$24c:4:List s:$24d:4:Item s:$24e:a:CJdlSorter s:$24f:3:int s:$250:6:m_Size s:$251:6:m_List s:$252:5:m_tmp s:$253:8:HeapSort s:$254:10:HeapSortSiftDown s:$255:7a:Create a container to sort the specified list. The size of the list is specified so that partial contents can be sorted. s:$256:22:@param list The list to be sorted. s:$257:35:@param sizeofList The number of elements in the list. s:$258:4:list s:$259:a:sizeofList s:$25a:11:Copy constructor. s:$25b:94:It can be overloaded to handle list specific clean up. If you do not overload it, the list will remain intact after the sort object is destroyed. s:$25c:98:@@ Compare two items (by reference). @@ if item a == item b return 0 @@ if item a < item b return a number < 0 @@ if item a > item b return a number > 0 s:$25d:10:@param a item a. s:$25e:10:@param b item b. s:$25f:26:@returns The result of the comparison. s:$260:7:Compare s:$261:18:Sort the specified list. s:$262:4:Sort s:$263:2::: s:$264:3:max s:$265:1c:../../libjdl/src/jdlstring.h s:$266:e:jdlstring.h-PP s:$267:1f:#include "libjdl/src/jdlutil.h" s:$268:1e:Defines a simple string class. s:$269:316:This string class is used as the key for other classes in this library. To tokenize strings use the jdlstringlist class.
@@     #include "jdlstring.h"
@@     main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
@@       CJdlString str = "FOO";
@@       str.lc(); // convert to lower case
@@       str.uc(); // convert to upper case
@@       str += " BAR"; // append more info.
@@       str.Format("This is my %d-th string.",10); // format it
@@       uint length = str.Length();
@@       char ch = str[3]; // Get the 4-th character (0 based).
@@       CJdlString dnum(123.45); // Create a string from a double.
@@       if ( dnum == str ) {
@@         cout << "something strange is going on here..." << endl;
@@       }
@@       dnum = str; // Now they are equal.
@@       return 0;
@@     }
s:$26a:3d:@version $Id: jdlstring.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$26b:13:@see CJdlStringList s:$26c:19:@see CJdlStringListSorter s:$26d:25:@param obj Another CJdlString object. s:$26e:3:obj s:$26f:2f:Constructor that initializes from a "C" string. s:$270:28:@param obj A NULL terminated "C" string. s:$271:35:Constructor that initializes from a single character. s:$272:1e:@param obj A single character. s:$273:3:val s:$274:34:Constructor that initializes from a decimal integer. s:$275:16:@param val An integer. s:$276:3a:Constructor that initializes from a floating point number. s:$277:23:@param val A floating point number. s:$278:6:double s:$279:1b:Resize the internal buffer. s:$27a:23:@param size The new maximum length. s:$27b:4a:@param copyFlag If true, copy the old contents, otherwise init the string. s:$27c:8:copyFlag s:$27d:15:Copy a string object. s:$27e:21:@param obj Another string object. s:$27f:12:Copy a "C" string. s:$280:18:Copy a single character. s:$281:c:Copy an int. s:$282:16:@param obj An integer. s:$283:e:Copy a double. s:$284:14:@param obj A double. s:$285:47:Format the string using the same rules that are available for sprintf. s:$286:22:@param fmt The formatting strings. s:$287:22:@param ... The optional paramters. s:$288:6:Format s:$289:21:Returns the length of the string. s:$28a:22:@returns The length of the string. s:$28b:6:Length s:$28c:14:Compare two strings. s:$28d:43:@returns 0 if this == obj, @@ <0 if this < obj, @@ >0 if this > obj s:$28e:1c:@param obj A C style string. s:$28f:14:Assignment operator. s:$290:23:@param obj A C style string object. s:$291:25:Logical "equals" comparison operator. s:$292:6f:
@@     CJdlString a("XXXX");
@@     CJdlString b(a);
@@     if( a == b ) cout << "EQUAL" << endl;
s:$293:39:@returns 1 If these two strings are equal or 0 otherwise. s:$294:2:== s:$295:24:Logical "equals" comparison operator s:$296:29:Logical "not equals" comparison operator. s:$297:6f:
@@     CJdlString a("XXXX");
@@     CJdlString b(a);
@@     if( a != b ) cout << "EQUAL" << endl;
s:$298:3d:@returns 1 If these two strings are not equal or 0 otherwise. s:$299:2:!= s:$29a:28:Logical "not equals" comparison operator s:$29b:34:Logical "less than or equal to" comparison operator. s:$29c:34:@returns 1 If this string is less than or equal obj. s:$29d:2:<= s:$29e:37:Logical "greater than or equal to" comparison operator. s:$29f:37:@returns 1 If this string is greater than or equal obj. s:$2a0:2:>= s:$2a1:28:Logical "less than" comparison operator. s:$2a2:2b:@returns 1 If this string is less than obj. s:$2a3:2b:Logical "greater than" comparison operator. s:$2a4:2e:@returns 1 If this string is greater than obj. s:$2a5:e:Cast operator. s:$2a6:33:@returns A const char* pointer to a C style string. s:$2a7:c:Cast method. s:$2a8:3:str s:$2a9:24:Append another string onto this one. s:$2aa:6:Append s:$2ab:2c:Append another C style string onto this one. s:$2ac:13:Append a character. s:$2ad:10:Append operator. s:$2ae:2:+= s:$2af:24:Append operator for C style strings. s:$2b0:26:Append operator for single characters. s:$2b1:16:Convert to upper case. s:$2b2:2:uc s:$2b3:16:Convert to lower case. s:$2b4:2:lc s:$2b5:b1:Return the character at the i-th position. This method does not do any bounds checking because it is safe. This allows programmers to do cool things without harming anything. s:$2b6:32:@param index Character index (it can be negative). s:$2b7:2c:@returns The character at the i-th position. s:$2b8:3:idx s:$2b9:33:@param index Character index (it must be positive). s:$2ba:4:Init s:$2bb:8:m_String s:$2bc:a:m_Internal s:$2bd:3:12] s:$2be:8:m_Strlen s:$2bf:b:operator == s:$2c0:b:operator != s:$2c1:b:operator <= s:$2c2:b:operator >= s:$2c3:a:operator < s:$2c4:a:operator > s:$2c5:13:operator constchar* s:$2c6:b:operator += s:$2c7:b:operator [] s:$2c8:20:../../libjdl/src/jdlstringlist.h s:$2c9:12:jdlstringlist.h-PP s:$2ca:21:#include "libjdl/src/jdlstring.h" s:$2cb:21:#include "libjdl/src/jdlsorter.h" s:$2cc:1a:A dynamic list of strings. s:$2cd:41:@version $Id: jdlstringlist.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$2ce:f:@see CJdlVector s:$2cf:e:CJdlStringList s:$2d0:1c:Append a string to the list. s:$2d1:112:Sample usage:
    #include "jdlstringlist.h"
    static void foo() {
      CJdlStringList list;
s:$2d2:20:@param str The string to append. s:$2d3:21:Append a string list to the list. s:$2d4:148:Sample usage:
    #include "jdlstringlist.h"
    static void foo() {
      CJdlStringList list;
      CJdlStringList list1;
s:$2d5:1f:@param list The list to append. s:$2d6:1b:Convert a list to a string. s:$2d7:170:Sample usage:
    #include "jdlstringlist.h"
    static void foo() {
      CJdlStringList list;
      CJdlString tmp;
      printf("list contents:",list.str(tmp,"\n\t");
s:$2d8:33:@param out The string that will contain the output. s:$2d9:19:@param sep The separator. s:$2da:33:@returns The out string in "C" format for printing. s:$2db:3:sep s:$2dc:38:Tokenize a string and store the substrings in this list. s:$2dd:112:Sample usage:
   // Parse the tokens that are separated by colons.
