
NetRexx Overview, version 2.02
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. ©
22 May 2001
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NetRexx tracing is defined as part of the language. The flow of execution of programs may be traced, and this trace can be viewed as it occurs (or captured in a file). The trace can show each clause as it is executed, and optionally show the results of expressions, etc. For example, the trace results in the program ‘trace1.nrx’:

  trace results


  parse number before '.' after

  say after'.'before

would result in:

     --- trace1.nrx

   2 *=* number=1/7

     >v> number "0.142857143"

   3 *=* parse number before '.' after

     >v> before "0"

     >v> after "142857143"

   4 *=* say after'.'before

     >>> "142857143.0"


where the line marked with ‘---’ indicates the context of the trace, lines marked with ‘*=*’ are the instructions in the program, lines with ‘>v>’ show results assigned to local variables, and lines with ‘>>>’ show results of un-named expressions.

Further, trace methods lets you trace the use of all methods in a class, along with the values of the arguments passed to each method. Here's the result of adding trace methods to the Oblong class shown earlier and then running tryOblong:

      --- Oblong.nrx

    8 *=*     method Oblong(newwidth, newheight)

      >a> newwidth "5"

      >a> newheight "3"

   26 *=*     method print

  Oblong 5 x 3

   20 *=*     method relsize(relwidth, relheight)-

   21 *-*                   returns Oblong

      >a> relwidth "1"

      >a> relheight "1"

   26 *=*     method print

  Oblong 6 x 4

   10 *=*     method Oblong(newwidth, newheight)

      >a> newwidth "1"

      >a> newheight "2"

   26 *=*     method print

  Oblong 1 x 2

where lines with ‘>a>’ show the names and values of the arguments.

It's often useful to be able to find out when (and where) a variable's value is changed. The trace var instruction does just that; it adds names to or removes names from a list of monitored variables. If the name of a variable in the current class or method is in the list, then trace results is turned on for any assignment, loop, or parse instruction that assigns a new value to the named variable.

Variable names to be added to the list are specified by listing them after the var keyword. Any name may be optionally prefixed by a - sign., which indicates that the variable is to be removed from the list.

For example, the program ‘trace2.nrx’:

  trace var a b

  -- now variables a and b will be traced




  trace var -b c

  -- now variables a and c will be traced




  say a b c

would result in:

      --- trace2.nrx

    3 *=* a=3

      >v> a "3"

    4 *=* b=4

      >v> b "4"

    8 *=* a=a+1

      >v> a "4"

   10 *=* c=c+1

      >v> c "6"

  4 5 6

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From The NetRexx Language by Mike Cowlishaw, (ISBN 0-13-806332-X, 197pp, Prentice-Hall, 1997).