   CJdlString str = "fld1:fld2:fld3:fld4::";
   CJdlStringList list;
   printf("token[0] = '%s'\n",0,token[0].str());
   printf("token[1] = '%s'\n",0,token[1].str());
s:$2de:18:@param str Input string. s:$2df:1a:@param sep Separator list. s:$2e0:8:Tokenize s:$2e1:3c:Read the contents of a directory and append it to this list. s:$2e2:10d:The file names in the returned list do not have the root directory pre-pended. An example is shown below:
@@   CJdlString list;
@@   list.ReadDir(".");
@@   for(uint i=0;i
s:$2e3:a6:@param dir The path to the directory. This is O/S dependent.
            If the dir string is NULL, it is ignored and no directory
            processing takes place.
s:$2e4:bf:@param sort If true, sort the list in ascending order with case sensitivity,
 otherwise do not sort the list.
 If you wish to sort the list in another way, see the CJdlStringListSorter class.
s:$2e8:6e:Do binary search to see whether the specified string
 exists in the list. This is only valid for sorted lists.
s:$2e9:24:@param str The string to search for.
s:$2ea:37:@returns True if str is in the list or false otherwise.
s:$2ec:49:Do linear search to see whether the specified string
 exists in the list.
s:$2ef:1d:@param list The list to copy.
s:$2f0:1f:@param list The object to copy.
s:$2f1:23:@returns The CJdlStringList object.
s:$2f2:29:@param size The initial size of the list.
s:$2f3:17:Tokenizing constructor.
s:$2f4:1a6:The constructor allows you to create a list of tokens
 from an input string. It is useful for parsing and is
 similar to the ::strtok() operator in "C".

 Sample usage:
      // Parse the tokens that are separated by colons.
      CJdlString str = "fld1:fld2:fld3:fld4::";
      CJdlStringList list(str,":");
      printf("token[0] = '%s'\n",0,token[0].str());
			printf("token[1] = '%s'\n",0,token[1].str());
s:$2f5:13:Sort a string list. s:$2f6:103:Sample usage:
  #include "jdlstringlist.h"
  static void sortit(CJdlStringList& list) {
s:$2f7:14:CJdlStringListSorter s:$2f8:24:Sort order: ASCENDING or DESCENDING. s:$2f9:5:ORDER s:$2fa:9:ASCENDING s:$2fb:a:DESCENDING s:$2fc:11:Case sensitivity. s:$2fd:4:CASE s:$2fe:9:SENSITIVE s:$2ff:b:INSENSITIVE s:$300:d6:Constructor. Sample usage:
    #include "jdlstringlist.h"
    static void sortit(CJdlStringList& list) {
s:$301:1c:@param list The string list. s:$302:42:@param c Case sensitivity. The default is to be case sensitive. s:$303:31:@param o Sort order. The default is ASCENDING. s:$304:2a:Compare function used by the sort routine. s:$305:13:@param s1 String 1. s:$306:13:@param s2 String 2. s:$307:3c:@returns 0 if s1 == s2, @@ <0 if s1 < s2, @@ >0 if s1 > s2 s:$308:17:@see CJdlString#Compare s:$309:2:s1 s:$30a:2:s2 s:$30b:b:m_SortOrder s:$30c:f:m_CaseSensitive s:$30d:1a:../../libjdl/src/jdlutil.h s:$30e:c:jdlutil.h-PP s:$30f:1b:The library version number. s:$310:6:extern s:$311:11:s_jdl_lib_version s:$312:38:JDL_MODULE_ID is used to insert an RCS id into a module. s:$313:42:@param arg The RCS id tag (usually something of the form $ Id: $). s:$314:d:JDL_MODULE_ID s:$315:3:arg s:$316:52:MACRO used to make classes exportable from a DLL. This is only necessary on a PC. s:$317:10e:The code sample below shows how to use this macro.

@@ File: my.h:
@@   #include "jdlutil.h"
@@   class JDL_DLL mycls {
@@   };
@@ File: my.cpp:
@@   #define JDL_DEV_INTERFACE
@@   #include "jdlutil.h"
@@ File: user.cpp
@@   #include "jdlutil.h"
s:$318:1c:../../libjdl/src/jdlvector.h s:$319:e:jdlvector.h-PP s:$31a:13:#include s:$31b:28:Defines a simple vector container class. s:$31c:14e:This class does not own its objects. Here is a simple example that shows how to use this class.
@@ CJdlVector v;
@@ for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
@@   v[i] = i;
@@   cout << v[i] << endl;
@@ }
@@ // These are all the same.
@@ cout << v.GetNumItems() << endl;
@@ cout << v.Size() << endl;
@@ cout << v.Length() << endl;
s:$31d:3d:@version $Id: jdlvector.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:26:00 jdl Exp $ s:$31e:d:m_NumItemsMax s:$31f:f:Clear the list. s:$320:10:Resize the list. s:$321:29:@param size Maximum size of the new list. s:$322:1e:Copy another list to this one. s:$323:27:Return the number of items in the list. s:$324:29:@returns The number of items in the list. s:$325:12:Is the list empty? s:$326:42:@returns True if there are 0 items in the list or false otherwise. s:$327:42:Return the maximum number of items that can be stored in the list. s:$328:44:@returns The maximum number of items that can be stored in the list. s:$329:9:MaxLength s:$32a:1b:Append an item to the list. s:$32b:5f:If the list is not large enough, it is automatically increased to accomodate the new object. s:$32c:20:@param obj The object to append. s:$32d:20:Append another list to the list. s:$32e:60:If the list is not large enough, it is automatically increased to accomodate the new objects. s:$32f:32:Insert item before the specified item in the list. s:$330:26:@param idx The index to insert before. s:$331:c:InsertBefore s:$332:31:Insert item after the specified item in the list. s:$333:b:InsertAfter s:$334:12:Get the i-th item. s:$335:34:An assertion is raised if the index is out of bounds s:$336:13:@param i The index. s:$337:19:@returns The i-th object. s:$338:1e:Get the i-th item (lhs & rhs). s:$339:2e:If the array is not large enough it is grown. s:$33a:2e:Set the i-th item. Grow the list if necessary. s:$33b:3:Set s:$33c:1e:@param obj The object to copy. s:$33d:1b:@returns The vector object. s:$33e:13:Append to the list. s:$33f:1f:@param val The value to append. s:$340:24:Grow the list to the specified size. s:$341:36:This is used internally by the append and set methods. s:$342:17:@param sz The new size. s:$343:4:Grow s:$344:2:sz s:$345:1c:Assumes a default size of 8. s:$346:1d:@param size The initial size. s:$347:23:@param obj The object to copy from. s:$348:17:../../ccdoc/src/ccdoc.h s:$349:a:ccdoc.h-PP s:$34a:17:#include "ccdocutils.h" s:$34b:b:CcDoc main. s:$34c:d:@version 0.7a s:$34d:6:CCcDoc s:$34e:2b:Run the program and return the exit status. s:$34f:31:@param argc The number of command line arguments. s:$350:27:@param argv The command line arguments. s:$351:2a:@returns The number of errors encountered. s:$352:3:Run s:$353:4:argc s:$354:4:argv s:$355:5:Usage s:$356:c:PrintCmdLine s:$357:5:CcDoc s:$358:1a:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocctf.h s:$359:d:ccdocctf.h-PP s:$35a:24:#include "libjdl/src/jdlhashtable.h" s:$35b:1c:#include "ccdocparsernode.h" s:$35c:21:CcDoc Token Format (CTF) handler. s:$35d:3c:@version $Id: ccdocctf.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$35e:9:CCcDocCtf s:$35f:15:Set the verbose flag. s:$360:12:@param f The flag. s:$361:e:SetVerboseFlag s:$362:11:Add a parse tree. s:$363:1b:@param tree The parse tree. s:$364:3:Add s:$365:10:CCcDocParserNode s:$366:4:tree s:$367:10:Read a CTF file. s:$368:24:@param ctf The name of the ctf file. s:$369:4:Read s:$36a:3:ctf s:$36b:99:Read a CTF file with an exclude list. If the exclude list is not empty then the cross reference information will be ignored because it will be invalid. s:$36c:30:@param excludeList The list of files to exclude. s:$36d:b:excludeList s:$36e:11:Write a CTF file. s:$36f:28:@param ctf The name of the new ctf file. s:$370:55:@param phase The header in the file that indicates the phase of processing completed. s:$371:5:Write s:$372:5:phase s:$373:32:Walk through all of the nodes of all of the trees. s:$374:21:@param fct The callback function. s:$375:1b:@param arg A user argument. s:$376:4:Walk s:$377:3:fct s:$378:37:Walk through all of the root nodes of all of the trees. s:$379:9:WalkRoots s:$37a:29:Generate the cross reference information. s:$37b:4:Xref s:$37c:6c:Get the list of level 1 parser nodes associated with this name. This is used for cross referencing by name. s:$37d:21:@param name The name of the node. s:$37e:62:@returns The list of associated nodes or NULL if no nodes are associated with this name. s:$37f:12:GetXrefNodesByName s:$380:4:name s:$381:33:Used by the callback functions to update a node id. s:$382:15:@param node The node. s:$383:c:UpdateNodeId s:$384:9:UpdateIds s:$385:5:ulong s:$386:b:GetNumNodes s:$387:7:GetNode s:$388:c:CleanUpXrefs s:$389:7:GetLine s:$38a:4:file s:$38b:6:lineno s:$38c:4:str1 s:$38d:10:debugStringsFlag s:$38e:7:AddXref s:$38f:6:Read_d s:$390:4:line s:$391:6:Read_n s:$392:b:excludeFlag s:$393:6:Read_s s:$394:6:Read_v s:$395:6:Read_x s:$396:f:ReadSyntaxError s:$397:4:type s:$398:3:msg s:$399:7:m_Trees s:$39a:f:m_XrefListNodes s:$39b:9:m_XrefMap s:$39c:d:m_XrefMapKeys s:$39d:d:m_VerboseFlag s:$39e:1c:../../ccdoc/src/ccdoclexer.h s:$39f:f:ccdoclexer.h-PP s:$3a0:3d:Converts a C++ source file into tokens with associated types. s:$3a1:3e:@version $Id: ccdoclexer.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$3a2:b:CCcDocLexer s:$3a3:c:TOKEN TYPEs. s:$3a4:c:LEXICON_TYPE s:$3a5:7:COMMENT s:$3a6:c:DOUBLE_QUOTE s:$3a7:5:FLOAT s:$3a8:2:ID s:$3a9:7:INTEGER s:$3aa:7:KEYWORD s:$3ab:8:OPERATOR s:$3ac:6:PRAGMA s:$3ad:a:PUNCTUATOR s:$3ae:8:RESERVED s:$3af:c:SINGLE_QUOTE s:$3b0:7:UNKNOWN s:$3b1:b:END_OF_FILE s:$3b2:14:Scan the next token. s:$3b3:194:The example below shows how to dump all of the lexicons in a file.

 CJdlBufferedFileReader file;
 CCcDocLexer scanner;
 const char* token;
 CCcDocLexer::LEXICON_TYPE type = CCcDocLexer::END_OF_FILE;
 while( (type = scanner.ScanNextToken(file,token)) != CCcDocLexer::END_OF_FILE ) {
s:$3b4:d:ScanNextToken s:$3b5:5:token s:$3b6:18:Is this token a keyword? s:$3b7:17:@param token The token. s:$3b8:3a:@returns True if this token is keyword or false otherwise. s:$3b9:6:static s:$3ba:9:IsKeyword s:$3bb:1e:Is this token a reserved word? s:$3bc:a:IsReserved s:$3bd:1b:Is this token a punctuator? s:$3be:c:IsPunctuator s:$3bf:1d:Get the name of a token type. s:$3c0:1b:@param type The token type. s:$3c1:30:@returns A string that describes the token type. s:$3c2:7:GetName s:$3c3:32:Is the CCDOC_LEXER_DEBUG environment variable set? s:$3c4:2e:@returns True if it is set or false otherwise. s:$3c5:7:IsDebug s:$3c6:1b:Resource file load routine. s:$3c7:68:@param The output list. If nothing is loaded the number of items in the returned string doesn't change. s:$3c8:26:@param rcfile The name of the RC file. s:$3c9:2b:@param section The section within the file. s:$3ca:18:LoadStringDataFromRcFile s:$3cb:6:rcfile s:$3cc:7:section s:$3cd:15:ScanSingleQuoteTokens s:$3ce:15:ScanDoubleQuoteTokens s:$3cf:c:ScanComments s:$3d0:c:ScanTrigraph s:$3d1:6:ScanOp s:$3d2:b:ScanPragmas s:$3d3:6:ScanId s:$3d4:7:ScanNum s:$3d5:7:ScanOp1 s:$3d6:2:p0 s:$3d7:2:p1 s:$3d8:2:p2 s:$3d9:2:p3 s:$3da:7:ScanOp2 s:$3db:4:test s:$3dc:7:m_Token s:$3dd:10:m_LexerDebugFlag s:$3de:10:m_ReservedTokens s:$3df:f:m_KeywordTokens s:$3e0:12:m_PunctuatorTokens s:$3e1:1d:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocparser.h s:$3e2:10:ccdocparser.h-PP s:$3e3:17:#include "ccdoclexer.h" s:$3e4:40:Parse a C++ header file and generate a list of statement tuples. s:$3e5:3f:@version $Id: ccdocparser.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$3e6:c:CCcDocParser s:$3e7:1d:Parse the pre-processed file. s:$3e8:2a:@param file The pre-processed file object. s:$3e9:38:@param srcFileName The name of the original source file. s:$3ea:28:@param pkgName The default package name. s:$3eb:43:@returns True if parsing completed successfully or false otherwise. s:$3ec:5:Parse s:$3ed:b:srcFileName s:$3ee:7:pkgName s:$3ef:4e:Get the root node of the parse tree for this file. This is always a FILE node. s:$3f0:32:@returns The root of the parse tree for this file. s:$3f1:b:GetRootNode s:$3f2:a:ParseStmts s:$3f3:5:level s:$3f4:9:ParseStmt s:$3f5:e:ParseStmt_enum s:$3f6:10:ParseStmt_friend s:$3f7:13:ParseStmt_namespace s:$3f8:f:ParseStmt_using s:$3f9:f:ParseStmt_class s:$3fa:9:STMT_TYPE s:$3fb:10:ParseStmt_struct s:$3fc:f:ParseStmt_union s:$3fd:11:ParseStmt_typedef s:$3fe:12:ParseStmt_template s:$3ff:11:ParseStmt_vardecl s:$400:11:ParseStmt_fctdecl s:$401:d:ParseStmt_asm s:$402:10:ParseStmt_extern s:$403:11:ParseStmt_comment s:$404:10:ParseStmt_pragma s:$405:d:ParseStmtBody s:$406:9:exitlevel s:$407:13:ParseStmt_insertvar s:$408:16:CreateCommentDirective s:$409:9:directive s:$40a:e:TrimTrailingWs s:$40b:2:ps s:$40c:5:start s:$40d:a:SkipLineWs s:$40e:f:ParseCommentNLs s:$40f:c:GetLastToken s:$410:33:Is the CCDOC_PARSER_DEBUG environment variable set? s:$411:11:m_ParserDebugFlag s:$412:7:m_Lexer s:$413:b:m_LexerType s:$414:a:m_LexerEOF s:$415:c:m_StmtTokens s:$416:c:m_ParentNode s:$417:21:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocparsernode.h s:$418:14:ccdocparsernode.h-PP s:$419:35:C++ parse tree node. It is a list of string rep ids. s:$41a:43:@version $Id: ccdocparsernode.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$41b:18:The node statement type. s:$41c:8:STMT_ASM s:$41d:a:STMT_CLASS s:$41e:16:STMT_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR s:$41f:15:STMT_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR s:$420:12:STMT_CLASS_FORWARD s:$421:12:STMT_COMMENT_BRIEF s:$422:11:STMT_COMMENT_FULL s:$423:16:STMT_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE s:$424:1a:STMT_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_PKG s:$425:1d:STMT_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_PKGDOC s:$426:9:STMT_ENUM s:$427:9:STMT_FILE s:$428:11:STMT_FRIEND_CLASS s:$429:14:STMT_FRIEND_FUNCTION s:$42a:d:STMT_FUNCTION s:$42b:c:STMT_INCLUDE s:$42c:a:STMT_MACRO s:$42d:f:STMT_MACRO_INST s:$42e:e:STMT_NAMESPACE s:$42f:14:STMT_NAMESPACE_ALIAS s:$430:b:STMT_PRAGMA s:$431:12:STMT_SCOPE_PRIVATE s:$432:14:STMT_SCOPE_PROTECTED s:$433:11:STMT_SCOPE_PUBLIC s:$434:14:STMT_SCOPED_FUNCTION s:$435:1d:STMT_SCOPED_TEMPLATE_FUNCTION s:$436:b:STMT_STRUCT s:$437:13:STMT_STRUCT_FORWARD s:$438:13:STMT_TEMPLATE_CLASS s:$439:15:STMT_TEMPLATE_FORWARD s:$43a:16:STMT_TEMPLATE_FUNCTION s:$43b:c:STMT_TYPEDEF s:$43c:a:STMT_UNION s:$43d:a:STMT_USING s:$43e:d:STMT_VARIABLE s:$43f:c:STMT_UNKNOWN s:$440:f:The node scope. s:$441:a:SCOPE_TYPE s:$442:c:SCOPE_GLOBAL s:$443:b:SCOPE_LOCAL s:$444:c:SCOPE_PUBLIC s:$445:d:SCOPE_PRIVATE s:$446:f:SCOPE_PROTECTED s:$447:d:SCOPE_UNKNOWN s:$448:e:The node type. s:$449:9:DATA_TYPE s:$44a:7:DATA_ID s:$44b:c:DATA_KEYWORD s:$44c:d:DATA_RESERVED s:$44d:c:DATA_UNKNOWN s:$44e:25:Construct a root node with no tokens. s:$44f:1a:@param type The node type. s:$450:26:@param lineno The current line number. s:$451:2a:Construct a root node with a single token. s:$452:2c:Construct a root node with a list of tokens. s:$453:21:@param tokens The list of tokens. s:$454:6:tokens s:$455:5a:Construct a node from the CTF file. This assumes that the node has already been compiled. s:$456:1c:@param scope The node scope. s:$457:1e:@param lineno The file lineno. s:$458:24:@param level The node nesting level. s:$459:33:@param offset The node offset from the parent list. s:$45a:26:@param nameid The node name reference. s:$45b:20:@param recid The node record id. s:$45c:5:scope s:$45d:6:offset s:$45e:6:nameid s:$45f:5:recid s:$460:1f:Insert before copy constructor. s:$461:18:CheckInternalConsistency s:$462:19:Get the first child node. s:$463:1e:@returns The first child node. s:$464:8:GetFirst s:$465:18:Get the next child node. s:$466:46:@returns The next child node, or NULL if it is at the end of the list. s:$467:18:Get the i-th child node. s:$468:18:@param i The node index. s:$469:1d:@returns The i-th child node. s:$46a:8:GetChild s:$46b:1e:Get the number of child nodes. s:$46c:23:@returns The number of child nodes. s:$46d:e:GetNumChildren s:$46e:12:Get the node type. s:$46f:17:@returns The node type. s:$470:7:GetType s:$471:1a:Get the node type by name. s:$472:24:@param The short (3 char) type name. s:$473:4f:Get the 3 character internal type name suitable for parsing from the ctf file. s:$474:1d:@returns The short type name. s:$475:b:GetTypeName s:$476:46:Get the long type name, suitable for displaying in the package index. s:$477:1c:@returns The long type name. s:$478:f:GetLongTypeName s:$479:15:@param type The type. s:$47a:13:Get the node scope. s:$47b:18:@returns The node scope. s:$47c:8:GetScope s:$47d:1b:Get the node scope by name. s:$47e:25:@param The short (3 char) scope name. s:$47f:50:Get the 3 character internal scope name suitable for parsing from the ctf file. s:$480:1e:@returns The short scope name. s:$481:c:GetScopeName s:$482:47:Get the long scope name, suitable for displaying in the package index. s:$483:1d:@returns The long scope name. s:$484:10:GetLongScopeName s:$485:17:@param scope The scope. s:$486:73:Get the string data type. This is useful for determining whether this string is a candidate for cross referencing. s:$487:17:@param name The string. s:$488:1c:@returns The node data type. s:$489:b:GetDataType s:$48a:86:Get the string data type of the i-th token. This is useful for determining whether this string is a candidate for cross referencing. s:$48b:56:@param idx The index of the i-th token. The maximum number of tokens is GetNumItems(). s:$48c:27:Get the token string of the i-th token. s:$48d:14:@returns The string. s:$48e:d:GetDataString s:$48f:42:Compile a node tree. This should only be called for the root node. s:$490:1f:@param level The current level. s:$491:34:@param offset The current offset in the parent list. s:$492:25:@param scope The default scope state. s:$493:7:Compile s:$494:37:Dump the contents of the node tree to a specified file. s:$495:1a:@param fp The output file. s:$496:21:@param prefix The desired prefix. s:$497:55:@param recurseFlag If true, recurse otherwise only print this node and it's children. s:$498:2:fp s:$499:6:stdout s:$49a:b:recurseFlag s:$49b:51:Walk the tree recursively and call the specified function with the current node. s:$49c:24:@param arg A user supplied argument. s:$49d:25:Get the child offset from the parent. s:$49e:2a:@returns The child offset from the parent. s:$49f:b:GetChildIdx s:$4a0:12:Get the record id. s:$4a1:17:@returns The record id. s:$4a2:8:GetRecId s:$4a3:16:Get the nesting level. s:$4a4:1b:@returns The nesting level. s:$4a5:8:GetLevel s:$4a6:2a:Get the offset in the parent's child list. s:$4a7:14:@returns The offset. s:$4a8:9:GetOffset s:$4a9:27:Get the line number in the source file. s:$4aa:19:@returns The line number. s:$4ab:9:GetLineno s:$4ac:19:Get the source file name. s:$4ad:1e:@returns The source file name. s:$4ae:14:Get the name handle. s:$4af:25:@returns The handle to the node name. s:$4b0:9:GetNameId s:$4b1:1e:Get the node name as a string. s:$4b2:17:@returns The node name. s:$4b3:43:Get the nodes parent. The root of the tree will have a NULL parent. s:$4b4:19:@returns The parent node. s:$4b5:9:GetParent s:$4b6:55:Get the i-th token string. Use GetNumItems() to determine the total number of tokens. s:$4b7:a9:Token strings are stored in a non-duplicated form using CCcDocStringRep which means that handles are required to convert them to strings. This was done to save memory. s:$4b8:18:@param i The i-th token. s:$4b9:1a:@returns The token string. s:$4ba:9:GetString s:$4bb:26:Append a new handle to the token list. s:$4bc:1c:@param idx The token handle. s:$4bd:5e:Append a new string to the token list. The string is converted to a handle inside the append. s:$4be:15:@param str The token. s:$4bf:2b:Set the i-th token to the specified string. s:$4c0:15:@param idx The index. s:$4c1:1a:@param str The new string. s:$4c2:32:Set the i-th token to the specified string handle. s:$4c3:21:@param str The new string handle. s:$4c4:2:id s:$4c5:45:Copy a token list. Each token is converted to its associated handle. s:$4c6:1f:@param list The new token list. s:$4c7:19:Copy a token handle list. s:$4c8:4b:Set the unique record id. This should only be called by the CTF processing. s:$4c9:14:@param i The new id. s:$4ca:8:SetRecId s:$4cb:91:Set the child index. This is normally set in the constructor. It only needs to be changed when records are inserted into the parent child list. s:$4cc:15:@param i The new idx. s:$4cd:b:SetChildIdx s:$4ce:c:m_ChildNodes s:$4cf:7:m_Scope s:$4d0:6:m_Type s:$4d1:7:m_Level s:$4d2:8:m_Offset s:$4d3:8:m_NameId s:$4d4:7:m_RecId s:$4d5:d:m_IteratorIdx s:$4d6:a:m_ChildIdx s:$4d7:1d:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocphase1.h s:$4d8:10:ccdocphase1.h-PP s:$4d9:15:#include "ccdocctf.h" s:$4da:29:This class manages the phase1 processing. s:$4db:a5:Phase 1 consists of the following steps:
  • Remove the specified files from the repository.
  • Parse the specified files and add them to the repository.
s:$4dc:3f:@version $Id: ccdocphase1.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$4dd:c:CCcDocPhase1 s:$4de:f:Run this phase. s:$4df:21:@param repository The repository. s:$4e0:26:@param files The list of source files. s:$4e1:43:@param defines The list of -D and -U records from the command line. s:$4e2:6d:@param pkgName The name of the current package from the command line, this overrides the internal @pkg name. s:$4e3:5:files s:$4e4:7:defines s:$4e5:b:ProcessFile s:$4e6:f:savePpFilesFlag s:$4e7:1d:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocphase2.h s:$4e8:10:ccdocphase2.h-PP s:$4e9:29:This class manages the phase2 processing. s:$4ea:5f:Phase 2 processing generates the cross reference index for all of the entries in the CTF file. s:$4eb:3f:@version $Id: ccdocphase2.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$4ec:c:CCcDocPhase2 s:$4ed:1a:@param ctf The repository. s:$4ee:6f:Add a scoped node to the update list if it has an associated comment. This supports comments in source files. s:$4ef:1e:@param node The node to check. s:$4f0:d:AddScopedNode s:$4f1:10:m_ScopedNodeList s:$4f2:a:m_ClassMap s:$4f3:f:m_DoPhase1BFlag s:$4f4:1d:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocphase3.h s:$4f5:10:ccdocphase3.h-PP s:$4f6:59:This class manages the package tree and generates the nifty drawing of the package tree. s:$4f7:336:Nodes with the name "[NULL]" will be ignored which means that you can use the pkg name "[NULL]" for a file that defines packages. This class is used as follows:

 // Generate a tree that looks like this:
 //   [ROOT] +--> A1 +--> A1B1
 //          |
 //          +--> A2 +--> A2B1
 //                  |
 //                  +--> A2B2
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* root = new  CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("[ROOT]",0);
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* A1   = new CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("A1",root);
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* A2   = new CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("A2",root);
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* A1B1 = new CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("A1B1",A1);
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* A2B1 = new CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("A2B1",A2);
 CCcDocPhase3PkgTree* A2B2 = new CCcDocPhase3PkgTree("A2B2",A2);
 root->Write(stdout,false); // don't print anchors
s:$4f8:3f:@version $Id: ccdocphase3.h,v 1.6 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$4f9:13:CCcDocPhase3PkgTree s:$4fa:1a:@param name The node name. s:$4fb:11:Compile the tree. s:$4fc:135:Compilation must be completed prior to any write operations. There are three compilation phases:
  • Phase 0: Initialize the max level indicator.
  • Phase 1: Order the child nodes and set the preliminary column widths.
  • Phase 2: Fix the column widths to guarantee that we get the max.
s:$4fd:2b:@param phase The current compilation phase. s:$4fe:1d:Write the tree out to a file. s:$4ff:1b:@param fp The file pointer. s:$500:122:@param anchorFlag If true, generate the HTML anchor statements for each pkg. If false, print it out as plaintext for debugging. Setting the environment variable CCDOC_PHASE3_TREE_ANCHORS_OFF set this flag to false. s:$501:21:@param prefix An optional prefix. s:$502:6:stderr s:$503:a:anchorFlag s:$504:81:Write out the path of the current node. This is a simple, straightline representation of the hierarchy associated with the node. s:$505:ad:@param anchorLastFlag If true, generate the HTML anchor statement for the last entry. For the pkg index lists we want this to be false. s:$506:9:WritePath s:$507:e:anchorLastFlag s:$508:2a:Find a child node with the specified name. s:$509:22:@param name The name of the child. s:$50a:41:@returns The child node or NULL if the child node does not exist. s:$50b:4:Find s:$50c:14:Get the parent node. s:$50d:39:@returns The parent node or NULL if this is the top node. s:$50e:1a:Get the name of this node. s:$50f:53:Get the hierachical name of this node. Each level hierarchy is separated by a ".". s:$510:23:@returns The hierachical node name. s:$511:7:GetPath s:$512:4:path s:$513:125:Is this a NULL package? A NULL package is one whose name is "[NULL]". They exist to allow documentation developers to create package documentation in a separate "documentation only" file. The contents of these files are used but the files are not associated with any package in the system. s:$514:39:@returns True if this is NULL package or false otherwise. s:$515:6:IsNull s:$516:2c:Dump the contents of the tree for debugging. s:$517:22:@param fp The output file pointer. s:$518:49:@param level The current level. This should not be set by the programmer. s:$519:6d:Set the external reference. If this is not set, the reference is generated automatically from the tree path. s:$51a:25:@param ref The name of the reference. s:$51b:6:SetRef s:$51c:3:ref s:$51d:4e:Write out the HTML anchor statement. Use the external reference if it was set. s:$51e:83:@param indexFlag If true, reference the [ROOT] node as ccdoc.index.html otherwise reference it as ccdoc.xref.html. s:$51f:b:WriteAnchor s:$520:9:indexFlag s:$521:7:GetLast s:$522:7:IsFirst s:$523:6:IsLast s:$524:4:last s:$525:6:m_Name s:$526:5:m_Ref s:$527:d:m_PrintedFlag s:$528:48:This class manages the phase3 processing. This phase generates the HTML. s:$529:c:CCcDocPhase3 s:$52a:1f:@param html The html directory. s:$52b:25:@param imageurl The image URL prefix. s:$52c:29:@param srcurl The source code URL prefix. s:$52d:d5:@param header The HTML header file. The contents of this file are inserted right after the statement of generated files. It is used for local identification. s:$52e:4a:@param trailer The HTML trailer file. It is used for local identification. s:$52f:f9:@param mcfFlag Generate the packages data in the old multi-column format. This turns off the nifty pkg tree generation stuff. It should only be used in legacy systems that don't have pkg documentation. s:$530:4:html s:$531:8:imageURL s:$532:6:srcURL s:$533:6:header s:$534:7:trailer s:$535:7:mcfFlag s:$536:8:WriteTop s:$537:b:GetCurrTime s:$538:a:GetProgram s:$539:f:PopulatePkgTree s:$53a:12:WriteDirective_see s:$53b:16:WriteDirective_seexref s:$53c:14:WriteDirective_param s:$53d:15:WriteDirective_source s:$53e:15:WriteDirective_return s:$53f:c:WriteComment s:$540:3:buf s:$541:e:WriteDirective s:$542:15:WriteBriefDescription s:$543:10:WriteDescription s:$544:11:defaultSourceFlag s:$545:5:false s:$546:d:WritePkgIndex s:$547:1a:WritePkgIndexGroupContents s:$548:5:title s:$549:5:nodes s:$54a:7:printed s:$54b:5:types s:$54c:15:WritePkgIndexContents s:$54d:11:WriteRawIndexData s:$54e:13:WriteHtmlHeaderInfo s:$54f:10:WriteHtmlTrailer s:$550:d:WriteDupItems s:$551:c:WriteDupItem s:$552:6:refcnt s:$553:a:WriteItems s:$554:9:WriteItem s:$555:d:WriteItemCode s:$556:12:smartLinkCheckFlag s:$557:10:includeScopeFlag s:$558:13:WriteItemChildIndex s:$559:6:anchor s:$55a:6:banner s:$55b:6:bullet s:$55c:7:nodeMap s:$55d:b:sortedNodes s:$55e:12:WriteItemChildBody s:$55f:11:WriteItemWithXref s:$560:2:nm s:$561:3:off s:$562:16:WriteHtmlExtendsClause s:$563:f:WriteBodyClause s:$564:5:Xlate s:$565:13:AppendDefaultSource s:$566:8:IsNodeOk s:$567:1b:GetFirstMatchingChildByName s:$568:2d:Set the background color from the -bg switch. s:$569:17:@param c The new color. s:$56a:c:SetSwBgColor s:$56b:2d:Set the foreground color from the -fg switch. s:$56c:c:SetSwFgColor s:$56d:2c:Determine whether global nodes are reported. s:$56e:10:SetSwFlagGlobals s:$56f:2b:Determine whether local nodes are reported. s:$570:f:SetSwFlagLocals s:$571:26:Determine whether macros are reported. s:$572:f:SetSwFlagMacros s:$573:3e:Determine whether the package index output is grouped by type. s:$574:14:SetSwFlagGroupPkgIdx s:$575:2d:Determine whether private nodes are reported. s:$576:11:SetSwFlagPrivates s:$577:2f:Determine whether protected nodes are reported. s:$578:13:SetSwFlagProtecteds s:$579:2c:Determine whether public nodes are reported. s:$57a:10:SetSwFlagPublics s:$57b:28:Determine whether typedefs are reported. s:$57c:11:SetSwFlagTypedefs s:$57d:3b:Determine whether verbose mode is turned on for this phase. s:$57e:10:SetSwFlagVerbose s:$57f:52:Set the root name alias. If this is not set the root name will default to [ROOT]. s:$580:16:@param n The new name. s:$581:d:SetSwRootName s:$582:bd:Set the root URL. Normally the root node is not a hyperlink. By setting this argument, it can be made to link anywhere. This is useful for integrating ccdoc output into larger documents. s:$583:16:@param n The root URL. s:$584:c:SetSwRootURL s:$585:8:m_Prefix s:$586:a:m_ImageURL s:$587:b:m_SourceURL s:$588:c:m_HtmlHeader s:$589:d:m_HtmlTrailer s:$58a:6:m_Tree s:$58b:d:m_DupNodesMap s:$58c:9:m_BgColor s:$58d:9:m_FgColor s:$58e:a:m_RootName s:$58f:9:m_RootURL s:$590:f:m_SwFlagGlobals s:$591:e:m_SwFlagLocals s:$592:e:m_SwFlagMacros s:$593:13:m_SwFlagGroupPkgIdx s:$594:10:m_SwFlagPrivates s:$595:12:m_SwFlagProtecteds s:$596:f:m_SwFlagPublics s:$597:10:m_SwFlagTypedefs s:$598:f:m_SwFlagVerbose s:$599:17:m_MultiColumnFormatFlag s:$59a:b:m_DebugFlag s:$59b:c:WriteTop ( ) s:$59c:1b:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocprep.h s:$59d:e:ccdocprep.h-PP s:$59e:1b:Ccdoc simple pre-processor. s:$59f:a0:Usage:

 CCcDocPrep pp;
Preprocesses a file. s:$5a0:3d:@version $Id: ccdocprep.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$5a1:a:CCcDocPrep s:$5a2:10:Define a symbol. s:$5a3:23:@param name The name of the symbol. s:$5a4:25:@param value The value of the symbol. s:$5a5:6:Define s:$5a6:12:Undefine a symbol. s:$5a7:8:UnDefine s:$5a8:1f:Pre-process the specified file. s:$5a9:19:@param src The from file. s:$5aa:17:@param dst The to file. s:$5ab:7b:@param definedByDefaultFlag If TRUE, assume that all symbols are defined, otherwise assume that all symbols are undefined. s:$5ac:4:Prep s:$5ad:3:src s:$5ae:3:dst s:$5af:14:definedByDefaultFlag s:$5b0:20:Is the specified symbol defined? s:$5b1:1f:@param symname The symbol name. s:$5b2:32:@returns True if it is defined or false otherwise. s:$5b3:c:IsSymDefined s:$5b4:7:symname s:$5b5:15:Get the symbol value. s:$5b6:21:@returns The value of the symbol. s:$5b7:1a:Find the specified symbol. s:$5b8:3b:@param global Set to true if the sym is in the global list. s:$5b9:24:@param index The index in the list. s:$5ba:39:@returns True if the symbol was found or false otherwise. s:$5bb:7:FindSym s:$5bc:6:global s:$5bd:5:index s:$5be:1e:Get the next line in the file. s:$5bf:1b:@param file The input file. s:$5c0:23:@param ofp The output file pointer. s:$5c1:23:@param linebuf The output line buf. s:$5c2:30:@returns True unless we are the end of the file. s:$5c3:b:GetNextLine s:$5c4:3:ofp s:$5c5:7:linebuf s:$5c6:36:Load the next character from the file into the buffer. s:$5c7:26:@param lineno The line number counter. s:$5c8:16:@param buf The buffer. s:$5c9:2a:@returns The next character from the file. s:$5ca:b:GetNextChar s:$5cb:15:Parse #if statements. s:$5cc:9:IfParsing s:$5cd:8:linebuf1 s:$5ce:8:skipFlag s:$5cf:c:skipElseFlag s:$5d0:c:m_GlobalDefs s:$5d1:c:m_GlobalVals s:$5d2:10:m_GlobalDefsFlag s:$5d3:b:m_LocalDefs s:$5d4:b:m_LocalVals s:$5d5:f:m_LocalDefsFlag s:$5d6:16:m_DefinedByDefaultFlag s:$5d7:1f:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocprepexpr.h s:$5d8:12:ccdocprepexpr.h-PP s:$5d9:16:#include "ccdocprep.h" s:$5da:70:This class handles the expression tree stuff for the pre-processor. for #if statements. It is pretty primitive. s:$5db:10a:A sample usage is shown below:

@@ CCcDocPrepExpr* expr = CCcDocPrepExpr::Create(this,"#if defined(FOO) || defined(SPAM)");
@@ if(expr) {
@@   bool eval = expr->Eval(true); // eval with debug turned on
@@  CCcDocPrepExpr::Destroy(expr);
@@ }
s:$5dc:41:@version $Id: ccdocprepexpr.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$5dd:e:CCcDocPrepExpr s:$5de:32:Dump the contents of the internal expression tree. s:$5df:36:@param prefix An optional prefix for each output line. s:$5e0:27:@param level The current nesting level. s:$5e1:1c:Evaluate an expression tree. s:$5e2:28:@param obj The CCcDocPrep parent object. s:$5e3:26:@param lineno Source file line number. s:$5e4:1c:@param src Source file name. s:$5e5:20:@param linebuf Line information. s:$5e6:3f:@param debugFlag If true, turns on internal debugging messages. s:$5e7:34:@param reportUndefSymsFlag Report undefined symbols. s:$5e8:45:@returns Non-zero if the expression evaluated to true or 0 otherwise. s:$5e9:4:Eval s:$5ea:9:debugFlag s:$5eb:13:reportUndefSymsFlag s:$5ec:4b:Create an expression subtree and return a pointer to the root of the tree. s:$5ed:6a:Parses lines of the form:

 #if defined(SPAM) && ( defined(FOO) || defined(BAR) )
s:$5ee:15:@param line The line. s:$5ef:6:Create s:$5f0:1f:Destroy the expression subtree. s:$5f1:47:@param expr The root of the expression tree that is returned by Create. s:$5f2:7:Destroy s:$5f3:4:expr s:$5f4:9:EXPR_TYPE s:$5f5:3:AND s:$5f6:3:DEF s:$5f7:2:EQ s:$5f8:2:GE s:$5f9:2:GT s:$5fa:4:INTD s:$5fb:4:INTX s:$5fc:2:LE s:$5fd:2:LT s:$5fe:2:NE s:$5ff:2:IF s:$600:3:NOT s:$601:2:OR s:$602:9:m_Defined s:$603:4:IsOp s:$604:20:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocstringrep.h s:$605:13:ccdocstringrep.h-PP s:$606:12:String repository. s:$607:42:@version $Id: ccdocstringrep.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$608:f:CCcDocStringRep s:$609:1b:Create a string repository. s:$60a:29:Destroys the specified string repository. s:$60b:28:Get the handle associated with a string. s:$60c:12:@param The string. s:$60d:2d:@returns The handle associated with a string. s:$60e:b:GetStringId s:$60f:28:Get the string associated with a handle. s:$610:12:@param The handle. s:$611:1f:@returns The associated string. s:$612:2c:Get the number of strings in the repository. s:$613:1f:@returns The number of strings. s:$614:d:GetNumEntries s:$615:5e:Are we in debug mode? This occurs when the CCDOC_STRINGMAP_DEBUG environment variable is set. s:$616:39:@returns True if we are in debug mode or false otherwise. s:$617:1c:../../ccdoc/src/ccdocutils.h s:$618:f:ccdocutils.h-PP s:$619:12:#include s:$61a:13:#include s:$61b:13:#include s:$61c:13:#include s:$61d:13:#include s:$61e:13:#include s:$61f:25:#include "libjdl/src/jdlstringlist.h" s:$620:24:#include "libjdl/src/jdlbuffilerd.h" s:$621:24:#include "libjdl/src/jdlbuffilewr.h" s:$622:37:General utilities used by all clients in the subsystem. s:$623:3e:@version $Id: ccdocutils.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $ s:$624:b:CCcDocUtils s:$625:4e:Return a temporary string from a ring buffer with a maximum of 64K characters. s:$626:2f:@returns A temporary string from a ring buffer. s:$627:d:GetRingBuffer s:$628:2a:Returns the maximum size of a ring buffer. s:$629:2b:@returns The maximum size of a ring buffer. s:$62a:11:GetRingBufferSize s:$62b:17:Print an error message. s:$62c:1d:@param fmt The format string. s:$62d:27:@param args The variable argument list. s:$62e:3:Err s:$62f:3:fmt s:$630:18:Print a warning message. s:$631:4:Warn s:$632:17:Print a status message. s:$633:6:Status s:$634:25:Get the current ccdoc version number. s:$635:a:GetVersion s:$636:4d:Turn on logging. This only works for the Err(), Warn() and Status() methods. s:$637:25:@param file The name of the log file. s:$638:7:OpenLog s:$639:11:Turn off logging. s:$63a:8:CloseLog s:$63b:15:The number of errors. s:$63c:b:m_NumErrors s:$63d:25:The maximum number of errors allowed. s:$63e:e:m_MaxNumErrors s:$63f:17:The number of warnings. s:$640:d:m_NumWarnings s:$641:2a:Are warnings enabled? The default is true. s:$642:14:m_WarningsAreEnabled s:$643:11:Log file pointer. s:$644:5:m_Log # ================================================ # NODE INFORMATION SECTION (1866 nodes). # ================================================ n:fil:gbl:r0:0:0:0:3:$80 d:?:$80 d:i:$81 d:i:$d9 n:inc:???:r1:1:0:16:1:$0 d:?:$82 n:inc:???:r2:1:1:17:1:$0 d:?:$83 n:cmb:loc:r3:1:2:36:1:$0 d:i:$84 n:cmf:loc:r4:1:3:36:1:$0 d:i:$85 n:cmd:loc:r5:1:4:36:1:$0 d:?:$86 n:cmd:loc:r6:1:5:36:1:$0 d:?:$87 n:cmd:loc:r7:1:6:36:1:$0 d:?:$88 n:cls:loc:r8:1:7:37:4:$8b d:k:$89 d:i:$8a d:i:$8b d:?:$7b n:pri:pri:r9:2:0:37:0:$0 n:pub:pub:ra:2:1:39:0:$0 n:cmb:pub:rb:2:2:3e:1:$0 d:i:$8c n:cmf:pub:rc:2:3:3e:1:$0 d:i:$8d n:clc:pub:rd:2:4:3f:4:$8b d:i:$8b d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:re:2:5:47:1:$0 d:i:$8e n:cmf:pub:rf:2:6:47:1:$0 d:i:$8f n:cmd:pub:r10:2:7:47:1:$0 d:?:$90 n:clc:pub:r11:2:8:48:8:$8b d:i:$8b d:?:$28 d:k:$91 d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$93 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r12:2:9:52:1:$0 d:i:$8e n:cmf:pub:r13:2:a:52:1:$0 d:i:$94 n:cmd:pub:r14:2:b:52:1:$0 d:?:$90 n:cmd:pub:r15:2:c:52:1:$0 d:?:$95 n:clc:pub:r16:2:d:53:b:$8b d:i:$8b d:?:$28 d:k:$91 d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$93 d:?:$2c d:i:$96 d:i:$97 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r17:2:e:56:1:$0 d:i:$98 n:cld:pub:r18:2:f:57:5:$8b d:?:$7e d:i:$8b d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:pub:pub:r19:2:10:59:0:$0 n:cmb:pub:r1a:2:11:5f:1:$0 d:i:$99 n:cmf:pub:r1b:2:12:5f:1:$0 d:i:$9a n:cmd:pub:r1c:2:13:5f:1:$0 d:?:$9b n:fct:pub:r1d:2:14:60:5:$9d d:k:$9c d:i:$9d d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r1e:2:15:6a:1:$0 d:i:$99 n:cmf:pub:r1f:2:16:6a:1:$0 d:i:$9a n:cmd:pub:r20:2:17:6a:1:$0 d:?:$9e n:cmd:pub:r21:2:18:6a:1:$0 d:?:$9f n:cmd:pub:r22:2:19:6a:1:$0 d:?:$9b n:fct:pub:r23:2:1a:6b:e:$9d d:k:$9c d:i:$9d d:?:$28 d:k:$91 d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$93 d:?:$2c d:i:$96 d:i:$a0 d:?:$3d d:?:$a1 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r24:2:1b:70:1:$0 d:i:$a2 n:cmd:pub:r25:2:1c:70:1:$0 d:?:$a3 n:fct:pub:r26:2:1d:71:6:$a4 d:k:$9c d:i:$a4 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r27:2:1e:76:1:$0 d:i:$a5 n:cmd:pub:r28:2:1f:76:1:$0 d:?:$a6 n:fct:pub:r29:2:20:77:6:$a7 d:k:$9c d:i:$a7 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r2a:2:21:84:1:$0 d:i:$a8 n:cmf:pub:r2b:2:22:84:1:$0 d:i:$a9 n:cmd:pub:r2c:2:23:84:1:$0 d:?:$aa n:fct:pub:r2d:2:24:85:5:$ab d:k:$92 d:i:$ab d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r2e:2:25:8e:1:$0 d:i:$ac n:cmf:pub:r2f:2:26:8e:1:$0 d:i:$ad n:cmd:pub:r30:2:27:8e:1:$0 d:?:$ae n:cmd:pub:r31:2:28:8e:1:$0 d:?:$af n:fct:pub:r32:2:29:8f:7:$b0 d:k:$9c d:i:$b0 d:?:$28 d:k:$92 d:i:$b1 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r33:2:2a:95:1:$0 d:i:$b2 n:cmf:pub:r34:2:2b:95:1:$0 d:i:$b3 n:fct:pub:r35:2:2c:96:5:$b5 d:k:$b4 d:i:$b5 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmd:pub:r36:2:2d:99:1:$0 d:?:$b6 n:fct:pub:r37:2:2e:9a:8:$b7 d:k:$91 d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$b7 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:cmd:pub:r38:2:2f:9d:1:$0 d:?:$b8 n:fct:pub:r39:2:30:9e:6:$ba d:k:$b9 d:i:$ba d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r3a:2:31:ac:1:$0 d:i:$bb n:cmf:pub:r3b:2:32:ac:1:$0 d:i:$bc n:cmd:pub:r3c:2:33:ac:1:$0 d:?:$bd n:fct:pub:r3d:2:34:ad:6:$be d:i:$96 d:i:$be d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r3e:2:35:b3:1:$0 d:i:$bf n:cmf:pub:r3f:2:36:b3:1:$0 d:i:$c0 n:cmd:pub:r40:2:37:b3:1:$0 d:?:$c1 n:fct:pub:r41:2:38:b4:6:$c2 d:k:$b9 d:i:$c2 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:k:$91 d:?:$3b n:pub:pub:r42:2:39:b6:0:$0 n:cmb:pub:r43:2:3a:bd:1:$0 d:i:$c3 n:cmf:pub:r44:2:3b:bd:1:$0 d:i:$c4 n:cmd:pub:r45:2:3c:bd:1:$0 d:?:$c5 n:fct:pub:r46:2:3d:be:9:$c6 d:k:$b4 d:i:$c6 d:?:$28 d:k:$9c d:i:$c7 d:?:$3d d:k:$c8 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:pri:pri:r47:2:3e:c0:0:$0 n:var:pri:r48:2:3f:c0:5:$c9 d:k:$92 d:i:$c9 d:?:$5b d:?:$ca d:?:$5d n:var:pri:r49:2:40:c1:2:$cb d:i:$96 d:i:$cb n:var:pri:r4a:2:41:c3:3:$cc d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$cc n:var:pri:r4b:2:42:c4:2:$cd d:i:$96 d:i:$cd n:var:pri:r4c:2:43:c5:3:$ce d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$ce n:var:pri:r4d:2:44:c7:2:$cf d:k:$b9 d:i:$cf n:var:pri:r4e:2:45:c8:2:$d0 d:i:$96 d:i:$d0 n:var:pri:r4f:2:46:c9:2:$d1 d:k:$b9 d:i:$d1 n:var:pri:r50:2:47:ca:2:$d2 d:k:$9c d:i:$d2 n:var:pri:r51:2:48:cb:2:$d3 d:k:$9c d:i:$d3 n:var:pri:r52:2:49:cd:3:$d5 d:i:$d4 d:?:$2a d:i:$d5 n:var:pri:r53:2:4a:ce:2:$d7 d:i:$d6 d:i:$d7 n:var:pri:r54:2:4b:d0:2:$d8 d:k:$9c d:i:$d8 n:fil:gbl:r55:0:0:0:3:$da d:?:$da d:i:$db d:i:$d9 n:inc:???:r56:1:0:16:1:$0 d:?:$82 n:inc:???:r57:1:1:17:1:$0 d:?:$83 n:cmb:loc:r58:1:2:39:1:$0 d:i:$dc n:cmf:loc:r59:1:3:39:1:$0 d:i:$dd n:cmd:loc:r5a:1:4:39:1:$0 d:?:$86 n:cmd:loc:r5b:1:5:39:1:$0 d:?:$de n:cmd:loc:r5c:1:6:39:1:$0 d:?:$df n:cls:loc:r5d:1:7:3a:4:$e0 d:k:$89 d:i:$8a d:i:$e0 d:?:$7b n:pri:pri:r5e:2:0:3a:0:$0 n:pub:pub:r5f:2:1:3c:0:$0 n:cmb:pub:r60:2:2:41:1:$0 d:i:$8c n:cmf:pub:r61:2:3:41:1:$0 d:i:$8d n:clc:pub:r62:2:4:42:4:$e0 d:i:$e0 d:?:$28 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r63:2:5:4a:1:$0 d:i:$8e n:cmf:pub:r64:2:6:4a:1:$0 d:i:$8f n:cmd:pub:r65:2:7:4a:1:$0 d:?:$e1 n:clc:pub:r66:2:8:4b:8:$e0 d:i:$e0 d:?:$28 d:k:$91 d:k:$92 d:?:$2a d:i:$93 d:?:$29 d:?:$3b n:cmb:pub:r67:2:9:55:1:$0 d:i:$8e n:cmf:pub:r68:2:a:55:1:$0 d:i:$94 n:cmd:pub:r69:2:b:55:1:$0 d:?:$e1 n:cmd:pub:r6a:2:c:55:1:$0 d:?:$e2 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